Super Mario Sunshine PSA:
I have outdone myself.
Up B-Hover Nozzle
-Launches you upwards and you can freely move in any directon you choose.
Damage: 12%
Side B-Rocket Nozzle
-Runs at high speeds bashing anyone in his way, can be spammed for the "Feel" of the Rocket Nozzle.
-Damage: 5% (Per successful hit)
Neutral B- Water Gun
-Pushes the Opponent back slighty no damage.
Down Smash- Hydro Blast
-Extremely slow start up time and is performed at extremly low speeds. But if hit succesfully it can cause MASSIVE damage.
Damage 1: 13% (Angle 1, Close to Opponent)
Damage 2: 23% (Medium Range from Opponent)
Damage 3: 43% (Far Up from Opponent)ck
AttackAirLw-Ground Pound
-With a screenshake jsut like SMS.
Damage ranges up to around 12-14 percent.
These are all his moves so far. And Ground Pound is still in work.
So until I finish Ground Pound. (AirAttackN)
No Download.
Video will be released soon.
The video will be of V.0.4 though.
V.1 Download (Has Ground Pound):