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Author Topic: The Complete N00B's Guide to Brawl Hacking  (Read 941704 times)
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« Reply #765 on: December 11, 2015, 04:19:31 PM »

How do i put item skins,i NEED to know,i promised my friend that i would.


also if you can tell me how to put custom pictures in chats,thx.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 05:16:55 PM by falcothefox » Logged

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« Reply #766 on: December 27, 2015, 06:04:28 PM »

I downloaded Homebrew, I now have it on my Wii as a full channel, but which application should I use to put in some of the many hacks I downloaded in a physical, unaltered copy of the game?

EDIT: I got Gecko to register on Homebrew. I'm still not sure how to get my characters and stages in from that point, though...

DOUBLE EDIT: Turns out I needed to be using Riivolution for the type of modding I was interested in, so I went and got that. I got SMBZ Mario, Bomberman, and Charlotte in, but how do I put in Bomberman's portraits and character-specific sounds.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 05:18:32 PM by Direact_N1 » Logged

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« Reply #767 on: January 12, 2016, 05:17:45 PM »

Also, I got a shield mod, to make the shields all bubbly and stuff. I got a common3.pac, but if I put that in the System folder, it would overwrite another one I got with a Crash Bandicoot PSA. Do I need to make a sub-folder inside the System folder?

I also downloaded the Smash 4 HUD. Where would I put that at?

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« Reply #768 on: April 23, 2016, 06:29:58 AM »

Hey, does anyone know how to load your own personal hacks (or from the forms) into dolphin and not a real wii?

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« Reply #769 on: May 05, 2016, 04:38:53 PM »

...Does anyone know where to put codes at on Riivoloution? I've tried multiple ways, .gct editors, and codes, but that doesn't work. I even got premade .gcts and nothing changed...

Post Merge: May 05, 2016, 04:42:26 PM
...Does anyone know where to put codes at on Riivoloution? I've tried multiple ways, .gct editors, and codes, but that doesn't work. I even got premade .gcts and nothing changed...
« Last Edit: May 05, 2016, 04:42:26 PM by Direact_N1 » Logged

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« Reply #770 on: June 01, 2016, 01:28:05 PM »

So I'm not exactly sure where I'm going wrong, I followed the guide to a tee Gecko OS, Softmodding and all. Everything works fine softmod wise but no matter what I do it's like the Wii Just ignores the brawl mods the names are all set correctly. I put my disc in the drive gecko loads the file patcher code and says it applied it the game starts, but nothing in game changes at all. I was attempting to use a texture mod for Lucas but it simply doesn't load the mod and keeps Lucas at his default look.

The SD card I'm using is 2GB, the directories and everything are all set correctly last I checked.

This is my directory setup.
My brawl disc is NTSC-U.

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    « Reply #771 on: June 02, 2016, 02:26:06 AM »

    So I'm not exactly sure where I'm going wrong, I followed the guide to a tee Gecko OS, Softmodding and all. Everything works fine softmod wise but no matter what I do it's like the Wii Just ignores the brawl mods the names are all set correctly. I put my disc in the drive gecko loads the file patcher code and says it applied it the game starts, but nothing in game changes at all. I was attempting to use a texture mod for Lucas but it simply doesn't load the mod and keeps Lucas at his default look.

    The SD card I'm using is 2GB, the directories and everything are all set correctly last I checked.

    This is my directory setup.
    My brawl disc is NTSC-U.
    your path is Private > wii >app > RSBE01 > pf > fighter > lucas

    it should be private > wii > app > RSBE > PF > fighter > lucas

    you just need to remove the text in red from the RSBE folder's name and they will work

    pretty good for a first shot at mods, usually first timers are way off  in their placement

    Post Merge: June 02, 2016, 02:30:05 AM
    ...Does anyone know where to put codes at on Riivoloution? I've tried multiple ways, .gct editors, and codes, but that doesn't work. I even got premade .gcts and nothing changed...

    Post Merge: May 05, 2016, 04:42:26 PM
    ...Does anyone know where to put codes at on Riivoloution? I've tried multiple ways, .gct editors, and codes, but that doesn't work. I even got premade .gcts and nothing changed...
    riivolution uses an XML to program the changes or swaps to be made and all without a GCT, for cheats in the mix, codehandler.bin and an xml to account for the gct must be added to the riivolution folder on the SD root, try downloading either riivo for gecko users, or one of the riivo for gecko users based hack packs then try again
    « Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 02:30:05 AM by Diddy Kong » Logged

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    « Reply #772 on: June 02, 2016, 02:38:40 AM »

    Well that did it, I thought I had to put in the whole game ID. Thanks a lot for your help! Now everything is working perfectly.

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    « Reply #773 on: June 03, 2016, 01:58:40 AM »

    Well that did it, I thought I had to put in the whole game ID. Thanks a lot for your help! Now everything is working perfectly.
    no prob.

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    « Reply #774 on: July 03, 2016, 08:39:17 PM »

    Hey, does anyone have the last version of the ocarina code manager? The link on the resources page is dead and all other links I've found, including the one here, is of an old version that still has the 256 line limit which prevents exporting to GCT. Also I know that Brawlbox has it's own code manager but it has been giving me trouble so I'd rather just get what I am used to and hasn't failed me. Lost my files due to data corruption on my old HD. Tried going to the Wiird site but it keeps giving DNS errors, probably dead.

    Edit: Found a version (Though I'm unsure if its newer or older due to have been on a Japanese site without any version numbers) that does what I want it to!  Cheesy
    « Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 09:22:48 PM by Allbait » Logged

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    « Reply #775 on: August 13, 2016, 10:23:04 PM »

    Hello? I have a question regarding the Module Editor.

    I am having problems with its Memory Viewer; when I open up section [8] of a module file, the file you need to change the ID slot for, the entire list is completely blank, no numbers and variables, nothing. What is going on?

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    « Reply #776 on: September 14, 2016, 02:02:27 PM »

    Hi! I use Riivolution on my Wii U. I see a few necro questions here, so I assume this post is okay.
    Basically, everything works, except codes, and Battlefield's SSS UI will not load.
    Please help!

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    « Reply #777 on: September 26, 2016, 10:12:40 PM »

    So i have a question on how to revert my Wii back to previous versions, if i even need to, i followed the instructions perfectly but preloader didn't come up so I'm confused and if it helps I already have homebrew on my Wii but nothing ever works for it. Whenever I try to do something in homebrew, it just loads for a second and then nothing happens. So I am stuck, if anyone can help me that would be amazing!

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    « Reply #778 on: October 14, 2016, 12:58:24 AM »

    So i have a question on how to revert my Wii back to previous versions, if i even need to, i followed the instructions perfectly but preloader didn't come up so I'm confused and if it helps I already have homebrew on my Wii but nothing ever works for it. Whenever I try to do something in homebrew, it just loads for a second and then nothing happens. So I am stuck, if anyone can help me that would be amazing!
    it may be possible that the apps or your sd card is corrupt, where stuff cant work, but not enough to stop reading it

    Post Merge: October 14, 2016, 12:59:55 AM
    Hi! I use Riivolution on my Wii U. I see a few necro questions here, so I assume this post is okay.
    Basically, everything works, except codes, and Battlefield's SSS UI will not load.
    Please help!
    there are riivo hack packs i released in the past, and theres the riivo pack from beyondyou,  that can enable codes in riivolution,  for the SSS screen, common5_en.pac contains the stage select and char select assets, double check work placement and weather common5 should have _EN or not
    « Last Edit: October 14, 2016, 12:59:55 AM by Diddy Kong » Logged

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    « Reply #779 on: October 17, 2016, 08:53:58 PM »

    So I've been wanting to hack Super Smash Bros. Brawl too, but I use an emulator to play it. I own two physical copies of the game and everything but I like having it on the go is all so I use Dolphin Emulator on my laptop to play. The thing is, as far as I know, it is possible to hack an emulated wii as you would a real one, though it is MUCH more complicated. I know my request my be a bit difficult or stupid but I really just want to know how to add songs into the game at the very least. A lesson on adding in characters and stages through cloning would be greatly appreciated as well, but really the only thing I completely want out of this is new music. Preferably without replacing any of the songs already in the game, so also through cloning if that's even possible... I just realized how difficult and demanding my request sounds, its not necessary for it to be accomplished, I realize this is a VERY complicated thing to ask and I was just shooting to see if I hit a mark. Just to summarize, I would like to be taught how to add music, characters, and stages (but mostly music) into brawl without replacing any of the main assets while also using an emulator as a wii instead of an actual wii. I have downloaded the Gecko OS, I can create virtual SD cards at will, the current one I use being 2 GB in size but I can create a smaller one if necessary, and I know how to run the Gecko OS in my emulator. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope someone can help me out here, or at least let me know if my extremely demanding request is a lost cause. Once again, thank you very much

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