You know you can export and replace vertex sets using Brawlbox v0.65+, right? Your changes are saved...
(I can delete this post after you post a response so you can have two posts btw)
I think this is way faster to do XD Just export both vertices from 2 dif vertex hacks, select the data of the part of the polygon you want then put it onto your model

I suck at explaining .___. The export/import changes all of the vertices in the model thus I cannot use Dark Samus' chest without changing her hand too so this way would allow me to select only her chest.. Rawr I suck XP
Edit: Tutorial thingy here
So, just for the sake of showing how this works, I present to you the models I'll be using as an example
Model A: A semi-import vertex mix (semi import because the hair is now a different polygon)
Model B: A vertex
To get the imported hair and the face like model A to model B I need to make the hair go away like this:
on model B
I'll start with the face (replacing the whole vertex can be done with BB but this way is also able if you want to)
1-Export the vertex of the original model and the new one and delete the first line of both
2-After doing that put the .mdl0 into the hex editor then select all of the lines in the original vertex file and use search on the model file.
3-Then copy all of the data from the new vertex onto the model (should be the same amount of lines unless you did something wrong or are trying to mix incompatible models)
And that takes care of the
face part you wanted to give to the other model!
Now to make the hair disappear like magic (I used Beyond's Zero for the hair to shrink)
Repeat step 1
4-To select the hair WITHOUT touching his earings, boots and hands instead of selecting all of the lines you goto the offset, using the data on this thread (currently only has Link's hair..), inside both the original and new vertex files.
5-Drag down until you reach the correct length or offset (I check with length since its clearer to see)
6-Use copy and search from the original vertex on the model and replace the data on the model with the new vertex...
7-Complain that I suck at explaining
9- Profit!
Now all I need is to import the hair onto this model and texture it correctly <3
I hope this is an okay tutorial XP