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1  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / Re: Project Lightning - FFXIII (---) on: September 27, 2010, 07:50:55 AM
MK64N, so the problem is that the former belt section was used for the stomach section, and still bends when the legs do, even though it has been shifted up?

I'm just throwing stuff out there, but how about renaming the bones?  How important were the belt area vertices?  it might be better to just move the belt area back down to avoid the issue, just stretching the chest vertices more.  How does it differentiate between the leg section (bending) and the chest section (straight)?

Project Lightning looks really cool, I'm a sucker for any FF characters.  I've been holding off on testing it until MK64n puts up the model first, but I'll test it out soon (today or tomorrow) and try to give some comprehensive feedback. 
2  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Re: Pik's Pixel Joint. [QUOTE STUFF) next is: Quote, Other M Samus, ?????? ??? on: September 27, 2010, 07:37:56 AM
QQ for inactivity, Pik how goes your various projects?
3  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Re: Hacks by BeyondYou: NEW PREVIEW OF MICKEY, September 12th on: September 12, 2010, 11:03:52 PM
I just thought it would be an epic idea, plus I wanted to edit someone new and I never did a Mario hack. So yea.

fingers crossed for an epic mickey version still, hoping that was you cleverly dropping subtle hints   I see what you did there ...
First of all, I wanted to say I'm a big fan of your hacks, and you do some pretty great work overall.  Just wanted to show these comparison pics, and you'll see why I think that this is still one of the least accurate of your hacks.  The only thing I like less is probably you're Ray MKII model port, which should really be redone as is, he's a floating mess currently. 

using these images for reference:

of your hack-
of the character-

I think it is a fairly dramatic vertex, and it's a step in the right direction, but it doesn't live up to the character, and it doesn't live up to your previous quality.  You're a good artist and you've made many great hacks before, I just don't think this looks as good.

I can't wait to see Mickey though, one of the characters still endeared to me from my childhood.  Smiley  Hope it turns out well!

4  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / Re: Groudon All help accepted on: September 12, 2010, 09:49:32 PM
I'd recommend you try to resize Groudon using vertex editing, to match Bowser, and then replace Bowser's model with Groudon, making sure you rename his bones to match, so that you could use alot of Bowser's moves and moveset as a base.  Also, alot of people would like to play as Groudon over Bowser with Bowser's standard moveset, like Mewtwo over Lucario but still using Lucario's moveset.

Just an idea, good luck with your project.  Smiley
5  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / Re: Alucard (Symphony of the NIght) V2.0 on: September 07, 2010, 02:00:44 AM
Cool to see this released!  I'll give some feedback and suggestions.

First, he is a bit too floaty, with too high aerial accelleration.  Increase his fall speed, and his overrall airspeed, but decrease his aerial acellaration.  His high second jump is fine though.

Jab:  It's ok, but I think it could be better; replace the punch with marth's old jab1, and give him a 3rd jab, with the final side-b neutral animation. 

Dash attack:  Marth's still, I think, which is fine.

Ftilt:  This move is broken in a bad way.  It's just horrible to watch how fast this move can be spammed.  Please increase startup and endlag, so it isn't so spammable, and give it higher base knockback.

Dtilt:  Looked good.

Utilt:  Looked good.

Fsmash:  The range on it is too large (doesn't match the animation) but otherwise ok.

Dsmash:  This move just looks bad overall.  I understand what you were going for, but really it needs to be changed.  Marth's old Dsmash would be better.

Usmash:  Same advice as Ftilt, more frames.

Dair:  Make it more useful, increase base knockback, change angle, so it can be used as a soft spike, for example in a combo, hit them up, jump up and dair down.

Fair:  looks good.

B:  Pretty buggy, but I like the idea.  Make it controllable?(choose which direction he throws sword in)

Side B:  remove it and replace with his down B projectile.

Up-B:  Nerf it to Marth's up-b range.

Down-b:  Just replace with counter, or keep the teleport and make it like Metaknight's. 
6  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Re: Brawl Young Link [Resizing on Adult Link finished, expressions being fixed) on: September 02, 2010, 11:53:54 AM
Well, what I had in mind was a really large scale version of the one-slot motionetc concept. If I had the time to add "Y" to the end of all of Link's bone data, I could import all of them into TL's motion etcetera (not replacing his normal ones)

But then there'd probably be filesize problems with Gecko. And maybe hitbox displacement.
I can help you with this Pik, if you'd like.  PM me.

7  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Re: Pik's Pixel Joint. [update with in-game Roy shots) on: August 18, 2010, 06:10:24 PM
SoS Roy and TP Link look close to finished, please, smooth out the details, finish it up, and release for us impatient fans.  ; O;
8  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Re: Pik's Pixel Joint. [update with Roy, TP Link) on: August 16, 2010, 12:21:26 PM
Quote from:
Then again, I'm so tired of the whole competing hacks thing so I might not release it at all.

Pik, you shouldn't see at as competition.  Both you and everyone else is just creating great hacks for the schmucks like us who love them and want to make our experience with this game as awesome as possible- if you make two versions of the same thing, great!  Then people have a choice and more people are happy.  Unless you are in this for the +1 Downloads, which I don't think you are, you should be happy to make similar things as other people, but with your own touch.  You are making a completely different design as well, from a different game, which is unique.  People love what you make, please, release it so we can use them. 
Quote from:
*Twilight Princess Link*

That is awesome!  Just curious, but I see you've changed his face, hair, and I believe made his sword longer?  In the Twilight Princess concept art, his tunic had a more faded, aqua green, his straps were dark brown and not tan, and he did not have the master sword.
E7hEW0&t=1&usg=__JL9Bm_uMWYfBH0zxC1SH5d3yLb0=" target="_blank">http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSJVv5AOoe8LX5QedKyfwc6Ftg1yCpi9XIsvfvOfK86M E7hEW0&t=1&usg=__JL9Bm_uMWYfBH0zxC1SH5d3yLb0=

Luneth, Quote, and Ashley are all still impressive, I look forward to their release. 
9  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Re: Dragunov in Brawl! on: August 13, 2010, 08:44:57 AM
Snake has a more similar body shape, hair, and moveset.  It'd actually be easier to do over Snake, because his hair is already similar, as is his body, and you just need to alter it to match Dragunovs clothes.  Probably should do some work on his face too, but in general, I'd like to see you pull this off.  Good luck!
10  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Re: Pik's Pixel Joint. [update with Luneth, Quote) on: August 13, 2010, 08:41:55 AM
I'd guess Mario or Toon Link for Quote, probably Mario.  And his arms look too large for his body, disproportionate.  Irregardless, it's a fun teaser!  I'd love to see you do Quote, I know you said you'd always wanted to. 
11  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Re: Pik's Pixel Joint. [update with Luneth] on: August 09, 2010, 04:23:36 PM
Now I'm no expert on anything, so this is just theory, but couldn't you vertex his hand into a rough sword (swords aren't high detail, just a thin blade the same length as marth's) then inside that vertex move one of his hand bones and have it match the sword?  Rename the hand bone to have the game treat it as Marth's sword bone, and thus Luneth could use Marth's moveset and be ported to a more appropriate character? 

Irregardless, Pik as always this is amazing work, I love what you do, every texture and vertex hack that you produce has such amazing levels of detail and polish, what you do isn't hacking, it's an art form.  Without a doubt one of the consistently high quality members of our community, please continue to astound us with your work.  Great job as usual, I love your Ashley, Geno, Luneth, Young Link, well, this list goes on to every hack you've made.  <3 Pik, good [censored] man. 
12  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Re: Mario's Pad on: May 31, 2010, 03:23:26 PM
I am impressed, your skill is superb, far above most of the rest of the community.  Are you by chance a proffesional?  I'm just wondering how come you are so capable.  Irregardless, please continue to create stunning models, I will from now on watch your posts with great interest.
13  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Re: Young Twilight Link - v2 shown! (update 5/20: Razor Sword) on: May 22, 2010, 02:28:13 PM
I respect Pik as both a hacker and an artist, and I think he does such high quality production I feel he ranks up there with the DasDonkey team (best textures) RandomTBrush (model importation) Kryal (BrawlBox) PhantomWings (Godfather of all SSBB hacks) Razanak7 (great PSAer) and more.  +respect, can't wait to see this finished. 
14  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / Re: Cloud Strife v2.5: PSA-Specific Feedback Thread on: May 07, 2010, 10:52:22 PM
Cloud is overpowered.  I'll edit my post with explanation.  

First of all, Cloud is based off Ike.  Ike is a character with great range and power, and to compensate for that he lacks projectiles and is really slow and punishable.  What you have done for cloud is take his amazing range and power, and then made him lightning quick with projectiles.  I'll break it down for you so you can see why I think he is currently too good.

He moves fast; his run is fast, he jumps fast, medium fall speed, great aerial control and speed.  He can weave like wario, which simply put is far too great an ability for a character who is also extremely fast attacking (like MK, who has terrible aerial movement) with great range. 

He has almost no landing lag on ANY of his moves.  It is pretty ridiculous, he can pressure incredibly well, link tons of hits, and doesn't have to worry about being punished, because almost none of his moves have punishable landing/ending lags.

He has fantastic range, far too great.  Ikes fair is considered good because it has the largest range of any fair in the game.  It was balanced because it had starting, ending, and landing lag which made it situational move to use.  So naturally you kept the best part of it, the range, and then made it incredibly fast to start, a lingering hitbox, fast to end, and with 0 landing lag.  You can use fairs to link together, you can fair to any followup, you can fair a shield and laugh at their inability to punish...Cloud can just throw this move out any time.

His dair is an incredibly fast to start, super fast falling spike that has little end lag.  You can use dair, spike them, then up-B immediately out of it and fly back to the ledge while they get spiked to their doom.  And they can't really react, because Cloud has MK like speed.

His nair and uair are almost immediate to start, huge range, great pressure, and almost no landing lag.  So once again, great speed and range, and unpunishable.  Yes, Cloud is like MK with better movement, projectiles, and kill power. 

His projectiles are good, down-B out of a dash gives an enormous slide akin to a snake dash except instead of the projectile going up, cloud shoots it ahead of him.  -__- 

His smashes...Well, Fsmash is fast, good range, killing power, and good damage.  Usmash, good range and killing power.  Dsmash good damage and killing power. 

His B, his fireblast, is like MKs dair, only 3x as big.  -__-  Overpowered edgeguard...get!
He can jump over the ledge, fireblast, down-B, up-B and essentially form an impenetrable wall of gimping chaos.  Fireblast stops everything except airdodging through it, which the followup down-B will prevent, and then if they try to recover from that up-B will hit them out of their recovery as you rise to hog the ledge. 

Cloud is OP.

15  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / Re: Galaxy Mario! (already started, needs suggestions) on: April 07, 2010, 08:00:48 PM
I suggest giving him the ability to glide like Meta Pit and 'Zard.  He should feel a bit floatier, and his aerial movement should be faster.  Still only two jumps, and his standard attacks should be good, maybe buff his useless dtilt and dash attack though.  more hitstun, less endlag. 

For his specials,
B-  Star shot:  It should shoot downward angled instead of straight, like with his fireball except more forward movement (a shallower angle) slightly faster, a little bit of knockback, and when they bounce they should feel floaty.  Swap fireball graphic with a textured staffy (the one used in the Rosalina moveset) for the star bit.  Decrease its size a bit though.

>B- Glide:  Glide should be shorter range, more like Ikes uncharged quickdraw, should have low/moderate knockback and hitstun, and should be interruptable by jumping, however if the end of the move is reached it sends him into fallspecial.  I think it'd be awesome to see Galaxy mario use bair>Glide>Jump canceled starspin>Star shot.  It can be used twice in the air at maximum, but would be a good tool for movement and comboing, something mario's play lends itself to.  In my opinion, the grounded use should still be glide. 

^B- Sling-shot:  Sling shot should send him flying high while spinning with a high knockback at the start (Think of wario's fully charged waft with less knockback and power) and put him into special fall on his way down.  Remember to make it so he can grab the ledge while using this move, something PSAers often forget.

VB- Star Spin:  Star spin should be fast to come out, low knockback with high hitstun, low percent and should raise him a little bit when used in the air.  It should start and end fast like melee fox's reflector, which is what it should feel like.  It should have the ability to reflect projectiles, but not cape or anything else.  Star spin would just be better and more useful as an attack then ground pound or drill.  For graphic use whatever sparkles Zelda uses for her Usmash and Fsmash, Ftilt and Utilt.
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