Yes the spyro PSA is very similar to the suggested one I posted. I like your moveset so far and I think having him taunt to change his breath from fire to ice to electric would be cool. And sparx changing colors depending on spyros health. As well as some moves like his Ariel's mimic those of charizards. I can't wait to see this go forth
I didn't ask for it, I don't even want it. Go get out if you will just spam and drop your requests here. Post Merge: November 16, 2012, 12:03:50 PMYay 20,000 views!
Im not trynna drop requests. You had charmy on the poll so im leaving the model here for anyones use. Relax
I have the model for Charmy bee even though it seems no one but me wants him in brawl lol. Its from sonic generations so its a good model for lucas. Heres the model: -JAD Post Merge: November 16, 2012, 11:31:22 AM
Normally I'd find a SFX ID List... but I only have one for Common Sounds, not Specific Characters... If all else fails, use the Low Voice Clip Event. It plays a random attacking voice clip.
Ok. Thank you so much for all your help! Really quick do you know where I can find a sfx id list or the low voice clip events?
It's in the Actions Tab yes, but according to it's coding, it directs you to a Sub Action. And there might be requirements that tell it to go to another Action if those requirements are met. The Offensive Collisions are in those Sub Actions used in those Actions.
Ok i see what you mean. Thank you for all the help, youve been great . How did you learn all of this? Its really confusing
Every Sub Action has 4 Tabs. Main (Hitboxes and the like), GFX (Graphical Effects used in the move), SFX (Sounds you hear), and Other (Other things like Slope Events, Model Changers or Screenshakes).
Alright I downloaded PSA. I found the SFX tab but its empty. Now what?
The Sub Action where the Final Smash is used (Normally in the very bottom). There should be Offensive Collisions/Special Offensive Collisions that you can select and modify. One of the parameters of those events are how much Damage it does. Take note that the damage value is in Hexadecimal so make sure you understand those values as well. If not, here's what it is in a nutshell.