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106  Help & Tutorials / Help / Gecko failing to load? (DOLPHIN) on: July 28, 2013, 11:22:40 AM
I've been trying to set Dolphin to play hacked Brawl, and I've watched a lot of tutorials but I can't manage to figure out what I've done wrong. The game always loads normally, with no sign of Gecko or my sd card file.

Anyone can help me setting this up? It will make me hack a lot faster if I can test on my computer.

Post Merge: July 28, 2013, 05:47:51 PM
Just a bump.
107  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Model Imports / While browsing around for models... on: November 21, 2012, 06:05:31 PM
...this caught my eye:


Found this papercraft website, and it seems to have quite a good amount of nice not-so-high-poly models. I can't understand japanese well enough to know if these models are in a format that we can use, though.
108  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Model Imports / [General] Custom made models on: November 15, 2012, 06:14:35 AM
I was thinking about making a topic specifically for models that were made by the community, and not imported from somewhere. Take this as a showcase topic, where you can post progress on any model you are building, for discussing and receiving feedback. If you want to post a link for a model you created already, feel free to do so. I believe a lot of people will want to see what you've got to show!
109  Help & Tutorials / Help / Blender help on: September 08, 2011, 03:38:06 PM
I'm a vertexer and I have a model in .blend of a character I want to make.

But I don't think I can open .blend on 3DSMax so I can use it as reference.

Can someone with blender help me by converting the model to a format I can use, or, if it's possible to open this model in 3DSMax with a proper script or plugin, can someone teach me how?
110  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / The custom animation gallery!! Showcase your animations here! on: August 04, 2011, 09:36:21 AM
Well, the idea of this thread is gathering most, if not all, user-made custom animations in one place.

Sometimes, people making PSAs end up making a new animation from scratch pretty close to an existing one, because animations are, most of the times, hidden within character PSA projects.

So, this is a CHR0 animations gallery where people can share their animations.
Keep in mind to credit people when using their work!

Also, I think a place to showcasing animations would be cool, because, at least IMO, the animation scene is overshadowed by the PSA scene.
111  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Music & SFX / Young/Teen Announcer? on: July 11, 2011, 03:47:02 PM
Well, I kinda had this idea after seeing Rina-chan's announcer project...

I though it would be cool to have a younger sounding announcer, so I decided giving it a try on dubbing some sounds and would like help to make them proper Brawl files...

I'm new to the whole dubbing thing, and I'm also new to the whole sfx hacking thing, so, please, don't be so harsh on me!!!

Here are two .wavs containing my dub for most of the phrases and all of the characters, including their japanese names for the Jap version.

Part I

- All the characters;
- Game Over;
- A small easter egg at the end added just for fun. It's me copying Snake

Part II

- Pretty much everything that's not the character calls.

Fun fact: I'm no teen lol
112  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / [12/12th ~ 12/18th] Revamp Week! on: December 12, 2010, 05:59:31 AM

How about using this day to revamp that hack of yours that you're not satisfied with?  Happy Face

I decided to create this event today 12/12 and all you need to join is improve as much as you can an older hack (or older hacks)!

Don't think I'll be out of this myself! I'll be revamping 3 popular hacks of mine so stay tuned!  Kirby Dance

All revamps posted today will be placed on this opening post for everyone to see!
Please don't forget to post here to give support or when you're done with your revamp xD

Join, and have fun!  Laugh


113  Help & Tutorials / Help / Combining hacks? on: September 02, 2010, 11:17:59 AM
Can anyone help me merging together different character hacks?
I've seen it before many times, but I dunno how it's done.
114  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / Project City Escape (Stage from Sonic Adventure 2) on: August 18, 2010, 05:41:23 PM
A thread dedicated to bring this fabulous stage to Brawl.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCs42XSwI-c" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCs42XSwI-c</a>

=== Original post ===

Would anyone here be interested in making a stage based on City Escape from Sonic Adventure 2?

I just got my hands on that stage's textures and models, ripped straight from the game.
115  Help & Tutorials / Help / Info.pac needed! on: August 08, 2010, 07:31:51 PM
Please, if you use NTSC brawl, and use a custom and working info.pac (for song titles), upload it here please!!!
I can't get mine to work, I've tried for months!

Thanks in advance
116  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Character Vertexes and Textures / I had a great time! Thank you all for being a part of this with me! on: July 11, 2010, 07:13:17 PM

This Thread is a central place where I'll post and discuss my hacks, show projects and the progress on them.
Usually I'd rather keep my projects in secret for surprise, but I guess some feedback is always good  Smiley
Keep in mind that all stages I plan on making are gonna be 3D, and that my only 2D stage is Meta Mine and, partially, Loituma.

(The projects started before creating this thread and still in progress will still be kept secret until release) Wink


- I dont take requests, but I take suggestions.
- I can work on collabs, depending on what it is.


Current Works In Progress

- None, or none you can see...


Stage plans for the future

-  City Escape

-  Clock Town


Vertex Characters plans for the future

-  Imports, plz


Completed Projects

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