I'm not sure about bump maps (I've never seen them used nor referenced), but I know that the MDL0 format does support Normal Maps.
If you look in a material and go to the property "IndirectMethod1-4", you can see NormalMap and NormalMapSpecular. "Indirect" textures are used by the shader for displacement. Generally it's just set to "Warp" for regular displacement(?)/spec maps like this.
Also under the material properties, there's "NormMapRefLight1-4" which specifies which SCN0 light to use for the normal maps. So there's definitely hope there, the only problem is no games ever use it. So we're on our own to figure it out.
I've been meaning to work on it, but idk how to make normal maps and I have other stuff to do D:
I've tried implementing bump maps, though I don't even know if I ever got them to work. Other M uses them, so if anyone is ever interested in fitting them to work with Brawl, that would be a good place to start.
hit me up with some random files