You can only have one moveset for all the colors.
So for example..
1. You download a PSA file and it comes with Fit(character name).pac and Fit(character name)Motionetc.pac
You can only have one FitMarthMotionetc and one FitMarth.pac
Movesets dont have numbers by the way, only textures do.
Textures come in .pcs and sometimes together with .pac. THOSE have numbers.
Thanks for replying and ya I kinda figured that because 2 days ago only when I deleted the MotionEct.pac files and replaced it with the new MotionEct.pac files from the character PSAs I downloaded they worked.
So thanks I know how to insert, textures and movesets now.
The only thing I don't know how to do right now is insert the roster picture or the cps or whatever its called lol, ill figure out soon though.
So I do know how to insert characters and their movesets but can any of you explain what every file exactly does, I'm not asking for help putting them together I already know how I just don't know in detail what every file does. For example
FitMario.pcs is just the texture right, so that is just the new skin
FitMario.pac - now I don't fully understand this, is this the actual moveset or what exactly is this, I know that this goes along with the .pcs but what exactly is this file?
because sometimes I will download a character and it wont have a .pcs file it will only come with a .pac file?
Because I always thought the .pcs file was the texture and not the .pac file but for some reason if I downloaded a .pac file and put it in brawl it will still show the texture even though its just one .pac file?
And I'm guessing that the motion files are maybe character animations?
Pretty much can you explain what each file is exactly
.pcs - this is the only one i know for sure what it is lol
I don't fully understand what those exactly are even though I understand how to put them in the game lol