EDIT: -as this has already been done, im making a spanish version tomorrow
-como me han dicho y hecho ver ke este tutorial ya estaba hecho lo pondré en español mañana.
okay so here is my first tutorial, ive had some ppl asking this, so here it is in a video:
1- open the 2 models.
2- export the model u are going to use (the one u want to change)
3- export the vertex set from the other model(for example a model with a different sword) and name said group: vertex.ddf (remember to copy the mdl0 offset somewhere)
4- open dasdonkey box 1.0 and create 3ds file
5- import the ddv.3ds in 3ds max or anim8or
6- export it again and overwrite the previous ddv.3ds file.
7-in dasdonkey box, click on insert 3ds into MDL0
8- paste the mdl0 offset
9- uve got ur new model done.
example: u got normal marth and grim reaper marth, and want to have normal marth wear the scythe,
u would export the normal marth's model and the scythe vertex group. but u should notice that the scythe is made out of 3 or 4 different vertexes, so just repeat the process for every vertex set needed.