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Author Topic: Project m hunters mod (input wanted!)  (Read 3228 times)
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« on: March 22, 2015, 03:25:28 PM »

I'll try to keep this brief and to the point so I don't drag on.

I recently started a project of making all 6 hunters and adding them to brawl, balanced to project m. However I would feel bad if I didn't have community input on them. My favorite has always been spire, as I've wanted him in smash forever and have been dreaming of what his moves would be for years. I don't have that passion for any of the other hunters, but you guys might! So I would like your opinion on what each hunter should have. Also I'm making this thread as a landmark because I just finished all their models (will be attached) and am starting texturing, so there will be some time in between before I actually start working in brawl box.

What I was thinking (I'm looking forward to being wrong!)
Trace: think spacey (without a shine): very heavy but still quick.
Sylux: Assassin: plays dirty and mean, average weight and power.
Noxus: Honorable guy: average weight and power, uses cannon arm for hits.
Weavel: Guy with sword: similar in style to space pirates. A bit heavy and slow
Kanden: A smaller hulk: beats people with fists and kick to a pulp, average weight and power.
Spire: Uses stone arm as primary hitter, don't want to spoil too much here :3

General requests
1. Projectile/animation heavy=more time. I'm specifically using weavel with his sword, so I don't have to make a lot of projectiles.
2. Alt forms: believe me they're cool and I'd love to implement them. If it doesn't fit their fighting style or have a place in project M I'd rather not go back to modeling for one move.
3. Try to stick to your favorite character. It's not that I don't want good input on multiple characters, but if you feel like you're just giving ideas because you felt you left too little. By all means quality over quantity!
4. Style is important for basic, specifics for special. So for basic A moves a comment on their style or how their play should feel could possibly go way further than any one move in specific. I'd love to make Weavel a stab you in the back swordsman (like most pirates), but if you guys think he'd be better with an honorable samurai style (for example) or something that goes a lot further than "basic jab combo is forward slash cross slash, stab."
5. ^the opposite is true for special moves, I'd hate to capture the identity wrong, but it's very obvious if a special fits their core identity or not. You don't see samus pull out a pistol to shoot people, even if it did the same damage it would be wrong. For specials think iconic moves. Specials have the right to be cooler.
6. Try to keep the specials simple and useful. Most of us have played sma4sh, but I don't know if this goes without saying. There are characters with completely useless specials that make you wonder why the creators even gave them it. An example I can think of is samus' morph ball bomb. While iconic and cool, it only ever had use in melee for recovery. Also if it takes hours to animate one move, and then it's just way too niche to be useful in any setting is it really worth it?
7. Weight and power of moves is also good if anything.
8. I'd love for them all to have projectiles, but if it doesn't fit their style it's ok.

Some P.S.
If the models seem off tell me! I haven't applied bones and vertex groups yet so it's still easy. Since I'll be texturing soon though if you have an issue with models tell me.


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« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2015, 01:01:48 PM »

Hi there Shad0wmaster - I just ran across your hunter models. I'm looking for an accurate one of Kanden, but it's great that you're trying to create all of them. I'd be happy to pay you for some of this labor.
I just got done creating a complete Kanden texture map. It goes over an Iron Man model, which is fairly accurate, but I'm interested in redoing the texturing over a much closer model.

I would personally not mind a simple Kanden re-skinning that preserves all the old Samus moves, but if you want new moves, I like the idea of Kanden having special volt driver and Stinglarva moves. Sound effects would be easy to recreate.

If you want help or morale support, ask me anytime.


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« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2015, 06:35:28 PM »

I got to be honest, it would be really cool to see these over Project M's Samus, with the same moves as Samus, just as re-skins.

Newbie Kitten
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« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2015, 09:15:41 PM »

Hi there Shad0wmaster - I just ran across your hunter models. I'm looking for an accurate one of Kanden, but it's great that you're trying to create all of them. I'd be happy to pay you for some of this labor.
I just got done creating a complete Kanden texture map. It goes over an Iron Man model, which is fairly accurate, but I'm interested in redoing the texturing over a much closer model.

I would personally not mind a simple Kanden re-skinning that preserves all the old Samus moves, but if you want new moves, I like the idea of Kanden having special volt driver and Stinglarva moves. Sound effects would be easy to recreate.

If you want help or morale support, ask me anytime.

If you're looking to do a kanden texture for yourself I'd send you a copy of my model no problem. I dabbled in texturing just to see how I would do, and it was awful. I spent hours trying to make it look even decent and just couldn't do it. Any help would be great. To be honest I haven't gotten all that far into bones and stuff yet, so I wouldn't know how hard it would be to just throw samus' bones into the model and hope for the best, but if it would work for any of these models it would probably be Kanden's. If you're looking to help message me, I'll do anything besides texture...

I got to be honest, it would be really cool to see these over Project M's Samus, with the same moves as Samus, just as re-skins.
I don't disagree, new custom skins are totally cool and samus' moveset is great. The issue here is most of the models here are much different than samus', and while I could adjust them to be similar in size and proportion, it could really kill the feel of each hunter. The only one it might work on is Kanden, the others would be in a state that I would be too ashamed to even call it a hunters mod. Thank you for the input though, glad to know you think the models are cool.

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« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2015, 10:22:55 PM »

Oh, that's lame. I wish you luck though. You're obviously a more patient person than I am.

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