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Author Topic: Essential PSA Information  (Read 204594 times)
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« Reply #165 on: May 27, 2010, 01:40:21 PM »

I have two questions


http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?odnz2mdgkri Does this PSA have that file bug error? I just read it and I think it was saying it dosn't I just want to make sure

I'm fixing someones PSA which was corrupted by 1.3 and it's for mario after editing two movfes it went from 216 to 240 KB how high can mario's file go? (I've been using the Save As trick to stop the file size)

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    « Reply #166 on: July 15, 2010, 04:26:27 PM »

    Okay, if anyone finds the flag for giga-bowser's Down Smash please tel me! That is all

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    « Reply #167 on: July 15, 2010, 07:49:39 PM »

    Hey guys, I did some quick experementing and found out some things. Note that I said QUICK testing. You should probably experement on these yourselves too since u know more about psa than me ^_^;; this is all part of my quest to find the electric/Ice flag if there is one. I'm sure there is, otherwise they wouldn't put it in the game right? XP Here's what I've found so far.

    19: does nothing
    20: Seems to be a "harder" hit(at least I assume so, the 'contact' graphic changes and the person is sent flying a little further, I also noted a 'smoke' trail from the opponent)
    21: does nothing
    22:Kind of interesting, does a sort of slash hit graphic.(I think it's from one of the pokemon or an assist trophy :s)
    23:kind of interesting, similar to 3, but with more sparks and some white sparkles. also shows some sparks around where the hitbox is and not just the target.
    24: Same as 4 but with some blue sparkles around the contact area (4just freezes you)
    25:same as 5 but with some longer lasting fire graphics
    26:Mario's coin again
    27:Mario's cape again
    28:Pretty interesting, makes the opponent trip on their ass xD (like forward flip then hit their butt)
    29: Sleep again
    30:nothing that I can see
    31: same as 21
    32:Yet another alternative 'hit' graphic
    33:Darkness again
    34:sort of interesting stun, throws you back a bit after the shaking stops(if you're hit by it)
    35: Lucario's aura thing (the blue smoke when you're hit by the attack)
    36: Impale again (this time with the graphic )
    37:Very interesting, plasters your opponent to the ground in the t pose for a bit(same as a stun though)
    38:Kinda cool, does all the damage but doesn't move the opponent ANY, they like, just stand there like you didn't hit them at all lol
    39: does nothing significant
    40: OMG found it! haha syke, but it is interesting. It's the 'hit' graphic when you're smacked with the paper fan ^_^
    41:nothing interesting
    42:wooo another hit graphic...

    Thanks to a nice tip I now know how to get the electric/ice thing X_X ugh saved me a ton of searching, oh well, found some hilarious stuff though huh? xD

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    « Reply #168 on: July 25, 2010, 04:16:33 PM »

    What is the event: 25062000? It has 31 parameters.

    And 40064000? It has 63 parameters.

    And 00007FFE? It has 126 parameters.
    « Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 04:19:08 PM by Hollow » Logged

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    « Reply #169 on: July 27, 2010, 02:32:44 PM »

    I think this will help you:

    Quote from: Dantarion
    Commands are mostly like this.


    XX = Command Category. Most commands that share the first two numbers involve the same stuff.
    YY = Command ID
    VV = Number of Parameters
    EE = External or not. From what I can tell, anything with a 01 here is a subroutine in another file. For example, Mario's up+b calls specialJumpAttack, which is defined in Fighter.pac
    « Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 03:14:20 PM by Sumire Omelette » Logged

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    « Reply #170 on: August 31, 2010, 01:15:17 PM »

    I have a question about If: Button pressed that's causing me some problems in Ganondorf's new AirLow attack.

    I have it set to that if button E (A and B at the same time) is pressed, then it's supposed to change the attack to a different element. and different graphics and hit sound effects. but whenever I do it in game it goes to his special low Air?

    If Button Pressed = Tapped once?
    If Button Press = Held down?
    If Button Released = not pressed at all?

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    « Reply #171 on: October 01, 2010, 06:19:08 PM »

    When clicking on the list of graphic effects it just takes me to a site that gives out computers. Is there any other place I can go to find them? I need it for my ice luigi PSA.

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    « Reply #172 on: October 25, 2010, 02:27:44 PM »

    Found out some VERY useful info on the Hitbox Flags and how they work overall in the OpenSA wiki site.  I'll try to explain it as best I can:

    The Flags are basically these things called "Bits" (not to be confused with the Variable RA Bit etc).  Bits are shown in hex in PSA, and are made up of a single hex number.  

    This hex number is equivalent to 4 Bits which are shown in Binary.  Here's a reference list showing all the Hex->Binary Bit conversions:

    Hex         Binary
    0             0000
    1             0001
    2             0010
    3             0011
    4             0100
    5             0101
    6             0110
    7             0111
    8             1000
    9             1001
    A             1010
    B             1011
    C             1100
    D             1101
    E             1110
    F             1111  

    To understand this further, take a common example of a full Flag list like 39030200:

    Hex: 39030200
    Binary: 0011 1001 0000 0011 0000 0010 0000 0000

    Now the general rule for this is that:
    If a Binary digit = 0, the bit is NOT set
    If a Binary digit = 1, the bit IS set

    Here is what each Bit roughly means for regular Offensive Collisions:

    Bits 1-4 (???): Unknown what they do, but pretty much all of them are either at 0011, 0010, 0001 and occasionally 0000.  

    This means the Flag Hex number should always be 0, 1, 2 or 3

    Bit 5 (Priority): This affects the hitbox's priority.  If set to 0, the priority is low and won't "clang" with other attacks.  If set to 1, the priority is higher and will "clang with other attacks.

    This means the Flag Hex number should be 0 to 7 for low priority, and 8 to F for high priority.

    Bits 6-10 (Type): These are only important for Subspace Emissary.  They affect what kind of type the attack is (for sticker upgrades) e.g. Arm, Tail, Fire, Explosive etc

    Bits 11-14 (???): Again unknown, but all hitboxes have the Binary digits set at 0000.

    This means that the Flag Hex number should always be 0

    Bits 15-16 (Ground and Aerial): These affect whether the hitbox can hit both grounded and aerial enemies.  In almost all cases, these are both set to 1.

    This means that the Flag Hex number should always be 1, 2 or (usually) 3 (so that Bits 13-14 stay at 00)

    Bits 17-18 (???): Again unknown and like Bits 11-14, they are always set at 00.

    This means that the Flag Hex number should always be 0, 1, 2 or 3

    Bits 19-26 (Sound):  These affect what sound the attack makes when it hits.  If the attack does no damage, the sound does not play

    Bit 27 (???): Yet another unknown and another than is always at 0

    Bits 28-32 (Effect): Currently the only ones that we know properly at the moment.  These are what give an attack a certain effect (e.g. Slash, Coin, Stun etc).  They do not overlap like the others.

    But that's just the beginning.  These Bits are completely different for Special Offensive Collisions:

    Bits 1-7 (???): Competely unknown at the moment

    Bit 8 (Absorbability): Determines whether or not a move can be absorbed by Oil Panik or PSi Magnet. 0 means it cannot be absorbed.  1 means it can.

    This means that the Flag Hex value has to be odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7 etc) to be absorbable, or even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8 etc) for it not to be absorbable.

    Bit 9 (Reflectability): Determines whether or not a move can be reflected.  0 means it cannot be reflected.  1 means it can.

    This means that the Flag Hex value has to 0 to 7 for it not to be reflectable or 8 to F for it to be reflectable.

    Bit 10 (Reflectability/Blockability): Determines whether or not a move can be blocked or not (shielded or reflected). 

    This means that the Flag Hex value has to be 4 to 7 or C to F for it to be blockable.  Every other value means that it cannot be blocked.

    Bits 11-12 (???): Again, unknown.  Always at 00

    This means that the Flag Hex value has to always be 0, 4, 8 or 12.

    Bits 13-26 (Hit Bits): These affect what kind of targets the Bits can hit.  Not too much is known except the following:
    Bit 17: Damageable Floors
    Bit 18: Damageable Walls
    Bit 19: Damageable Ceilings
    Bit 26: Smashers (?)

    Bits 27-29 (???): Yay for unknowns.  This one we know nothing about whatsoever.

    Bits 30-32 (Angle Flipping/Knockback Reversal Toggle): These bits are strange ones.  Normally an attack will always send the opponent away from the attacker but these allow you to control things so that the opponent goes in a direction depending on factors like which way the attacker is facing.  More research is needed.

    Well that's it really.  I got all this info from here: http://anonym.to/?http://opensa.dantarion.com/wiki/Hitbox_Flags_(Brawl)

    I simply tried to simplify it and make it a tad more understandable.  I will post pure examples in a post below this one.

    « Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 02:40:39 PM by SDo0m InCaRnAtI0n » Logged

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    « Reply #173 on: November 14, 2010, 11:45:55 AM »

    Mabye this is necro'd but some of the links are wrong

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    « Reply #174 on: November 30, 2010, 12:14:36 AM »

    This program keeps giving me errors.  I downloaded it with all the text files including the instructions ( smash attacks program ).  Apparently there are issues with vista/7.  Is anyone running this program on vista or 7, or is everyone using xp?

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    « Reply #175 on: November 30, 2010, 04:39:20 AM »

    Have you tried the compatibility mode? That should work.

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    « Reply #176 on: May 28, 2011, 03:45:41 PM »

    Hey, i have a question. I want to give a character a move. I want to make it so that darkness will rise around lucario and do damage to whoever touches the darkness. However, i want it to impact an area twice the width of lucario. How would i do this?

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    « Reply #177 on: June 14, 2011, 03:16:02 PM »

    Sorry to be a bother, but if I wanted to get rid of Peach's floating what would I do?

    And if I wanted to give her a walljump, what do I do then?

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    « Reply #178 on: July 07, 2011, 08:37:06 PM »

    I'm starting to learn PSA, and I want to learn how to make a character glide/walljump when they originally couldn't. I've seen it on a Dark Link PSA.

    Also, how do I give a character more than one moveset that I can change at will by using taunts? I've seen some PSA characters that do this.

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    « Reply #179 on: July 08, 2011, 05:19:32 AM »

    @Darkrai - you need special IC constant codes for enabling the Glide and Walljump, then You have to have appropriate animations in the MotionEtc and placed in the proper subactions of PSA. PM me for questions cause this is necro-ing

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