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Author Topic: Very frustrated with adding codes to GCT file  (Read 2681 times)
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Expert Kitten
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« on: August 31, 2012, 09:28:30 AM »

So I've been trying to add codes to my gct file for both the Stage Expansion 2 hack and the Ike over Wario hack. I've tried making a new GCT file from scratch, adding the codes to my already working GCT file using the GCT editor, and I tried making a new GCT file with JUST the new codes and adding it to my working file using Mewtwo's GCT fusionizer. No matter what I do though, the new stages I added (to the correct file, along with their rel files) never appear in random, and when I select Wario, the game freezes as soon as I select a stage with the wonderful buzz noise the Wii makes when something isn't working.

I feel like I've added the codes the same way I've added codes in the past, so I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong this time around, I'd blame the codes, but since it's doing it with two completely different hacks, it must have something to do with the codes themselves, but I can't place what that could possibly be.

Could anyone either tell me what I'm doing wrong or provide me with a GCT with working codes for both Mewtwo's stage roster expansion 2 and Ike over Wario? Either would be greatly appreciated.

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« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2012, 09:38:53 AM »

*bump*, is this really that hard of a question to answer? lol.

Jack H.
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    « Reply #2 on: December 10, 2012, 07:37:06 AM »

    Well, typically before you save your gct file, you should make it a practice to save as a txt file first. That way you can easily import it back into the program to make changes instead of having to edit the GCT (buggy as heck).

    Doing it that way, you can narrow it down to whatever cheat it is that is causing the problem. Add 5 or 6 huge codes, test. If it doesn't freeze, then go ahead and add more. If it does, then you've only got 5 or 6 to test as you remove them one by one.

    It's tedious, yes - but an organized txt code bank is crucial to avoid freezes.

    -Jack H.

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