Hi, I've been looking for a way to reapply textures, because sometimes the materials do not apply correctly the first time the model is imported into 3DS max (2014). Is there any way to fix this problem? I'm not talking about going to the Materials list and using the orbs to just put the texture back on again, because that doesn't do anything. Thanks in advance
This is a picture of what my model looks like right now (Kunoichi from Dynasty Warriors). Notice how the cloak has gray spots on it. I want to fix the colors on this.
And here's the texture:
EDIT: looked at the model again, and it seems like the gray spots are actually colored on the wrong side of the cloak. The inside of the cloak is all gray, with squares of the outside coloring in the same spots as the gray spots on the outside. So the texture is applied to the correct place, but on the wrong side of the model.