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Author Topic: Adding 50CP to your Legacy TE build, featuring Pyro the 3000 IQ intellectual  (Read 4872 times)
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Ricky (Br3)
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    « on: May 01, 2020, 05:31:46 PM »

    Adding 50CP to your Legacy TE build, featuring Pyro the 3000 IQ intellectual
    Obtained from Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/SSBPM/comments/cqbtp2/anyone_know_to_add_costumes_csps_bps_and_stock/)
    Credits probably by PYRO

    (Examples at the end)

    1. Codes
    The codes are easily the most difficult part, but I've figured out the way it works so I'll try to make this as easy as possible.
    First, some replacements. For this, each section of code will have two locations that are edited. So you will need to replace 586150 with 547000 two times for this to work. There is also a third column that tells you what character you are editing (useful for later steps)
    Replace | With   | Character
    586150  | 547000 | Mario
    5864B8  | 5470C8 | DK
    586538  | 547190 | Link
    586248  | 547258 | Samus
    586260  | 547320 | ZSS
    586198  | 5473E8 | Yoshi
    586278  | 5474B0 | Kirby
    5861B0  | 547578 | Fox
    586398  | 547640 | Pikachu
    5863F8  | 547708 | Luigi
    586488  | 5477D0 | Falcon
    5862A8  | 547898 | Ness
    5864D0  | 547960 | Bowser
    5864E8  | 547A28 | Peach
    586440  | 547AF0 | Zelda
    586458  | 547BB8 | Sheik
    586428  | 547C80 | ICs
    5862C0  | 547D48 | Marth
    5863B0  | 547E10 | G&W
    5861C8  | 547ED8 | Falco
    5865B0  | 547FA0 | Ganon
    455334  | 548388 | Wario <<<< THIS CODE IS WRONG, don't use it
    5862F0  | 548068 | Meta Knight
    5863C8  | 548130 | Pit
    586308  | 5481F8 | Olimar
    5860D8  | 5482C0 | Lucas
    5864A0  | 548388 | Diddy
    5863E0  | 548450 | Zard
    586170  | 548518 | Squirtle
    5861F0  | 5485E0 | Ivy
    586320  | 5486A8 | D3
    586218  | 548770 | Lucario
    586338  | 548838 | Ike
    586590  | 548900 | ROB
    586290  | 5489C8 | Puff
    586570  | 548A90 | Tink
    586368  | 548B58 | Wolf
    586350  | 548C20 | Snake
    586550  | 548CE8 | Sonic
    586230  | 586230 | Mewtwo
    5860F0  | 5860F0 | Roy

    ***Note: the three Pokemon will require a third replacement, thanks to mawk for pointing this out

    Next, determine how many costumes you want. Between each entry (marked with 06 and then one of the numbers you just replaced, there is a line of code that determines the number of bytes to write. Use the table below to determine what you use for your section of code.
    4-7 "00000010"
    8-11 "00000018"
    12-15 "00000020"
    16-19 "00000028"
    20-23 "00000030"
    24-27 "00000038"
    28-31 "00000040"
    32-35 "00000048"
    36-39 "00000050"
    40-43 "00000058"
    44-47 "00000060"
    48-50 "00000068"

    Now, you write the data for each costume. First pick a color, write the number assigned to it, and then select the PAC assigned to it, and write it's number as well. Make sure you start every line with "* " and add a space between every 8 digits you type.
    Color Table
    Red(T) 00, Blue(T) 01, Yellow 02, Green(T) 03, Purple 04, L. Blue 05, Pink 06, Brown 07, Black 08, White 09, Orange 0A, Gray 0B
    PAC Table
    00 - 00
    01 - 01
    02 - 02
    03 - 03
    04 - 04
    05 - 05
    06 - 06
    07 - 07
    08 - 08
    09 - 09
    10 - 0A
    11 - 0B
    13 - 0D
    14 - 0E
    15 - 0F
    16 - 10
    17 - 11
    18 - 12
    19 - 13
    20 - 14
    21 - 15
    22 - 16
    23 - 17
    24 - 18
    25 - 19
    26 - 1A
    27 - 1B
    28 - 1C
    29 - 1D
    30 - 1E
    31 - 1F
    32 - 20
    33 - 21
    34 - 22
    35 - 23
    36 - 24
    37 - 25
    38 - 26
    39 - 27
    40 - 28
    41 - 29
    42 - 2A
    43 - 2B
    44 - 2C
    45 - 2D
    46 - 2E
    47 - 2F
    48 - 30
    49 - 31
    50 - 32

    Now, write 0C00 at the end of the string and add zeroes to the end until it finishes off the line.

    2. UI
    Adding the UI images are the same as replacing them, just with different names. Here I'll explain it in depth for this to work.

    For each, you can just import new CSPs and follow the same naming convention as vBrawl/vPM.
    For Link, it would be MenSelchrFaceB.021-080.

    Stock Icons
    By far the most annoying and time consuming.
    Stocks are read from StockFaceTex.brres in pf/menu/common folder. Basically follow the vPM naming structure, but with the new locations (found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ydxpdOh0G9cyNP33nRJm6dORpe5f6mVg0MR2aD8ao0A/)
    For Link, using TE's modified locations, it would be InfStc.0101-0150.

    BPs are read in the pf/info/portrite folder. TE uses a modified naming structure to match the stock icons.
    For Link, the BPs would be located at InfFace0101-150.brres.

    3. Costume Files
    Make sure you have all of your costumes .pacs in the correct folder. TE 2.11 does not require .pcs files anymore, and Masquerade skips over pac 12.

    Example Character
    For this, I want to give Ivysaur 40 costumes.
    To start, I replace all of the codes listed in the first step of the codes section.
    Next, I chose 40, so I add 00000058 to my codes, making my codes look like so.

    Ivysaur Signifier
    * 065485E0 00000058 < Number of costumes

    Now, I start adding the colors and pac data. After I'm done, it looks like this.

    * 065485E0 00000058
    * 05000001 03020103 < Costume Data
    * 04040905 08060307
    * 00080109 090A100B
    * 050D000E 030F0110
    * 04110912 08130314
    * 05150016 03170118
    * 0419091A 081B031C
    * 001D011E 091F1020
    * 05210022 03230124
    * 04250926 08270328

    Now I add my terminating 0C00 and any extra 0's to fill out the rest of the line.

    * 065485E0 00000058
    * 05000001 03020103
    * 04040905 08060307
    * 00080109 090A100B
    * 050D000E 030F0110
    * 04110912 08130314
    * 05150016 03170118
    * 0419091A 081B031C
    * 001D011E 091F1020
    * 05210022 03230124
    * 04250926 08270328
    * 0C000000 00000000 < Terminating Section

    I then add this to [Legacy TE] Masquerade Costumes (2/2) [ds22, denz, Yohan1044] to where the existing one is (marked by 065485E0 in my case).

    Once that is done, all I need to do is add UI and make sure all my character files are in order, and then Ivysaur has 40 costumes!
    « Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 05:46:31 PM by Ricky (Br3) » Logged



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