yes, but when using blender you need to convert the file to an obj, and the conversion in newer versions of anim8or was screwing up the file and causing infinate planes to be in the model.
Do you export the object as model2? First deleat the original model (the one made by donkybox thats just called model) and insert the 3DS on the modeloriginal and it works just fine.
I think donkybox screwes it up cause it copies the file and renames it the original name. However when you put the 3DS on the "modeloriginal" file it works just fine. that's what I tried to say last time but worded it wrong >_>;;
The trick I learned to get past the size limit problem (for example making Taki sized ZSS) is to repeat the 'insert 3DS' process from the same 3DS file. Just export the originally edited model(The one you added the 3DS file to the first time) and do the trick above to it and bingo. XP sorry if that wasn't clear enough before, I suck at explaining things lol
How get past the blender problem
1: do the 'insert 3DS on mdlo' command with the apropriate vertex offset
2:When this is done, do NOT use the new mdlo file simply named "model" just deleat that.
3: use the 'insert 3DS on mdlo' command(Again with the apropriate mdlo offset number for the vertex u edited) on the file that donkybox names
modeloriginal4: replace the model of the original file with the new one that you just made.
Make absolutely sure that you put the 3DS file onto the ModelOriginal one before you replace the model file in the fit*characters name**number of costume*.pac! If you do this it will work perfectly every time.
Another note: In anim8or there should be a button on the left side of the screen that has four or five tiny blocks on it. when you click it it'll make the vertexes visible as squares instead of the usual circle. leave this on when exporting the thing to obj and when exporting the obj to the 3DS
Trick to get past the size limit (at least if you want to make something bigger) in the games system. (in other words the mdlo file)
1:export the newly edited model to donkybox folder and name it model
2: rinse and repeat the steps of the previous explanation but DO NOT redo the vertex editing etc, just stick with the 3DS file you already have! This way you can be sure that the exact same changes made last time are made to the model this time.