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Author Topic: an easy way to make sfx  (Read 5195 times)
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    « on: July 02, 2012, 08:15:06 AM »

    Hi world xenosasuke here
    in this tutorial I will tell you how to make sfx
    things needed

    1.SAWNDZ 0.12

    2. smashbros_sound file

    3.an rar file opener

    4.and smash box v0.57 (for only 32 bit computers)(if you are a 64 bit computer go to the end of the tutorial and I will tell you what to do)

    5.and Riivolution (if you use gecko os go at the end of the Tutorial and I will give you the code for it)

    now lets get started but be for we do you will need to put the smashbros_sound in the same place that SAWNDZ 0.12 is
    and you will need the rar file opener to Extract the sound file


    open smashbox

    and go to groups and click on the +

    and you will see a lot of files

    I am doing a sfx for sasuke form naruto

    so I will go to snd_group_chara_Marth (do not click the +)(click on the words)

    and look on your right and you will see info and just below it will say ID,wright down ID on a some paper and in the same row you will see 0x*** (for marth its 0x1A) wright that down too

    now we can click on the +
    and you will see two files that start with 0x***(marth is 0x2C9 and 0x219)(wright that down too)

    then click the + and you will see sounds and waves we only want waves so click on waves
    and you will see wave0 - what ever number it gos to (marth has 37)

    now click on wave0 and hit the || button on your right and it will play a sound on your computer
    (wright down the name of the wave**s that you want to replace)

    now open SAWNDZ 0.12
    and you will see
    Group ID
    Collection ID
    Wave ID

    and the stuff that you I told you to wright down
    gos in there (do not put 0x in there)

    for group ID put in the *** what ever chara you are replacing (I am doing marth so I will put 1A)
    for collection ID remember this

     now we can click on the +
     and you will see two files that start with 0x***(marth is 0x2C9 and 0x219)(wright that down too)

    put *** in there remember to leave out the 0x

    for Wave ID put in the wave** that you are replacing

    now click insert and open the sound that you are replacing the old one with
    (am replacing his taunts to say "give up yet")


    now we are all most done

    now put your smashbros_sound file in the sound file in your sd card
    and on the wii and go to Riivolution
    and hit start wait for it to load and hit play and there you go
    you can now play ssbb with your sounds

    now for gecko os users
    here is the code for it
    File Patch Code v4.0 Beta: [Phantom Wings]
    E0000000 80008000
    225664EC 00000000
    0401BFE0 4858BE20
    065A7E00 00000070
    38A00067 38810020
    3CE0805A 60E37C18
    4BE52531 38A0007F
    3883FFE8 38610020
    4BE52521 38A00068
    60E47C18 38610020
    9421FF80 BC410008
    38610088 4BA74DB9
    7C7C1B78 2C030000
    4082000C 38210080
    4800001C B8410008
    38210080 4BE524E5
    38610008 4BA742E1
    7C7C1B78 4BA741E8
    040223E0 48585BC0
    065A7FA0 00000028
    80010044 3C608001
    6063581C 7C001800
    4082000C 7FDDC850
    3BDEFFE0 93DB0008
    4BA7A424 00000000
    0401CD0C 4858B1F4
    065A7F00 00000038
    2C030000 4182000C
    4BA7DD51 4BA74E04
    80780008 2C030000
    41820014 8118000C
    7C634214 7C7B1850
    48000008 8078000C
    4BA74DE0 00000000
    043EE9D8 48000014
    043EEBD4 48000014
    043D8B9C 48000018
    043E9B4C 38600000
    043E9D38 38600000
    043D8C80 60000000
    80000000 80406920
    80000001 805A7C00
    8A001001 00000000
    045A7C10 2F525342
    045A7C14 452F7066
    80000001 805A7B00
    8A001001 00000000
    065A7B10 0000000F
    2F525342 452F7066
    2F736F75 6E642F00
    041C6CE0 483E0D20
    041C6CE0 483E0DA0
    065A7A80 00000028
    9421FF80 BC410008
    3C60805A 60637B1F
    4BE528B1 B8410008
    38210080 4BE52915
    4BC1F244 00000000
    065A7900 00000148
    7C401378 3C40805D
    60420000 9022FF80
    3822FF80 7C020378
    7C0802A6 9001000C
    BC810010 9421FF00
    3FA0804C 63BDFA00
    3F40804C 635AFC00
    54B2BA7E 5647482E
    7FE72850 7FDF1850
    7E66FA14 7E679B78
    3A7301FF 5673002C
    7F879850 7F7E3A14
    7C872378 387DFFFC
    389EFFFC 7FE5FB78
    48000010 84040004
    94030004 38A5FFFC
    2C050000 4181FFF0
    387AFFFC 389BFFFC
    7F85E378 48000010
    84040004 94030004
    38A5FFFC 2C050000
    4181FFF0 38000000
    9001000C 90010010
    93C10014 90010018
    3800FFFF 9001001C
    38610020 90610008
    7CE43B78 38A00080
    4BE52969 38610008
    4BA75215 389DFFFC
    38BEFFFC 7FE6FB78
    48000010 84040004
    94050004 38C6FFFC
    2C060000 4181FFF0
    7F86E378 48000010
    84040004 94050004
    38C6FFFC 2C060000
    4181FFF0 80210000
    B8810010 8001000C
    7C0803A6 80210000
    4E800020 00000000
    043E399C 481C3F04
    065A78A0 00000010
    80BC0020 7CA59214
    3A400000 4BE3C0F4
    043DBAEC 481CBDE4
    065A78D0 00000018
    800302A4 2C130000
    41820008 7E609B78
    3A600000 4BE3420C
    041CDF7C 483D9884
    065A7800 00000090
    818C0014 9421FF80
    BC410008 3D009034
    61089D94 7C034000
    4082003C 7C882378
    3C60804D 60630000
    3C80805A 60847B00
    7CC53378 38C04000
    80E40080 2C070000
    40820014 60000000
    480000B9 2C030000
    41820010 B8410008
    80210000 4BC26724
    3868FFFF 3C80804C
    6084FFFF 38A04001
    38A5FFFF 8C040001
    9C030001 2C050000
    4082FFF0 B8410008
    80210000 4BC26714
    141CCF90 483DA770
    065A7700 00000048
    9421FF80 BC410008
    7FE3FB78 3C80805A
    60847B00 38A00000
    38C04000 480001E5
    90640080 807F0008
    907A0014 907A005C
    907A0074 B8410008
    80210000 807F0000
    4BC25854 00000000
    E0000000 80008000
    041BEF80 483E8700
    065A7680 00000040
    9421FF80 BC810010
    7C671B78 7CA62B78
    80A30120 7C832378
    3C80805A 60847D00
    48000261 2C030000
    3867014C B8810010
    80210000 41820008
    4BC178CC 4BC178DC
    041C8360 483DF2A0
    065A7600 00000040
    7FC5F378 9421FF80
    BC810010 7CA62B78
    80A30018 7C832378
    3C80805A 60847D00
    480002E1 2C030000
    7FA3EB78 B8810010
    80210000 41820008
    4BC20D2C 4BC20D74
    041C862C 483DEF54
    065A7580 00000040
    7C791B78 9421FF80
    BC810010 7C661B78
    80BC0018 7FC3F378
    3C80805A 60847D00
    48000361 2C030000
    7F83E378 B8810010
    80210000 41820008
    4BC21098 4BC210F8
    065A7D00 00000038
    2F707269 76617465
    2F776969 2F617070
    2F525342 452F7066
    2F736F75 6E642F73
    6D617368 62726F73
    5F736F75 6E642E62
    72736172 00000000

    note its a beta
    and and you can not play as


    Samus/Zero Suit Samus



    if you are a 64 bit computer you will need windows XP mode

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