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1  Help & Tutorials / Help / Re: How to Put Classic Wario Costumes Over Biker Slots? on: October 09, 2015, 10:39:00 PM
Wario has about twice the amount of costumes compared to the rest of the cast... Meaning the double numbers at the end of each costume PAC/PCS file exceed what most characters have. Biker/Classic Costumes included.
I'm afraid I don't understand what you're trying to tell me.  I am aware that Wario has additional costume slots but I don't understand how it relates to the question I asked.  Let me give an example of what I'm trying to accomplish, maybe that will make things more clear:

How can I put Zombie Wario overtop of Wario's blue biker slot?  Zombie Wario was made over classic Wario so putting it over a biker slot will cause a freeze but I've heard there is a workaround for this.  Do you know if such a workaround exists?
2  Help & Tutorials / Help / How to Put Classic Wario Costumes Over Biker Slots? on: October 07, 2015, 05:51:47 PM
Is there a workaround that makes it possible to put a costume made for classic Wario over one of his biker slots?
3  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Programming / Re: cBliss v1.5 [16?] on: March 17, 2015, 09:38:37 AM
What's with the "16" in the title and vote?  Is there some expansion to cBliss that allows for 16 slots per character or is it just some inside joke I missed?  It's been in the title forever but I've not been able to figure it out.
4  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Portraits, Menus, (etc...) / Re: Mach 7.6's Portrait Archives (Render and CSP Stash) on: March 17, 2015, 07:35:31 AM
Thanks! Mind spreading the word about this to help it gain traction?...
I'll do what I can but to be honest I don't think I can realistically accomplish much to that end.  I'm not active in the community anymore so besides making a thread here (as you've already done) I don't know what else I could really do.

One thing I do suggest, though, is that it might make them more popular if you pre-size them into CSPs for people.  It hasn't bothered me to resize them myself and I appreciate the extra options given to me by doing so but some people may have a little trouble with it.

You might also throw a couple previews into the OP to prove your link is worth clicking.  I honestly wasn't expecting them to be so good when I first clicked it.
5  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Portraits, Menus, (etc...) / Re: Mach 7.6's Portrait Archives (Render and CSP Stash) on: March 16, 2015, 03:39:06 PM
Hey, these are really great!  Thank you for sharing them!
6  Help & Tutorials / Help / Re: My custom stage won't load??? HELP! on: December 08, 2014, 11:00:15 AM
Can you provide some additional information on your situation?
Is this a stage that you created or did you download it?  When the stage fails to load is there a beep or is the freeze a silent one?
7  Help & Tutorials / Help / Re: Does This Hack Work For You? on: December 08, 2014, 10:54:31 AM
Seriously, any response would be GREATLY appreciated.  If someone could install this hack and report the findings I would appreciate it a lot.  I can't think of any other remaining way for me to troubleshoot and it's very upsetting to not know if the problem is caused by my own error.
I don't want to be pushy, I would just appreciate the help a lot.
8  Help & Tutorials / Help / Re: Melee Jigglypuff Broken Download? on: December 06, 2014, 12:50:50 PM
I don't have it, but I do know of another Melee Jigglypuff hack:

Ah!  Yes, this seems to be just as good as the one with the broken link.  Thank you for pointing it out to me.
9  Help & Tutorials / Help / [SOLVED]Melee Jigglypuff Broken Download? on: December 06, 2014, 12:55:16 AM
Does anyone have this file?:

If so I'd like to get a copy of it for myself and them hopefully restore the download link.
10  Help & Tutorials / Help / Does This Hack Work For You? on: December 04, 2014, 11:35:28 PM

It's the Stage Roster Expansion combined with cBliss.  Does this work for anyone?  I've been fiddling with it off and on for a week and I can't get it to work.  Any input would be greatly appreciated.
11  Help & Tutorials / Help / Troubleshooting Stage Roster Expansion + cBliss on: November 29, 2014, 09:19:32 PM
I'm experiencing a silent freeze when I select a stage and the two mods in the title are the only things installed on my SD card.  More details below:

I started out by installing this pack made my DarkEagle7: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=36175
It is an already setup pack of both the Stage Roster Expansion code and cBliss.  Everything about it is working well for more, Except for the random silent freeze that I mentioned above.  I say "random" because the freeze only occurs some of the time and I haven't been able to pinpoint what affects it.  All I know is that it happens regardless of what stage is selected and what characters are in the match, and if it doesn't freeze the first time a stage a loaded, it NEVER freezes after that until the game is shut off.
This behavior suggests to me that a code is responsible (since they are loaded only at the beginning of the game's start-up) but I don't know enough about the inner workings of these codes to speculate on what specifically might be causing this behavior.

Has anyone else ever experienced a glitch like when using these codes or this pack?
12  Help & Tutorials / Help / Re: Anyone Have Dream Valley : NiGHTS (Stage Import)? on: November 28, 2014, 10:12:50 PM
I don't have it, but would also really like this stage. I love the NiGHTS series - never knew anyone did a stage for it
Yeah, I didn't know it had been made either...It's super frustrating to not even know if it's good or not :\

Surely someone must have this stage on file.  Anyone else care to chime in? Smiley
13  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Stages / Re: Stage Workshop on: October 24, 2014, 09:25:50 PM
I've got a really rough WIP version of this stage back from around the middle of summer where I got ghost hazards and fruit to work.


Still a LOT of refining to do. I'm also thinking of changing the layout since Smash 4 is already out in Japan and it's only a few weeks away from the US release.

I'll finish it eventually... I've been pretty busy with school and, ever since I joined the PMDT, pretty much all of my modding time has been focused on Project M

Damn, son, that's gorgeous as is.  I'd instantly add that my SD if you were to release it!  I love that you made hazards work; it's always bothered me that no one else (to my knowledge) has ever tried to repurpose hazards like this.  It gives the stage a super legit feel.
14  Help & Tutorials / Help / Anyone Have Dream Valley : NiGHTS (Stage Import)? on: October 24, 2014, 05:00:53 PM
Does anyone have this stage?:

The download link is broken but with over 800 downloads I'm sure someone has it on file Smiley
15  Help & Tutorials / Help / Does an Igglybuff Import Exist? on: October 23, 2014, 02:59:28 PM
Has anyone ever imported/vertexed Igglybuff over Jiggs?  I've been following brawl hacking for like 4 years and I swear I saw a nice Igglybuff in the vault at some point but it doesn't seem to be there now.  Maybe I'm just misremembering.  Does anyone else recall this existing?
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