I was thinking about calling this Sawndz 64 but it works on 32 bit as well!
This is a c# wrapper for Jaklub's sawndz program. I've added the ability to
- Browse wav ids
- Preview sounds
- Select a .brsar file from anywhere to edit
- Shows file size of sounds and groups. Turns red to notify you size is over 0xDDDDD
This doesn't come with sndconv.exe/dsptool.dll/soundfile.dll to convert .wav files, but it can use them if you put them in the folder. It also has some of the same stability problems as before(maybe some new ones!) so remember to back up your .brsar. Size limit of 0xDDDDD only matters for most characters, but coloring applies for all.
Please help me! I have this problem where I am trying to insert a new death sound for Mario and it gives me a annoying message:
Inserting wav Mario Death.wav
sndconv.exe v1.2
Sound converter for Dolphin AX sound player.
Copyright 2001 Nintendo Technology Development, Inc.
Sawndz 0.12
2010-2011 Jaklub
special thanks to mastkalo, ssbbtailsfan, stickman, VILE
Incorrect number of arguments.
insert command requires 4 arguments.
group id
collection id
wave id
looping (0 - not loop, any other - loop)