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Author Topic: Riivolution: Stage Icons & Sounds not working  (Read 1059 times)
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« on: June 14, 2012, 05:44:28 PM »

I have been playing with Riivolution hacks for a little while now, and so far, I can get texture and model hacks working. Thus far, I have been able to import a full character model and moveset replacement for numerous characters, including Zero over Link. I even have managed to modify the common5.pac to add custom images for Zero in the selection menu. On top of this, I have added numerous custom stages and brstrm files for custom music, these too, have worked without failure. However, when attempting to mod certain features, I am running into problems and am seeking assistance to resolve these problems...

The first is Stage Select Screen Images

Whenever I attempt to add any stage select screen icons through means of Brawl File Replacer OR Brawlbox .v63d, the images will take just fine--BUT; whenever I try loading them in-game (after character selection),  the game will just freeze with the obnoxious buzzing sound. This goes for the small select icon or the screen images on the left side, previewing the stage. I am not certain how to resolve this.

The second problem is the inability to add custom sound effects

I can currently add music through means of brawl file replacer and adding brstrms, but I am simply unable to add any custom sound effects whatsoever. By how I understand it, I need sawndz012 and a copy of smashbros_sound.brsar I have the smashbros_sound.brsar file downloaded and attempted to modify it. Any modification attempts always lead to nothing changing after modifying it. I still get the original, unmodified player sounds that I attempted to replace.

There are serveral files I have provided, including .hex and .sawnd files when I try to replace sounds. Since I have little documentation, however, I do not know what to do with said files and am going off of assumptions and dated video tutorials.

The files that I attempted with no avail are the Negative zero.sawnd (Replaces Link) and scottknuckles.hex (replaces Pikachu).

When I try to add Zero's sawnd file, I assume the group ID I am to enter is "9" due to the brawlbox file stating

Group IDs   Contained collection IDs and description
9      snd_group_chara_link
      196         sound effects
      BA         voices

It appears to cause my smashbros_sound file to increase in size, but in-game, I still get Link's voices.

Likewise, I cannot get Knuckle's sound files to work either. A tutorial that I watched showed the user inputting a hex offset for the input field on a [dated] version of sawndz. I attempted the hex offset in the group ID box with no avail. I then attempted Pikachu's offset of 12 to see if this would instead work. The command prompt window quickly flashes with me being unable to read what is going on. His sounds also do not work in-game after this.

I will try to provide any info if necessary. Currently I am on an NTSC-U wii with Riivolution 1.4. I am loading through means of a 2 GB SD card on Riivolution.

Juri Han
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    « Reply #1 on: June 16, 2012, 01:55:33 PM »

    Let's break this bad boy up~

    First off, when you replace the stage selection icons, are you making sure they're the right size? The small icons (the ones your cursor hovers over) are supposed to be 64x56. The PrevBase images on the other hand are supposed to be 176x176. Also, don't change the formats. The small icons should be C18, and the previews should be CMPR.

    Now, with the sounds...couple things.

    -When using a .sawnd file, all you *should* have to do is have the BRSAR you're using and the .sawnd file in the same folder.

    -The method I use requires the older version of Sawndz (0.051) to add .hex files, while I use the newer version (0.12) for .sawnd files.

    -To add a .sawnd file, all you have to do is have the file along with the BRSAR in the same folder. Open up Sawndz, and hit "Insert .sawnd". It'll prompt you to find the file you want to add. I've never had to add a group ID for this.

    -Now, to add a .hex, same thing. BSRAR and .hex in the same folder, then open Sawndz (older ver.) according to your .hex, you need to add the beginning offset and then click insert. Another window will open and prompt you what file you want. CLICK THE .HEX, NOT THE BRSAR. It should then insert itself into the BRSAR. Also, the offset usually consists of more digits. For example, SDoom's Viewtiful Joe offset is 0BD0320.

    Oh, and lastly, you miiiight need a bigger SD card.

    Blah. I didn't explain that as best I could, but hopefully it'll help : )

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