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    « Reply #450 on: March 15, 2011, 05:47:27 PM »

    Ah okay....
    Do you think you could maybe do a mdlo fixer?
    Like you know the model fixing thing that fortwaffle made? Except in one program?
    It's made in game maker, so you'll probably need to study VB, either that or look at how it works and make it in ur own code XP

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    « Reply #451 on: March 15, 2011, 05:49:15 PM »

    There IS a text tutorial for fixing MDL0s, you know.

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    « Reply #452 on: March 15, 2011, 05:50:04 PM »

    If this is more advanced, could you (Tcll) possibly assemble this as an .exe?

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    « Reply #453 on: March 15, 2011, 05:54:10 PM »

    what's wrong with .py?

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    « Reply #454 on: March 15, 2011, 05:58:35 PM »

    hey 404

    you seem to be pretty interested...
    1: how much do you know about Py?? (hopefully more than me)
    2: would you like to help out??
    1. Just the basic commands, a few math functions, the while loop, and text file reading/writing. I'm in a programming course (which is available to freshmen at our school, which is awesome)
    2. Sure, but I don't know much about the format. Or anything about 3D model files, really XD

    a course... lucky *jelous*
    my school's filled with a bunch of retards for teachers Im srs here

    and about 3D formatting, when I started, I thought I knew everything...
    but when it came down to it, all I knew about was verts, normals, UV's, and faces(obj)
    now i've been shown a whole new world due to the mdl0

    and for helping out,
    I'll post the project on google code
    you can help out and add notes or whatever there Smiley

    yeh I had a hard time figuring out the for loop as well
    but it's as simple as this:

    number = [1,3,5,3,7,9]

    for n in number:
        print n


    or you can do this:

    for I, n in enum(number):
    print str(I) + ' ' + str(n)

    1 1
    2 3
    3 5
    4 3
    5 7
    6 9

    I'm doing somethig similar to this for the SCW buttons Cheesy
    « Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 06:04:16 PM by Tcll » Logged

    Quote: Friedslick6
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    « Reply #455 on: March 15, 2011, 06:00:37 PM »

    If this is more advanced, could you (Tcll) possibly assemble this as an .exe?

    there is a way to do it... (compile py into exe)
    but I'm not exactly sure how :/

    still though...
    the py acts as an exe, so it's really NBD

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
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    « Reply #456 on: March 15, 2011, 06:12:23 PM »

    Im unfamiliar with python or how to use this so can anyone explain the basics?

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    « Reply #457 on: March 15, 2011, 06:16:20 PM »

    Im unfamiliar with python or how to use this so can anyone explain the basics?

    well first off, do you want to prog, or do you just want to use it??

    if you want to program, I've found a guide that taught be the basics well Smiley
    but I forgot where it was...

    I'll edit this post when I find it...

    EDIT: found it
    « Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 06:17:49 PM by Tcll » Logged

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

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    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

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    « Reply #458 on: March 15, 2011, 06:37:01 PM »

    I really don't know anything about 3D model files.
    Anywhere you can point me to with some notes on them?

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    « Reply #459 on: March 15, 2011, 06:43:53 PM »

    I really don't know anything about 3D model files.
    Anywhere you can point me to with some notes on them?

    well obj is about the easiest to understand

    vert: #3D point position
    v X Y Z

    normal: #used for face direction
    vn X Y Z

    uv: #texture position on face
    vt X Y

    facepoint: #faces connect between verts/uv's
    f v,vn,vt #point
    f v,vn,vt  v,vn,vt #line
    f v,vn,vt  v,vn,vt  v,vn,vt #tri
    f v,vn,vt  v,vn,vt  v,vn,vt  v,vn,vt #quad
    f v,vn,vt  v,vn,vt  v,vn,vt  v,vn,vt  v,vn,vt ... #polygon

    so that's the basic model...

    I'm still kinda just getting started on materials and shaders,
    so I can't really explain anything yet :/

    I'm afraid IDK of any good guides yet...
    but wiki is ok on 3D stuff :/
    « Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 06:51:03 PM by Tcll » Logged

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

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    « Reply #460 on: March 15, 2011, 07:12:35 PM »

    Update on the brawlbox mod:
    I'm going to edit the parser to support 1.4.1 dae models, which are the most common collada version, after I fix everything else. It might take a while but it'll be much more convenient because I literally cannot get a good collada 1.4.0 exporter and the ones I have now won't export correctly or import correctly. I have no idea why Kryal decided to set up the parser for 1.4.0...

    You guys will have a really hard time getting the models in the right format if I don't do this, and that practically defeats the purpose.

    Badace Kitten
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    « Reply #461 on: March 15, 2011, 07:39:38 PM »

    Sounds like everyone's getting where they want to go with their program @+@
    Yay for us who suck at vertexing Cheesy
    And model hacking....lol

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    « Reply #462 on: March 15, 2011, 07:59:07 PM »

    Sounds like everyone's getting where they want to go with their program @+@
    Yay for us who suck at vertexing :D
    And model hacking....lol

    that would be one of many reasons I'm doing this :D

    but srsly...
    why simply vertex, when you can dev a completely new char >:D

    how bout my char Riku, once I get good at modelling <:(
    I'm gonna try to push the mdl0 file to it's limits while using only a small amount of data >:D
    how's that sound >:)

    eg: rendering actual fur or hair should take less data than using multiple meshes as brawl does
    (take a look at the ice climbers hoods)
    not only that, but it'd look more hi-res :D

    if I had the time and what not <_<
    I could shrink brawl down by possibly 2GB at most (excluding movies, music, and dummy files)
    movies take up ~3GB
    dummy files take up ~1.3MB
    not to mention making it look alot better :D

    I could prbly get ~0.05GB (50MB) out of the music
    « Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 08:08:55 PM by Tcll » Logged

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

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    « Reply #463 on: March 15, 2011, 08:56:46 PM »


    If you do that then yeah
    Also we need obj format support for the converter too Cheesy

    Angel Kitten
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    « Reply #464 on: March 15, 2011, 09:12:25 PM »


    If you do that then yeah
    Also we need obj format support for the converter too Cheesy

    yeh... I intend to make it importable...
    got quite a few good ideas passed on to me Smiley

    I'm also gonna try to add advanced conversion methods...
    that way it's not just triangles or tri's + quads

    I'm gonna try to get linestrips, tristrips, trifans, and quads
    (quads if all triangles)
    that'll be quite a pain to program...
    but I won't regret it when it saves me a ton of space Cheesy

    here's an example:

    tristrip containing 5 triangles (1 mismatch):

    ^8 lines (can be 7 without the mismatch)

    now, 5 triangles:

    ^15 lines

    see the difference Tongue

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

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