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Author Topic: New Trick For Combining Vertexes :3  (Read 8798 times)
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Badace Kitten
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    « on: November 09, 2010, 02:58:14 PM »

    That's right, me, a complete noob found another trick for combining vertexes between two models. It's way easier and uses morphers but should work with any version of 3DS :3

    Step one: Open the two models of your choice and edit them to your liking before hand, save your work on both models as if you normally were editing them. (IE: make any normal edits first before combining them with this method.)
    Step Two: Open up the model you want to combine with the original model and export the vertex you want to merge with the first one.
    Step Three: Open up the DAE file for the model you want to merge, perform MOST of the steps in the "mariokart64n's method without patching" tutorial.
    Step four: When you get to the part where it says clone the vertex etc DON'T, instead do this.
    Step four A: import the vertex set that was from the model you want to merge with your original(IE the original being the dae file you opened in 3DS max and the vertex being from the model you want to merge with yours.)
    Step four B: DON'T clone your edited model, if you already have made the needed edits through your chosen method. Just import the verts through the script, make sure the virts you exported are the ones that you wanted to merge with your model before you import them.

    Step five: Go to morphers after importing the vert set that you want to combine with your model, then click the first channel and pick from scene, select that vert using the H key trick and scale that up to one hundred.

    Step six: Export the verts using the steps from the "mariokart64n's method without doublepatching" making sure that you didn't do the "morph" part of this method, ONLY DO THIS TRICK WITH THE VERT SET FROM THE MODEL THAT YOU WANT TO MERGE WITH YOUR NEW MODEL.

    Step seven: preview the model in brawlbox after you've replaced it with the one you exported the new verts on. It should look like your model and the changes made from the model you didn't edit.

    I'll edit this and try to make a more detailed description of what I did later, but right now I'm working on a new hack :3 so yeah <3

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    « Reply #1 on: November 09, 2010, 05:44:32 PM »

    I have merged vertex edits myself with the use of Anim8or, but it did involve keeping track of each vertex point's position.

    Badace Kitten
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    « Reply #2 on: November 09, 2010, 06:28:40 PM »

    I have merged vertex edits myself with the use of Anim8or, but it did involve keeping track of each vertex point's position.

    This way theres no tracking the positions though :s it's just like going copy/paste onto the other model Cheesy

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    « Reply #3 on: November 10, 2010, 06:54:58 AM »

    Well it is a shame that 3DS Max isn't a free program, unlike Anim8or.

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