The Enslaved
Download link for V1.2: Enslaved Lucas
Updates for V1.2
His side B has less momentum
His down B is a completely new move(scroll down for details)
His Up air is a new move
His up tilt is a new move
His side smash is a new move
his running move is a new move
His Final smash now has alot of damage and a nice rumbling sound
A slave to the darkness, Lucas has forsaken everything he ever loved for the lust of power
and darkness. It overwhelms him in this great new character.
(PSA, texture, and vertex hack.)
Also do note that this IS in fact my first moveset, and any suggestions or comments are welcome.
Same move, different graphics.
Running A
lucas cartwheels at the opponent, causing decent knockback and little damage. Faster move than before.
Down A - "Sweep"
Dark energy appears on each of Lucas's hands as he ducks down and slahes out with each hand. hits
both sides, electricuting the foe.
Forward A
Same move, different graphics.
Up A
Lucas draws fire to his hands and moves them in a circle, knocking the foes upwards.
Down Smash - "Tomb"
Lucas raises the earth infront of him, dealing damage and knock back similair to Lucas's original
Forward Smash - "Descent"
A ball of darkness in front of lucas falls quickly, dealing decent knockback and damage. Very fast move.
Up Smash - "Dark Spin"
Lucas flips through the air, drawing dark energy on his hands and feet. Decent knockback, better if
foe is closer to Lucas's body
Nuetral Air
Same move, different graphics.
Foward Air
Same move, different graphics.
Backward Air
Lucas backflips and releashes a small ball of energy. Stuns the foe
Up Air
Lucas kicks upwards, knocking foes straight up. quick, but slower to recover.
Down Air - "Explode"
Lucas does three kicks; the first two do nothing, but the third is an explosive spike that rockets the
foe downward. Spikes quite well.
Nuetral B - "Black Light"
Lucas draws energy twice and then fires a short range blast of light that has incredible knockback.
Hold B to charge, press B again to use.
Down B - "Black Star"
This move takes a long time to charge and only hits ground, but it deals an insane amount of damge.
I'm sorry, I couldnt get a pic, the graphics go by too fast.
Forward B - "Dark Blast"
Lucas fires a blast of darkness outward with decent range and good tripping.
Up B - "Dark Spiral"
Lucas spirals upwards, slaming foes with darkness. Decent knockback. This move only goes upward while
in the air, it also gathers momentum from the second jump.
Final Smash - "Dark Triumph"
Lucas draws the ground up and creates a massive pillar of darkness that sucks foes in and blasts them
to their doom.
I would like to thank three people for help on this project:
BeWop, for helping me come up with ideas
WeeGee, for answering alot of questions and helping me fix my problems
Theshyguy, for helping me with my up B move
Released 1.0 - 6/3/10
Released 1.2 - 6/19/10