I actually have a request.
Currently, I'm using Picano's Black and Blue Falco for my blue Falco costume, and though it is a really cool concept and executed very well, I can't help but feel that it's more suited for the black costume than the blue costume, especially when paired with the Black and Red costume floating around that I use currently as my black outfit (that and I'm not a huge fan of the texture of the jacket itself. Feels a bit "unnatural"). So I wanted to get a new blue costume for Falco...but what?
Then I came across this: a texture hack of the Falco's assault costume (
http://smashenigmas.wordpress.com/2009/07/24/falco-lombardi-assault/), and it struck me, I completely missed out on the obvious choice, and my favorite Falco outfit in all of the Star Fox media: Falco's Star Fox Adventures costume. I was wondering if you would be able to do that for me after testing out and enjoying your work.
reference pictures:
http://www.rare-extreme.com/images/highresfalco.jpghttp://www.cubeye.it/public/images/Falco_Lombardi.jpghttp://inspectornills.deviantart.com/art/Falco-Lombardi-from-Starfox-14059238Obviously it's not going to come out 100% perfect; I doubt you can recreate the sunglasses and headband, nor would you be able to get rid of the scarf, so just leave his headgear/scarf as is (with altered colors of course
). Just try and get it as close as you possible can to the costume, and I'll be eternally greatful.