« Reply #360 on: October 15, 2011, 02:29:14 AM » |
It will most likely work, as NTSC-U and NTSC-J SFX ids are said to match themselves. I haven't got NTSC-J brsar, so I can't check it, though.
As you may have noticed, I don't answer PMs with problems anymore.
« Reply #361 on: October 17, 2011, 04:25:55 PM » |
Would it be possible to add some sort of feature that allows you to copy a sound effect from one character to another or somehow extract a sound effect from a brsar? This could be extremely useful for porting sound packs over other characters for use with module editing if it is.
« Reply #362 on: October 18, 2011, 08:01:24 AM » |
Extracting a sound from brsar into .wav format is something that I'm unable to do (maybe yet). Use SmashBox or BrawlBox for that. But copying sounds should be easily possible.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 08:04:45 AM by Jaklub »
As you may have noticed, I don't answer PMs with problems anymore.
« Reply #363 on: October 19, 2011, 03:26:24 PM » |
How about extracting the actual sounds in the brsar? Not in wav, just the actual raw file, err S files(?). I wanted to try them with Dant's Custom Sound Engine, but sndconv just splits the wav into two files. So, would it be possible? Hexing it out would also be the same result; two files.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 07:26:39 PM by SuperrSonic »
« Reply #364 on: October 21, 2011, 06:20:25 AM » |
I don't think so.
As you may have noticed, I don't answer PMs with problems anymore.
« Reply #365 on: October 21, 2011, 03:07:23 PM » |
Had to try, thanks for the reply anyways.
« Reply #366 on: November 19, 2011, 10:08:28 AM » |
Hey Jaklub i was wondering, Do you happen to have some of the Character's SFX IDs like for Captain Falcon to match for PSA like ssbbtailsfan did? I only have Marth's, DK's, and Sonic's. So i was wondering if you might have Captain Falcon's because i need to edit a few of his sounds to be played in PSA but i dont know what SFX is which.
 Soon enough... I'll show you my true power.
« Reply #367 on: November 19, 2011, 10:32:33 AM » |
I happened to have that one Captain Falcon's Voice folder
SFX IDs and Sound names by Dantarion, Wave numbers by ssbbtailsfan with credit to InnocentRoad for Wave# reference
SFX Wave# Sound name ID (Smash (PSA) Boxv57)
0522 0 nsnd_vc_captain_001 0523 1 nsnd_vc_captain_002 0524 2 nsnd_vc_captain_003 0525 3 nsnd_vc_captain_004 0526 4 nsnd_vc_captain_005 0527 5 nsnd_vc_captain_006 0528 5 nsnd_vc_captain_007 0529 5 nsnd_vc_captain_008 052A 5 nsnd_vc_captain_009 052B 5 nsnd_vc_captain_010 052C 5 nsnd_vc_captain_011 052D 5 nsnd_vc_captain_012 052E 5 nsnd_vc_captain_013 052F 5 nsnd_vc_captain_014 0530 5 nsnd_vc_captain_015 0531 5 nsnd_vc_captain_016 0532 5 nsnd_vc_captain_017 0533 5 nsnd_vc_captain_018 0534 5 nsnd_vc_captain_019 0535 5 nsnd_vc_captain_020 0536 5 nsnd_vc_captain_021 0537 5 nsnd_vc_captain_022 0538 5 nsnd_vc_captain_023 0539 5 nsnd_vc_captain_024 053A 5 nsnd_vc_captain_025 053B 5 nsnd_vc_captain_026 053C 5 nsnd_vc_captain_027 053D 5 nsnd_vc_captain_028 053E 5 nsnd_vc_captain_029 053F 5 nsnd_vc_captain_030 0540 5 nsnd_vc_captain_031 0541 5 nsnd_vc_captain_032 0542 5 nsnd_vc_captain_033 0543 5 nsnd_vc_captain_034 0544 5 nsnd_vc_captain_035 0545 5 nsnd_vc_captain_036 0546 5 nsnd_vc_captain_037 0547 5 nsnd_vc_captain_038 0548 5 nsnd_vc_captain_039 0549 5 nsnd_vc_captain_040 054A 5 nsnd_vc_captain_041 054B 5 nsnd_vc_captain_042 054C 5 nsnd_vc_captain_043 054D 5 nsnd_vc_captain_044 054E 5 nsnd_vc_captain_045 054F 5 nsnd_vc_captain_046 0550 5 nsnd_vc_captain_047 0551 5 nsnd_vc_captain_048 0552 5 nsnd_vc_captain_049 0553 6 nsnd_vc_ouen_Captain 0554 7 nsnd_vc_captain_Appeal01 0555 4 nsnd_vc_captain_Appeal02 0556 8 nsnd_vc_captain_Appeal03 0557 9 nsnd_vc_captain_Attack01 0558 10 nsnd_vc_captain_Attack02 0559 11 nsnd_vc_captain_Attack03 055A 12 nsnd_vc_captain_Attack04 055B 13 nsnd_vc_captain_Attack05 055C 14 nsnd_vc_captain_Attack06 055D 15 nsnd_vc_captain_Attack07 055E 16 nsnd_vc_captain_CliffCatch 055F 17 nsnd_vc_captain_Damage_hoshikie 0560 18 nsnd_vc_captain_Damage01 0561 19 nsnd_vc_captain_Damage02 0562 20 nsnd_vc_captain_DamageFly01 0563 21 nsnd_vc_captain_DamageFly02 0564 22 nsnd_vc_captain_FuraFura 0565 23 nsnd_vc_captain_FuraSleep 0566 24 nsnd_vc_captain_HeavyGet 0567 25 nsnd_vc_captain_Jump01 0568 26 nsnd_vc_captain_Jump02 0569 27 nsnd_vc_captain_MissFoot01 056A 28 nsnd_vc_captain_MissFoot02 056B 29 nsnd_vc_captain_Ottotto 056C 30 nsnd_vc_captain_Passive 056D 31 nsnd_vc_captain_SwimUp 056E 32 nsnd_vc_captain_Win01 056F 33 nsnd_vc_captain_Win02 0570 34 nsnd_vc_captain_Win03
--------------------------------------- Captain Falcon's SFX Folder
SFX IDs and Sound names by Dantarion, Wave numbers by ssbbtailsfan with credit to InnocentRoad for Wave# reference
SFX Wave# Sound name ID (Smash (PSA) Boxv57)
0D9D 0 nsnd_se_captain_001 0D9E 1 nsnd_se_captain_002 0D9F 2 nsnd_se_captain_003 0DA0 3 nsnd_se_captain_004 0DA1 4 nsnd_se_captain_005 0DA2 5 nsnd_se_captain_006 0DA3 6 nsnd_se_captain_007 0DA4 7 nsnd_se_captain_008 0DA5 7 nsnd_se_captain_009 0DA6 8 nsnd_se_captain_010 0DA7 8 nsnd_se_captain_011 0DA8 9 nsnd_se_captain_012 0DA9 10 nsnd_se_captain_013 0DAA 11 nsnd_se_captain_014 0DAB 12 nsnd_se_captain_015 0DAC 13 nsnd_se_captain_016 0DAD 14 nsnd_se_captain_017 0DAE 15 nsnd_se_captain_018 0DAF 10 nsnd_se_captain_019 0DB0 16 nsnd_se_captain_020 0DB1 16 nsnd_se_captain_021 0DB2 16 nsnd_se_captain_022 0DB3 17 nsnd_se_captain_023 0DB4 18 nsnd_se_captain_024 0DB5 19 nsnd_se_captain_025 0DB6 20 nsnd_se_captain_026 0DB7 21 nsnd_se_captain_027 0DB8 22 nsnd_se_captain_028 0DB9 23 nsnd_se_captain_029 0DBA 24 nsnd_se_captain_030 0DBB 25 nsnd_se_captain_031 0DBC 26 nsnd_se_captain_032 0DBD 27 nsnd_se_captain_033 0DBE 28 nsnd_se_captain_034 0DBF 29 nsnd_se_captain_035 0DC0 30 nsnd_se_captain_036 0DC1 31 nsnd_se_captain_037 0DC2 32 nsnd_se_captain_038 0DC3 33 nsnd_se_captain_039 0DC4 34 nsnd_se_captain_040 0DC5 35 nsnd_se_captain_041 0DC6 36 nsnd_se_captain_042 0DC7 37 nsnd_se_captain_043 0DC8 38 nsnd_se_captain_044 0DC9 39 nsnd_se_captain_045 0DCA 40 nsnd_se_captain_046 0DCB 41 nsnd_se_captain_047 0DCC 42 nsnd_se_captain_048 0DCD 43 nsnd_se_captain_049 0DCE 44 nsnd_se_captain_050 0DCF 45 nsnd_se_captain_Attack_l 0DD0 46 nsnd_se_captain_Attack_ll 0DD1 47 nsnd_se_captain_Attack_m 0DD2 48 nsnd_se_captain_Attack_s 0DD3 49 nsnd_se_captain_Attack100 0DD4 50 nsnd_se_captain_BodyPress01 0DD5 51 nsnd_se_captain_BodyPress02 0DD6 52 nsnd_se_captain_dash_start 0DD7 53 nsnd_se_captain_dash_stop 0DD8 54 nsnd_se_captain_down01 0DD9 55 nsnd_se_captain_down02 0DDA 56 nsnd_se_captain_Final01 0DDB 57 nsnd_se_captain_Final02 0DDC 58 nsnd_se_captain_Final03 0DDD 59 nsnd_se_captain_Final04 0DDE 60 nsnd_se_captain_Final05 0DDF 61 nsnd_se_captain_jump01 0DE0 62 nsnd_se_captain_jump02 0DE1 63 nsnd_se_captain_Landing01 0DE2 5 nsnd_se_captain_Landing02 0DE3 64 nsnd_se_captain_smash_H01 0DE4 65 nsnd_se_captain_smash_H02 0DE5 66 nsnd_se_captain_smash_H03 0DE6 67 nsnd_se_captain_smash_H04 0DE7 68 nsnd_se_captain_smash_H05 0DE8 69 nsnd_se_captain_smash_L01 0DE9 70 nsnd_se_captain_smash_L02 0DEA 71 nsnd_se_captain_smash_L03 0DEB 72 nsnd_se_captain_smash_L04 0DEC 73 nsnd_se_captain_smash_L05 0DED 74 nsnd_se_captain_smash_S01 0DEE 75 nsnd_se_captain_smash_S02 0DEF 76 nsnd_se_captain_smash_S03 0DF0 77 nsnd_se_captain_smash_S04 0DF1 78 nsnd_se_captain_smash_S05 0DF2 79 nsnd_se_captain_Special_H01 0DF3 80 nsnd_se_captain_Special_H02 0DF4 81 nsnd_se_captain_Special_H03 0DF5 82 nsnd_se_captain_Special_H04 0DF6 83 nsnd_se_captain_Special_H05 0DF7 84 nsnd_se_captain_Special_L01 0DF8 85 nsnd_se_captain_Special_L02 0DF9 86 nsnd_se_captain_Special_L03 0DFA 87 nsnd_se_captain_Special_L04 0DFB 88 nsnd_se_captain_Special_L05 0DFC 89 nsnd_se_captain_Special_N01 0DFD 90 nsnd_se_captain_Special_N02 0DFE 91 nsnd_se_captain_Special_N03 0DFF 92 nsnd_se_captain_Special_N04 0E00 93 nsnd_se_captain_Special_N05 0E01 94 nsnd_se_captain_Special_S01 0E02 95 nsnd_se_captain_Special_S02 0E03 96 nsnd_se_captain_Special_S03 0E04 97 nsnd_se_captain_Special_S04 0E05 98 nsnd_se_captain_Special_S05 0E06 99 nsnd_se_captain_squat 0E07 100 nsnd_se_captain_step_hidari_m 0E08 101 nsnd_se_captain_step_hidari_s 0E09 102 nsnd_se_captain_step_migi_m 0E0A 103 nsnd_se_captain_step_migi_s 0E0B 104 nsnd_se_captain_swing_l 0E0C 105 nsnd_se_captain_swing_ll 0E0D 106 nsnd_se_captain_swing_m 0E0E 16 nsnd_se_captain_swing_s 0E0F 107 nsnd_se_captain_turn 0E10 108 nsnd_se_captain_turn_run 0E11 109 nsnd_se_captain_ukemi 0E12 110 nsnd_se_captain_Wait1 0E13 111 nsnd_se_captain_Wait2 0E14 112 nsnd_se_captain_Wait3 0E15 113 nsnd_se_captain_wear
As you may have noticed, I don't answer PMs with problems anymore.
« Reply #368 on: November 19, 2011, 11:01:59 AM » |
awesome thanks  Edit: Jaklub, i wanted to ask you something else. How do you get a sound to stop playing if the animation has ended? Like what i mean. Say i put a Sound effect to play during a charging animation. But once i fire after charging the sound effect is still going. How do i get it to stop playing once i fire the charged attack?
« Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 11:52:55 AM by MandoWolfe »
 Soon enough... I'll show you my true power.
« Reply #369 on: November 19, 2011, 01:50:09 PM » |
0A020100 Sound Effect (Transient)
As you may have noticed, I don't answer PMs with problems anymore.
« Reply #370 on: November 19, 2011, 01:53:19 PM » |
ahh ok then. Thank you.
 Soon enough... I'll show you my true power.
« Reply #371 on: December 03, 2011, 01:19:50 PM » |
I've been wanting to make Cloud's SFX, but I'm new to this, and so far, all I've made is the .WAV files to match Ike's frequency. I'm TOTALLY lost in the part of how to add them to the BRSAR and how to call them through PSA... Any help you could give me?
« Reply #372 on: December 03, 2011, 01:36:40 PM » |
You don't need to make anything match anymore. You just have not to go over the limits (keep an eye at Data2Length of group). To know how to insert them into brsar, refer to the newest Sawndz help. It's in the program. About calling through PSA. There are some Sound Effect commands. Use them. To know what argument you should choose, you need to have the SFX ID list. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42115509/FIXED_USA_SFX_ID_LIST.txtJust look around in SmashBox a bit to know which ID holds which sound.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 02:37:20 PM by Jaklub »
As you may have noticed, I don't answer PMs with problems anymore.
« Reply #373 on: December 03, 2011, 02:17:47 PM » |
You don't need to make anything match anymore. You just have not to go over the limits (have an eye at Data2Length of group). To know how to insert them into brsar, refer to the newest Sawndz help. It's in the program. About calling through PSA. There are some Sound Effect commands. Use them. To know what argument you should choose, you need to have the SFX ID list. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42115509/FIXED_USA_SFX_ID_LIST.txtJust look around in SmashBox a bit to know which ID holds which sound. I see in that list you linked:
0956 nsnd_vc_Ike_001
How'd I know which Wave is this?
And to replace with sawndz, I'd just need to put, say, from Wave10, only "10" in the Wave ID tab?
Also, how can I make a .sawnd file of the finished product?
EDIT: And by this:
You don't need to make anything match anymore. You just have not to go over the limits (have an eye at Data2Length of group).
You mean the frequency doesn't matters? All that matters is the file size od the Data2Lenght of the group?
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 02:20:27 PM by Albafika »
« Reply #374 on: December 03, 2011, 02:36:08 PM » |
Because ssbbtailsfan randomly quit and I don't have every of his files with SFX ID research, getting IDs requires intuition. This is the pattern of names that occurs in most groups with character voices. - All of the voices have "vc" in their names. Names with "se" are assigned to sound effects. - Every taunt related voice contains "Appeal" word. - Voices used in A attacks contain "Attack" word. - "CliffCatch" is self-explanatory. - "Damage_hoshikie" is a part of name of the sample that has the Sky KO scream. - Other "Damage" samples are used when the character is damaged heavily. Sometimes not all of them are used. - "FuraFura" - sample played when the character is confused (shield break, etc). - "FuraSleep" - when it's put to sleep. - "HeavyGet" - when it picks up a box or other heavy stuff. - "Jump" - self-explanatory. - "MissFoot" are voices played when character dies. - "Ottotto" is played when the character stands next to an edge. - "Passive" is played when you tech. - "SwimUp" - self-explanatory. - "Win" voices are played in victory animations. Those voices which don't have these in their names are used in other occurrences like specials. If you're not sure about the ID, take a look at "Sounds" branch in SmashBox, which is before the "Waves" branch from which you take the Wave IDs from. Although the wave IDs shown often don't match, you can see the order of samples and match the IDs on your own.
Yes, you type only 10.
Making .sawnd is simple. rtfm lol
Yes, frequency doesn't matter. All that matters is the Data2Length of the group. It can't go over ~D0000 in most cases. When your character becomes mute, you know you've reached the limit.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 02:38:12 PM by Jaklub »
As you may have noticed, I don't answer PMs with problems anymore.