« on: June 29, 2011, 08:55:13 AM » |
So, sorry if this is disgustingly noobish of me, but it would appear that no one else is having this problem (which I cannot imagine is a good sign on behalf of my intelligence.)
Regardless, here's the problem: When loading Brawl+ from Gecko 1.9.1, it says that there are SD codes detected and that it's applying them; however, when the game loads, it is identical to Vanilla Brawl. I can also imagine this wouldn't be such a perplexing problem if, on the first launch, it didn't actually work. Yes, the first time I launched it, it launched as Brawl+, with all the features of Brawl+ (split Pokémon Trainer, ZSS and Shiek as separate characters, etc.)
Is there something I should be doing that I accidentally did right the first time, but that I'm somehow missing subsequent times, or am I just cursed?
I also believe it's worth mentioning that I just started modding yesterday, and have not been able to get it to work more than once. Also, after that first launch, I chose to do a little exploring through Gecko, and I believe that's what may have screwed me over. I chose "Launch Rebooter" and it never worked after that, which I would think would have been fixed after I reinstalled Gecko and Brawl+, but apparently not.
Thanks, Pathular