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Author Topic: How to Vertex EditWith 3DS Max 2010!  (Read 9509 times)
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Badace Kitten
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    « on: September 19, 2011, 11:43:30 AM »

    Tired of waiting for a way to use 3DS Max 10 + for vertexing? Well wait no more! I have found a work-around method that has worked flawlessly so far. Before I start the tutorial, here's the checklist of what you need.

    3DS Max 8
    Collada Max for 3DS Max 8
    3DS Max 10
    Collada Max for 3DS Max 10
    Blackjax's newest release of Brawlbox
    AIS Converter

    Note: I HAVE NOT TESTED THIS IN ANY VERSIONS OTHER THAN TEN, so if you have 11 or 12 please give it a try and let me know if it works ^+^

    Step One: Perform all the pre-3DS Max steps you need for vertexing (Exporting the vertexes to the ais converter, getting the DAE file from AIS etc) as you normally would for mariokart N's method without patching.

    Step Two: Open up 3DS Max 8, and import your DAE made from AIS.

    Step Three: Check the "Selected only" box in mariokart's script, even though everything's selected anyway.

    Step Four: Click Fix AIS import and wait for it to fix it.

    Step Five: Go to File and click Save As, Save it somewhere you'll remember (I use the desktop for ease of access) and with a name you'll remember.

    Step Six: Save it as a "3DS Max" Scene, NOT a DAE/Collada scene! This is MEGA important!

    Step seven: Once the file is saved, close out of 3DS Max 8, and open up 3DS Max 10

    Step eight: Once 3DS Max 10 is opened up completely, click file, then open and select the 3DS Max scene file made from the old .DAE file. Make sure you save the DAE file for a back up, just in case something happens.

    Step Nine: Run Mariokarts vertexing script in 3DS Max 2010, and presto, now you can vertex edit the way you normally would with 3DS Max  8 Cheesy

    Note: I will not tell you where to get 3DS Max 8, and as much as I hate to say it, your only option is to find a working "torrent" for it :l

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    « Reply #1 on: September 19, 2011, 12:43:53 PM »

    i dont really see the point, since u keep using 3ds max 8...

    so why not doing it all in that one...?

    Badace Kitten
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    « Reply #2 on: September 19, 2011, 12:46:44 PM »

    i dont really see the point, since u keep using 3ds max 8...

    so why not doing it all in that one...?

    For me I have to, because the scaling tool is [censored]ed up in Max 8. For other people it's completely optional if they can't get their DAE's to import directly into 10 normally.

    Only thing I really use Max 8 for is to change the file type to one that'll open up in 10 with no errors or risk of loosing anything. After all once ur done with the Max file you could just save it as a DAE if you wanted to use a DAE.

    Pure Dark Sonic
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    « Reply #3 on: September 25, 2011, 01:49:40 PM »

    So we'll still needs 3ds max 8?

    Badace Kitten
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    « Reply #4 on: September 27, 2011, 07:31:29 AM »

    So we'll still needs 3ds max 8?

    Yeah, only for the file conversion though. In order to save the DAE as a 3DS max scene file.

    After you open up  the 3DS Max file, it's pretty much the same as using Mariokart's method in 8 without patching. the only difference is  that the file you're working with isn't a DAE, but it doesn't change the results much.

    if you already have ten, just use whatever methods you use. Since this tut is for those who are still learning with eight.

    If you need to get either ten or eight, try torrent, and there's hundreds of tutorials for keygens on youtube. I can't link you to the ones i found that actually work. Since I  would get warned, but I  could pm u the youtube tutorial link..

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