Does anyone remember the original Shadow Hack by Mastaklo? This hack, alongside the Flaming Blue CSS, used to be the most downloaded Hacks on the Vault--alongside Cloud Strife, and Mewtwo, before Brawl Hacking became "industrialized" by Dev-Teams, and these Hacks were among the many motivators I had at the time to take up Brawl Hacking and become a Programmer myself.
Unfortunately, due to the effects of Media Attrition: This Shadow Hack, alongside the Dark Flaming Blue CSS, and Cloud Strife Hack have become lost to the Vault, and only AGFanProduction's Mewtwo remains from among the four. If anyone still has a copy of these files, please post the Download Link in this thread so that they can be properly archived. These Hacks have not just made an impact for me, but for the entire Hacking Community, and their Legacy deserves to be remembered.
The Lost Files
Shadow: Strife: Flaming Blue CSS: