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    « on: February 23, 2012, 07:10:16 PM »

    Parts I - IV by Beyond.

    First off let me give you a basic rundown of what this tutorial covers. With the release of BrawlBox v0.65, it is now possible to import models from other games into Brawl, so I will be explaining how to import a model over an existing Brawl character and have it work as an single costume for that character.

    This tutorial will cover importing a model and skeleton into max, basic rigging, proper import/export settings, various glitch fixing, and advanced model features for in-game such as metal textures, moving eyes, and changing faces.

    *I will not explain where to get models from/how to rip models or where to get 3DS Max. Im srs here

    Things you will need:
    - 3ds Max 2010, 2011, or 2014 (2012 and 2013 probably work too).
    I recommend using 2014. You can download 3ds Max for free here if you are a high school student (or not).
    *3DS Max 2010 and 2011 are used in this tutorial.*
    Tutorial for Maya users: http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=58027.0
    - BrawlBox v0.71
    - A model you want to import
    - The .pac/.pcs of the character you want to port the model over.
    - Script to detach objects by material ID

    NOTICE: Brawlbox v0.71 has a significant upgrade (the tristripper) that can optimize the data size of model meshes.
    USE ONLY BRAWLBOX v0.71 to import your model, then feel free to edit the model with whatever Brawlbox version you want. If you imported the model using any older version, see below under "Part VII: More Information & Tutorials" - "Optimizing a model's mesh to reduce possible lag". This will allow you to fix the problem.

    Basic 3DS Max Navigation Guide:
    Zoom In/Out - Spin the scroll wheel
    Panning/moving your view - Ctrl + Scroll Wheel Button and drag
    Rotating your view - Alt + Scroll Wheel Button and drag
    Also, pressing the Z key while an object is selected will auto zoom on the object into view.

    Alternatively, in the bottom right corner of 3DS Max, are your navigation tools.

    You can use this for basic viewport navigation, such as zooming in and out and panning your view. Rest your mouse arrow over them to see each ones function.

    Useful Links:
    Exchange Bone Weights Script
    BrawlBox Thread
    Justin712's Rigging Tutorial
    Compatible .DAE Plugin
    If you absolutely cannot find a working DAE plugin, try using the ones I have for 3ds Max 2010 and 8.

    Table of Contents:

    Part I: Getting Stuff Set Up
    Part II: Preparing your Skeleton
    Part III: Preparing your Model
    Part IV: Rigging your Model
    Part V: Getting Your Model Into Brawl
    Part VI: Advanced Features
    Part VII: More Information & Tutorials

    So lets get started!

    Part I: Getting Stuff Set Up

    *I will be showing my import of Yoko over Zerosuit Samus as an example in this tutorial (because it's already done).

    1) Open up your character's .pac or .pcs in BrawlBox v0.71. You should see something like this:

    2) Expand the ModelData[0], then the 3DModels(NW4R) folder and you should now see something similar to this:

    3) Expand the MDL0. Then right click next to the gray box where it says Fit[YourCharactersName] and click "Preview".

    4) The model preview window should pop up. Now take a good look at that model.  Wink
    *Use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out, right click+drag to move the model, ctrl+right click+drag to rotate the model.

    5) Close the model preview window. Now right click the MDL0 again, but this time click "Export".

    A dialogue box should appear asking you to save your model. Name it whatever you want but make sure you save it as a .dae

    Depending on your Brawlbox version, it may ask you "Do you want to export weighted normals?" Go ahead and choose yes or no; it won't matter either way.

    We're done with Brawlbox so you can close it for now.
    Now the real work begins....

    Part II: Preparing your Skeleton

    1) Start up 3DS Max. You should see something like this:
    Get used to looking at this. You'll be looking at it for a while. <_<

    2) Click the button in the upper left hand corner.

    - In the drop down menu, go down to and click Reset.

    - Now go down to and click Import:

    - A dialogue box should appear asking what model you want import. Select the .dae you exported from BrawlBox earlier.

    - This is important! Another dialogue box should appear similar to the one below, use the exact same settings as in the pic. The Cameras and Lights settings do not matter.

    - *If you recieve an error similar to this, it's fine, and just click OK:

    3) Your viewport should now look something like this:
    - Click within the bottom right preview window. And then in the bottom right corner of 3DS Max you should see this button , click it to expand your viewport.

    Your viewport should now look something like this:

    4) Now press the "H" key. This will bring up the "Select from Scene" dialogue box:
    Dummy Bones are identified by this symbol , Polygons are identified by this symbol .

    - Scroll down and select all of the Polygons. Make sure you don't select any bones. Then Click OK.

    - Press the "Delete" key, this will delete the polygons and should leave you with the imported Skeleton.

    Your skeleton is now ready for a model to be rigged to it.
    Now on to the hard part.....

    This is the part of the tutorial where things may start to differ vastly between my examples and your actual workspace. I will try my best to explain the following concepts. If you are unfamiliar with working with 3DS Max, I would like to take this moment to draw your attention to the Basic 3DS Max Navigation Guide found at the start of the tutorial just in case you need it.

    Part III: Preparing your Model

    1) Click the top left hand button again , and go down and click Import again. And import your model.

    *Note, that 3DS Max will only display models compatible with it. Certain model formats may need additional plugins installed or scripts to be imported.

    2) Depending on your model and its format you may get a wide variety of results after it imported. It may be too large or too small, rotated the wrong way, or untextured.

    *This is how my model imported:

    3) Now open this script and drag it into 3ds Max.
    Check "Bitmap" and then click DETACH.

    4) This step is not necessary but it is recommended.
    In order to reduce MDL0 file size later on,
    - click each object that has a different texture name,
    - add an edit poly modifier,
    - scroll down and click attach,
    - and then select another object with the same texture in its name.
    Attach any other objects individually the same way and then repeat for other objects with a different texture in their name. This process will make sure that there's exactly one object per texture.

    5) Now that your model is all detached and fixed up, you can now apply the textures if they're not displaying correctly. The names of the objects should be the same as its texture's name with a few numbers at the end. Simply drag each texture onto each object.

    6) Press the H key and make sure all of the polygons of your import model are selected and then click OK.
    Your model will have a white bounding box(es) around it:

    7) Now that your model is selected, you have to position it so that it is relatively the same size and rotation as your Brawl skeleton.

    These will involve using the Move , Rotate , and Scale tools found in your menu bar.

    Or alternatively you can Right Click and select it from the quick menu that appears:

    Using them is pretty simple. After selecting the tool on the menu bar, just click and hold within the crosshairs that appear on your model and drag. I won't go into too much detail here, it should be self explanatory once you play around with it.

    8.) You should have something similar to this, where your model is about the same size as your skeleton:

    As you can see, the arms aren't in T-pose. There are 2 solutions to this, I can either rotate the vertices of his arms into place or rotate his shoulder bones so that they match his current arms position. The same can be applied to other deformations your model may have. Do not MOVE or SCALE the bones!

    I'll explain both for you. I recommend you read through both even if you choose one method over the other.

    - Rotating the bone into place
    1) To rotate the shoulder bone into place, I can can either press the H key and select the shoulder bone from the list or I can just click on it if I can see it within my viewport.

    2) Then with the rotate tool, rotate it into place.

    - Rotating the vertices into place
    1) To rotate the vertices into place, select all of your model. Then to the right of your viewport is the command panel, click the Modify tab on the command panel.

    2) You should now see to your right something that says Modifier List. Click the drop down tab next to it and select Edit Mesh from the list.

    3) An Edit Mesh modifier will be added to all of your model. Now to your right under your modifer settings, Click what looks like 3 red dots to change your selection mode to Vertex.

    4) Your model should be covered in vertices. Now Click + Drag to select the portion of your model that doesn't quite line up. You can add onto your selection by holding Ctrl and subtract from your selection by holding Alt.

    Then with your trusty move, rotate and scale tools; move the problems vertices into place. You can press Alt + X to make your model semi-transparent if that helps, press it again to undo it.

    Part IV: Rigging your Model

    1) You should now have something similar to this, where your model and skeleton are relatively proportional to one another:

    - Now with your model selected, go drop down the modifier list again and this time scroll down and select Skin. This will add a Skin modifier to all your model.

    2) Under the modifier settings, Click the Add button next to where it says Bones:.

    - A dialogue box should appear asking you to Select Bones. Go through and select ALL of the bones and then click Select.

    3) You should now see the names of all your bones listed under the Skin Parameters to your right.

    - Now click where it says Edit Envelopes and check the box next to where it says Vertices.

    4) Now to start rigging. Click + Drag to select a portion of vertices you want to rig.

    *I will be selecting the area from his left elbow to the end of his left arm.
    * Remember you can deselect vertices by pressing Alt + Click and make your model semi-transparent by pressing Alt + X

    - Now scroll down through the Skin parameters, and click the button that looks like a wrench. This will bring up the weight tool.

    5) Scroll back up through your Skin parameters to your list of bones and click the bone you want to weight your selected vertices to.

    * I will be weighting my selection to Snakes LArmJ bone (his left elbow)

    - Then under your weight tool, click the 1 button. This will set the influence of your vertices to the bone you selected to 1, meaning that they will move only with that bone.

    6) Now to test your rig. Press the H key and select the bone you're currently rigging to from the list.

    - With your rotate tool, rotate the bone. The portion you rigged and potentially other vertices that you haven't skinned yet should move with it.
    As you can see, there's some deformation around his elbow that needs some fixing so it bends smoother.

    7) Make sure you undo any bone rotations you do. Then towards the bottom of 3DS Max, drag the timer a few frames forward.

    * I will be moving it to frame 4

    - Then towards the bottom hit the Auto Key button, this will create a key frame. Then select your bone again and rotate it.
    - Then click the Auto Key button again.

    8] Now press the H key and select all of your model. Then click the Edit Envelopes button again.

    - Then select the vertices around the problem area.

    From the list of bones found under the Skin parameters, select the bone you're working with. Then under the Weight Tool, click the Blend button until it smoothes itself out.
    You can also try selecting the bones before/after the one you're working with in the hierarchy and click the Blend button, *so for my example I could also blend with his Shoulder bone and his Wrist bone since I'm working with his Elbow.

    9) There may be a stray vertex/vertices that may need individual rigging to look right. Select those problematic vertices.

    - Under the weight tool, it displays all the bones that this vertex or vertices are influenced by.
    If you click one of these bones and click the top + and - you can increase and decrease it's influence.
    You can also set a specific number by typing in a value in the box next to the Set Weight button, and then clicking that Set Weight button.
    Adjust the values until it looks right.
    *Snakes arm shouldn't move with his BustN bone so I set its influence to 0.

    10) Go through and rig the rest of the vertices in the same manner. When you're happy with it and done, drag the timer at the bottom of the screen back to frame 0.
    Your model should be back to it's default pose:

    Now that you're all rigged, it's time to get your model ready for Brawl....

    Part V: Getting Your Model Into Brawl

    *I will be using a finalized model over Zerosuit Samus from here on.

    1) Click the top left hand button one last time , and go down and click Export.

    2) In the dialog that appears, click the drop-down and select "Autodesk Collada (*.DAE)".
    *Note, that 3DS Max will only display model formats compatible with it. Certain model formats may need additional plugins installed or scripts to be exported to.

    3) Now navigate to the location that you want to export your model to and click Save. This is important! An export dialog similar to the one below will appear. Use the same settings as in the pic. Settings that are not visible do not matter.

    - *If you recieve an error similar to this,
    It is NOT okay, but it is easily fixed. Repeat Step 2 under Part IV for any skin modifier and this error will go away.

    4) Open up your character's .pac or .pcs in BrawlBox v0.71. You should see something like this:

    5) Expand the ModelData[0], then the 3DModels(NW4R) folder and you should now see something similar to this:

    6) Expand the MDL0. Then right click next to the gray box where it says Fit[YourCharactersName] and click "Replace".

    7) Leave the options as they are and click Okay. It has also been known that "Remap Materials" can cause problems, so you might want to uncheck that. If you recieve an error, try the following:
    - If the error says something like "DecodePrimitivesWeighted" then your rig is incorrect, meaning you didn't weight all the vertices to the bones correctly.
    - If the error says something like "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" then you didn't include all the bones in a skin modifier.
    - If the error says something like "Index out of bounds of the array" then try unchecking "Remap Materials" before importing.

    8.) Texturing
    After you imported the model in BrawlBox, right click on TextureData[0], and do Import > Texture.
    Pick the same texture that was applied to the model in 3ds max, don't rename it.
    Leave the options to default (should be CMPR) and click Okay.
    You should see the texture appear in the Textures(NW4R) folder along with the original textures.
    Delete (ctrl+del) all the unused textures from there.

    If the texture looks all weird in-game after that, it's because you didn't uncheck Remap materials when importing the model in BrawlBox.

    Part VI: Advanced Features

    Metal Textures:

    Use Brawlbox v0.65c or later for this.

    1) Highlight the model in the tree view.
    2) Go to the properties on the right and find the option that says "AutoMetalMaterials"
    3) Change it to True and click Okay.
    4) That's it! You're done.

    Moving Eyes

    Changing Faces:

    VIS0 (Swapping objects):

    When rigging your model and getting it ready to export, create/get seperate objects for the different faces (Blink, HalfBlink, etc).

    Once you have your model imported into Brawlbox:

    1. Locate the different face objects under the Objects folder
    2. In the object properties, set the Visibility Bone to the corresponding bone (ex: the blink face has BlinkM as the visibility bone)
    3. That's all you need to do.

    SHP0 (Morphing objects):

    1. Open your model in 3ds Max once it's ready to be imported.
    2. Copy the normal face as a new object
    3. Edit the new copy to blink, etc but DO NOT ADD OR REMOVE VERTICES. ONLY MOVE THEM.
    (The reason for this is because each vertex is morphed to the corresponding vertex in the other face. If the vertices don't match exactly, it won't work)
    4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 for each face morph

    At this point, if you want to test if you did everything right, add a morpher modifier to the normal face.
    Add the extra faces you made as morph destinations. If you can't, then you screwed up. Start over. If you can, and they work, delete the morpher modifier and continue.

    5. Rig the normal face like usual
    6. Copy the skin mod from the normal face and paste it on the other faces
    7. Export model like normal
    8. Import model like normal
    9. Delete the objects of the extra faces (but DON'T DELETE THE NORMAL FACE) using v0.68b and a dialog will open asking you if you want to remove the vertex node for each one. Click NO every time.
    10. Rename EVERY FACE VERTEX SET (even the normal one) to match the name of the original model's vertex sets. SHP0 uses the vertex set names of the normal face and the extra faces for morphing.
    11. Save and that's it.

    PAT0 (Switching textures)

    Part VII: More Information & Tutorials

    Model Exporting Rules:
    - You will need 3ds Max. Blender does not work with this.
    - Use the most compatible DAE exporting plugin! (2010 comes with the correct exporter already)
    - Check "Triangulate" and "export as Single Matrix" on export.
    - Each texture/material has to be assigned to its own object in 3DS Max.
    - export Y-Up (or else your model will be face down on the floor in Brawlbox)
    - Check Animation - Deformations - Skin.
    - Delete all morphs. If you want to use face morphs for an import, make the faces into seperate objects.
    - Do not use Physique to rig your model to a brawl skeleton, use the Skin modifier.
    - Make sure everything is ungrouped. Grouped objects aren't exported to DAE.
    - Make sure every single vertex is rigged, or you will get an import error.

    Optimizing a model's mesh to reduce possible lag
    Note: Unless you absolutely need to reduce influence count (which will result in a less accurate rig) to solve lag problems, it is not recommended to export an MDL0 to DAE and reimport it back to MDL0 just to optimize the facepoint count. This will most likely result in a reduction of float precision and may cause small changes in UV mapping, normals or vertex positions. Instead, right click the MDL0 itself and click "Optimize Mesh" from there. That will allow you to optimize all objects at once.

    How to detach elements of an object based on its texture and keep your rig
    1. Apply an "Edit Poly" modifier to the entire mesh you want to seperate.
    2. Right click - copy the skin modifier, then click the light bulb to hide it.
    3. Select the edit poly modifier.
    4. Open this script. Check "Bitmap" and then click DETACH.
    5. In order to reduce MDL0 file size later on, click each object that has a different texture name, add an edit poly modifier, scroll down and click attach, and then select another object with the same texture in its name. Attach any other objects individually the same way. Then repeat for other objects with a different texture in their name. This process will make sure that there's exactly one object per texture.
    6. Now go click each new object, go to the modifiers, right click, and click paste. Then right click in the viewer and click "hide selected."
    7. Repeat step 4 for each object until there are no objects left on the screen.
    8. Right click in the viewer and click "unhide all."
    9. You're done! Save if you haven't already. Im srs here
    Thanks to Justin712 for the skin copy trick.

    How to get bones from a Brawl model in 3 steps
    1. Export the model from Brawlbox v0.71 to DAE. Then import that DAE into 3ds Max. Make sure you change the unit conversion to centimeters (it defaults to inches, which will shrink your model).

    2. Click each object separately and press delete. This will guarantee you don't delete any bones (because sometimes bones are selected with the objects if you use H to select them).

    3. There you go, an MDL0 bone tree in 3ds Max.

    How to use transparent textures

    Video Tutorial by toonlink444:
    Part one:
    <a href="http://youtu.be/qBhMXvR79_o" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://youtu.be/qBhMXvR79_o</a>
    Part two:
    <a href="http://youtu.be/4cBCsYXTRyw" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://youtu.be/4cBCsYXTRyw</a>

    Semi-Outdated Video Tutorial by myself:
    Part one:
    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L9_qXKYfr0" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L9_qXKYfr0</a>
    Part two:
    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOrOUY0mY1U" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOrOUY0mY1U</a>

    Model rigging tutorial by Justin712
    « Last Edit: March 20, 2014, 10:27:12 PM by BlackJax96 » Logged

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    « Reply #1 on: February 24, 2012, 05:57:04 AM »

    My 3ds max can't open dae well "each time i import any format outside .3ds it look like paper" i don't know why it open only 3ds well and btw it export in any format,if you could make brawlbox export 3ds,it would save my life also nice tutorial

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    « Reply #2 on: February 24, 2012, 06:22:09 AM »

    already asked this on the help board and im being completely ignored...

    a good DAE importer plugin?
    and i mean IMPORTER, cuz i continuesly have to work with 3ds max 8 to import stuff, and it cant handle brawlbox's DAEs...

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    « Reply #3 on: February 24, 2012, 04:11:00 PM »

    already asked this on the help board and im being completely ignored...

    a good DAE importer plugin?
    and i mean IMPORTER, cuz i continuesly have to work with 3ds max 8 to import stuff, and it cant handle brawlbox's DAEs...

    I just tested my importer for 3DS Max 8.
    Everything imported perfectly except for the bones on skin modifiers, so the skeleton can still be used for rigging models to. I also tested its exporter and it works fine with Brawlbox's importer.

    Try this, it's my exact plugins for 3ds Max 8. http://www.mediafire.com/?1wrbxv8x2lvywpr

    My 3ds max can't open dae well "each time i import any format outside .3ds it look like paper" i don't know why it open only 3ds well and btw it export in any format,if you could make brawlbox export 3ds,it would save my life also nice tutorial

    Try using this plugin for 3DS Max. http://www.mediafire.com/?pspocaa6bfbbz2b
    If it still doesn't work correctly, it's most likely a problem with your computer.
    « Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 04:11:59 PM by BlackJax96 » Logged

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    « Reply #4 on: February 24, 2012, 06:32:02 PM »

    I just tested my importer for 3DS Max 8.
    Everything imported perfectly except for the bones on skin modifiers, so the skeleton can still be used for rigging models to. I also tested its exporter and it works fine with Brawlbox's importer.

    Try this, it's my exact plugins for 3ds Max 8. http://www.mediafire.com/?1wrbxv8x2lvywpr

    Try using this plugin for 3DS Max. http://www.mediafire.com/?pspocaa6bfbbz2b
    If it still doesn't work correctly, it's most likely a problem with your computer.

    32 bit, right?

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    « Reply #5 on: February 24, 2012, 06:33:28 PM »

    32 bit, right?

    It shouldn't matter anyway.

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    « Reply #6 on: March 11, 2012, 12:53:33 PM »

    noticed thats the same i already have, so i guess its a problem of the model, im trying to export a mario kart wii skeleton...
    to make a nice mkw mod...
    but im already tired of that anyways so yeah... xDD

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    « Reply #7 on: March 13, 2012, 11:26:53 PM »

    I keep getting that error mentioned at the end of your guide, where you say we need to repeat step 2 on part IV. What exactly do you mean by "for any skin modifier"? Do I need to individually select every bone and polygon, and add every bone to the parameters list? I don't think that's right, because I'll do this for a bone like TopN and the error will still include TopN in the list, saying it'll lose its geometric information.

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    « Reply #8 on: March 14, 2012, 04:08:28 PM »

    I keep getting that error mentioned at the end of your guide, where you say we need to repeat step 2 on part IV. What exactly do you mean by "for any skin modifier"? Do I need to individually select every bone and polygon, and add every bone to the parameters list? I don't think that's right, because I'll do this for a bone like TopN and the error will still include TopN in the list, saying it'll lose its geometric information.

    Just click on any object, select its skin modifier, and add every bone in the scene to it. That will fix the error.

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    « Reply #9 on: March 14, 2012, 09:31:47 PM »

    This is gonna sound dumb, but what are objects? Are they the polygons or something? I'm trying to port SS Link over Pit, so would the objects be his shield or something like that? Also, when I select skin modifier on some of the bones, there are no bones to add on the list unless I select "skin" from the modifier list and create a new skin modifier on top of the old skin modifier. Is that what I'm supposed to do?

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    « Reply #10 on: March 14, 2012, 09:41:03 PM »

    This is gonna sound dumb, but what are objects? Are they the polygons or something? I'm trying to port SS Link over Pit, so would the objects be his shield or something like that? Also, when I select skin modifier on some of the bones, there are no bones to add on the list unless I select "skin" from the modifier list and create a new skin modifier on top of the old skin modifier. Is that what I'm supposed to do?

    Objects are polygons in the terms you're using, yes. BUT, a "polygon" is actually a multi-sided face connecting vertices together. An object is a group of polygons that connect vertices, so calling an object a polygon is actually incorrect, because it actually contains many polygons.

    Bones don't use skin modifier. You can't rig bones to bones, lol.

    If you can't add any more bones to an object's skin modifier, they might be hidden or you're not exporting them with the object that uses it in the skin modifier. If the error persists on export, try adding all the bones to every object's skin modifier.

    If the problem STILL persists, you're doing something wrong. Im srs here

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    « Reply #11 on: March 14, 2012, 11:07:56 PM »

    So what's step 7? I'm assuming you replace the model with the dae collada file that you just exported. Brawlbox gives me a checkbox with a couple of options upon doing this. Since there's no instructions, I'll just go with the default settings. After I've gotten my model into the preview, what do I do from there? What do I do with the png, smd, and mtl files?

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    « Reply #12 on: March 15, 2012, 10:10:30 AM »

    My model ended up looking inside-out. How do you fix that? Is it the model or the fitmotion?

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    « Reply #13 on: March 15, 2012, 10:54:51 AM »

    its the model, just set the materials to cull_none

    Post Merge: March 15, 2012, 12:10:31 PM
    sry for double post, but this time i have a weird question and problem...

    i imported hulk, and in brawlbox all his textures work perfectly, but in game his pants are solid white, like it has no texture aplied to it at all...

    what can be causing this?
    i planned on releasing him now, but i cant >.<
    « Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 12:10:31 PM by jokekid » Logged

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    « Reply #14 on: March 15, 2012, 05:24:43 PM »

    So what's step 7? I'm assuming you replace the model with the dae collada file that you just exported. Brawlbox gives me a checkbox with a couple of options upon doing this. Since there's no instructions, I'll just go with the default settings. After I've gotten my model into the preview, what do I do from there? What do I do with the png, smd, and mtl files?

    You can't do anything with the SMD and MTL files at this point.
    Import the PNG files into the BRRES containing the MDL0 the same way you imported the MDL0, but instead by choosing Texture instead of Model.

    Wait a bit for the rest, I'll start working on it again.

    My model ended up looking inside-out. How do you fix that? Is it the model or the fitmotion?

    Just change the CullMode on each of the model's materials to Cull_None.

    its the model, just set the materials to cull_none

    Post Merge: March 15, 2012, 12:10:31 PM
    sry for double post, but this time i have a weird question and problem...

    i imported hulk, and in brawlbox all his textures work perfectly, but in game his pants are solid white, like it has no texture aplied to it at all...

    what can be causing this?
    i planned on releasing him now, but i cant >.<

    Do the textures have palettes? If so, did you link them in the MDL0?
    Are the lighting settings import default for the materials?
    Are the texture's width and height exponentially divisible by 2?
    Are the texgen settings default for each texture reference? What about the shader, is it default?

    I need to get to working on this tutorial again... >.>
    « Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 05:27:37 PM by BlackJax96 » Logged

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