Because we have better things to do than to get riled up by yet another one of your pathetic attempts to get our attention (like when you applied for the PMBR not once, but twice, with the second time being AFTER the whole CE episode), and so attention to the fact you 'decoded' the PM GCT (which I for a second don't buy you did yourself, nor had any part in) and are posting our codes.
This also shows, yet again, how much of a parody KC-MM has become, with (an) admin(s) obviously biased towards certain members and groups, as well as members openly disrespecting the very people who made the content being published, among other things. Of course this is my PERSONAL (read: not the PMBR's as a whole, as Miacis so desperately tries to make out) opinion about the whole matter, so take it as you will.
Reason why I myself am not loosing my [censored] over this is because, as Dantarion tried to explain, the Turbo codes aren't harmful. The CE were potentially harmful, and that's why would've appreciated if people, before we even released them in some form or capacity, would've withhold themselves from publishing them, as, without the proper knowledge that Dantarion, Phantom Wings, or even myself possesses, the codes could do harm (save corruption, memory corruption, or even bricking the Wii, the latter being theoretical), and that's why the PMBR only included them after having tested them thoroughly and thoughtfully, as we have to deal with a pretty large and diverse fanbase (which might be why people back here are so lenient on allowing PM codes to be freely published, might).
But that's all I myself am going to say about it, seeing as I like to rather focus my attention on real sites with a staff which is more mature than, let's say a 5 year old, and with a less depressing vibe. So in a way you could consider this my last post here, as this site isn't something I want to be associated with, as it isn't the site which I joined and developed myself in all those years ago.
No matter the fact this project is exceedingly Melee-centric, and your Twitter and Youtube handles clearly say "ProjectMelee"?
Just letting you know, the current Twitter handle is "ProjectMGame", not "ProjectMelee". As for the YouTube handle, it's antiquated, and since it's possible to change the display name, it's not a big deal.
And in case people are wondering, the 'M' in Project M does refers to Melee, but it's not a synonym to the latter, nor does it dictate our overall design goals (e.g. Lucario).
P.S. Samus' current FTilt and FSmash have been inspired by Smash4. Interesting trivia perhaps?
Not exactly like that, but there are codes that enable you to load a different moveset depending on what button combination you're holding when selecting a character.
In any case, I just want to congratulate Phantom Wings on this amazing project, and (again) thank him for all the work he has done over the years.
As if your contribution to this thread has been all that great Miacis.
It's like Silentdoom said, the only thing you're doing here is force a tired discussion that pretty much everyone has grown wary of, and instead of being professional in your remarks, you're being nothing but a snarky smartass, which I find hilariously pathetic on your part.
But really, there's no point discussing this further (especially with you), as everything has been pretty much covered already, and you trying to prolong this discussion for the sake of discussion is laughable at best.
No, not really. I answered the question if we were going to revamp/Luigify Falco or not, and that's that. If you can't see an answer in my last post, then that's your problem, and not mine.
I have a definitive answer for you Miacis. People in the competitive scene don't want to see Falco Luigified, and since we're catering more to them, it's more or less a given that he won't be Luigified. If you want to change Falco, that's fine, but we're not going to do it any time soon.
Well yeah, but it would more useful when the code is finished, as currently we're unable to give different multiplier stats to newly added reflection collisions. That, and you'd need to have an USBGecko to find the memory offset for the characters defence collision offset and size floats, provided it has them (Lucario, and by extant Mewtwo, have them for Lucario's VBrawl down B).
Would it be possible for one of the PMBR members to give a tutorial on how to do so?
Since this would be a huge breakthrough for us non-PMBR PSA makers.
The thing is, you'd have to amend the reflection code on a character per character, and action per action basis to get it to work. You'd also need to allocate a spot in the characters file to store the size and offset floats to, and get it to read from said spot.
So basically, you'd need to know how to add specific character and action checks, locate the necessary floats from the character file, and fix the offsets inside the code, because those will change every time you amend the code.
And because it didn't happen for you in those 10+ matches doesn't mean that it isn't there, nor that we didn't thoroughly tested our codes. Nor are the crashes limited to just DDD, but it just so happens that he's a bit more prone to cause them. The momentum stuff however is very random, and to be honest, only happened to me like three times before fixing the codes.
@Miacis If you're trying to point fingers at someone, at least be a man about it. Because your behaviour right now is anything but professional, and you being an admin, you should know better than to throw put shots and make snarky remarks directed to other users (not only in this thread, but also in the general Project M thread).
But do know that, at least in my personal opinion, it's much more disrespectful to publicise someone's hard work without there permission than asking people not to use it, if only because of it's unfinished state. So don't accuse us of being disrespectful, because you're doing pretty much the same, even right now.
It's true that the codes aren't going to be publicized in txt form, at least for the time being.
And here's a method we used to conclude that the Clone Engine codes, at the time, were bugged:
Go and play through All-Star mode (preferably with default Mario) after having at least used the clones once in VS mode, so that the game has saved the clones result date to the save file (preferably a clone with some sort of article, like Sonic's spring). When you reach the Kirby tier, try and hit DDD (the on disk moveset file should suffice, but an SD loaded moveset file is recommended), and if that crashes the game, then you know the save file has been irreversibly corrupted (if it doesn't happen the first time, try replaying All-Star mode after rebooting the Wii).
This method is the most reliable way of indicating whenever or not the save got corrupted, but it's not 100% consistent, nor is All-Star mode the only thing that gets bugged (games randomly crashing when you hit someone during VS mode matches being one of the more severe ones).
No, these codes aren't 100% functional, nor 100% stable, no matter how much you try to convince yourself, as well as others, that they are.
And it's not like people don't want the Clone Engine to exist, it's just that the Clone Engine developers (Dantarion and I) rather not want people to use the unfinished and unreleased version, and just be patient and wait for the flawless version (the version that will be included in the next release of Project M). This being because the codes posted here are flawed to the point of it actually being harmful to the savefile, among other things.