Can somebody port bowser over Zelda? we need this for the bowser jr project. now you maybe thinking, "wait...bowser jr project, but bowser over zelda?" and if you are thinking this, yes, you read this correctly. this is because we are reviving the project that we kinda stopped, and starwaffle is making an epic vertex of bowser into bowser jr, so we need bowser for now.
hmm... i have everything set, except I am using WiiFlow. i have the codes as a txt file, adn set it up. i selected the codes and my iso of brawl. i have used the iso before. its fine. i selec a stage, adn the game freezes. i cant select ANY stage. its after i aded this. i cant figure otu the problem.
can somebody upload the files for ike over olimar? I want this for 2 reasons. 1) so i dont have to o the work and 2) so I can see ho wthe .pacs adn .pcs are named
you know that font you did for the names of the characters for the csp's? can you make a name for Bowser J.R and for Shadow Mario? Bowser JR goes over Zelda, and Shadow Mario goes over Sheik.