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1  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Programming / Super Sawndz! on: July 15, 2012, 11:20:45 PM

June 16th 2022
QuickLava updated Super Sawndz and has made it way easier to use.
Please use their version for future use.

I was thinking about calling this Sawndz 64 but it works on 32 bit as well!

This is a c# wrapper for Jaklub's sawndz program. I've added the ability to

  • Browse wav ids
  • Preview sounds
  • Select a .brsar file from anywhere to edit
  • Shows file size of sounds and groups. Turns red to notify you size is over 0xDDDDD

This doesn't come with sndconv.exe/dsptool.dll/soundfile.dll to convert .wav files, but it can use them if you put them in the folder. It also has some of the same stability problems as before(maybe some new ones!) so remember to back up your .brsar. Size limit of 0xDDDDD only matters for most characters, but coloring applies for all.

2  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Brawl File Replacement Utility on: February 17, 2011, 06:04:52 PM
Hey guys! I'm back again! I posted a topic on here awhile ago about a brawl file manager with a nice gui and pictures.
 Oh shi~
Well that turned into a real mess and I decided to start over.

Finally! It's complete! With this simple view you can quickly jump from character to color, from stage to module!
Or use the advanced view to map files and folders directly.
Now includes support for Ocarina GCT files and custom XML.

Download it from my site http://agoaj.com/blog/?p=17.

Video of it in action:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsodNSSAc54" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsodNSSAc54</a>

Now it's super simple. The program shows a tree of all the files on the brawl disc, you can select any file and map it to any other file on your external device. Then you can save that as a riivolution xml.

If you guys want to try it, you can download it from

Hopefully this will make things easier for others as well.

Edit: Slight update to improve file naming.

Edit 2: Fixed folder naming issues.
3  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Brawl Hack Management program on: October 24, 2010, 11:17:31 AM
I'm kind of annoyed by managing my brawl hacks, never know which file is which. So I'm trying to make a program that can handle that.

I'm designing it to work with Riivolution, creating custom xml sheets that map the brawl texture files directly to whatever file you want. After that's working, I would expand it to generate csps so your brawl menu is always up to date.
Has this already been done? Is anyone else interested in this as well?
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