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Author Topic: cBliss v1.5 [16?]  (Read 510318 times)
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« Reply #555 on: July 03, 2013, 01:38:59 PM »

Is the filesize limit for sc_selcharacter.pac 2,79 or 3,79? Because the OP says 3,79 and the selcaracter.pac you download with cBliss is 2,79!

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    « Reply #556 on: July 03, 2013, 04:00:19 PM »

    ...people seem to be forgetting that you need to replace -every- file. There's even a specific pack that helps for that.

    AND you kinda need to include the default costumes (if you haven't replaced any - meaning, you get them from the disc).

    Not to mention the XML.

    I mean, do people just expect this to work willy-nilly without assessing -every- possible situation?

    Grammar is necessary. Butchering your language isn't. If you don't have time to correct yourself, I don't have time to read your post.
    Your compilation pack is as useless as your quest for approval, and I pity both.

    Climaxing to a jump scare would be pretty great.

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    « Reply #557 on: July 03, 2013, 04:04:25 PM »

    Is the filesize limit for sc_selcharacter.pac 2,79 or 3,79? Because the OP says 3,79 and the selcaracter.pac you download with cBliss is 2,79!

    3.79, the cBliss file is incredibly small when you first get it since most of the portraits are basically blank.

    Interesting note to anyone using Dark Flaming Blue CSS with cBliss: after I replaced all my portraits and the background in the cBliss sc_selchar, the file was a bit over the limit and I was looking for ways to reduce it when I found that reducing the colors of the background image to 16 in BrawlBox really brings the file size down, and I didn't even notice a difference in quality since it's all blue and black anyway... Pretty useful if your file is just barely over the limit.

    Want cBliss on your BrawlEx Build? Check out this tutorial!

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    « Reply #558 on: July 03, 2013, 04:05:53 PM »

    I've been using the red and black CSS w/ cBliss with no issues.

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    « Reply #559 on: July 03, 2013, 05:28:19 PM »

    Okay, I've got a modification that's only for the truly adventurous types of people, as this will use the addresses of Wario's new offset, keeping Wario's at its original place. Like the original author already stated, if these addresses are going to be overwritten at some point by another code, it could make cBliss not work at all, so be very sure none of the addresses are going to be overwritten, or just use the original, since if these addresses are going to be used, at least it would only be Wario who would be getting the boot.

    Costume Color offset FIX [ASF1nk]
    07200D34 00000060
    00000501 03020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 0C000000
    03000001 05020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 0C000000
    01000001 03020503
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 0C000000
    05000001 03020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 0C000000
    This will store four sets of costume data.

    All Roster has Costume Offset FIX. v2 [ASF1nk]
    04455460 81200D34
    04455470 81200D7C
    04455480 81200D4C
    04455490 81200D7C
    044554A0 81200D7C
    044554B0 81200D4C
    044554C0 81200D7C
    044554D0 81200D7C
    044554E0 81200D7C
    044554F0 81200D4C
    04455500 81200D7C
    04455510 81200D34
    04455520 81200D4C
    04455530 81200D7C
    04455540 81200D7C
    04455550 81200D7C
    04455560 81200D7C
    04455570 81200D7C
    04455580 81200D7C
    04455590 81200D7C
    044555A0 81200D7C
    044555B0 80455334
    044555C0 81200D7C
    044555D0 81200D7C
    044555E0 81200D7C
    044555F0 81200D7C
    04455600 81200D34
    04455610 81200D7C
    04455620 81200D7C
    04455630 81200D7C
    04455640 81200D7C
    04455650 81200D34
    04455660 81200D64
    04455670 81200D7C
    04455680 81200D34
    04455690 81200D7C
    044556A0 81200D4C
    044556B0 81200D7C
    044556C0 81200D7C
    044556D0 81200D64
    This will write the new offsets to the costume data.

    What it does is simple. It uses the original set of data described in the original code, meaning, FitChar01 is red, FitChar02 is green and FitChar03 is blue.

    However, in the cases where the main color, as in, FitChar00, is any of the team colors, it would pick that instead, in Mario's case, his primary costume would be the red team costume.

    Again, it's not advisable to use this code if you're not sure any of the codes will write to this location.

    Also, I'm going to do some more tests, to see if I can extend this any further.

    Anyway, I tested it, and it does work with at least Mario.

    EDIT: If you're going to use Alternative Stage Loader, don't use this.
    « Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 06:06:11 PM by GaryCXJk » Logged

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    « Reply #560 on: July 03, 2013, 08:54:01 PM »

    So is your Project M working? Also I'm trying to use character skins as well, but they all have .pcs and .pac files. Mine keeps freezing
    Yes! It's working perfectly. for the stage select map. Did you place the sel_map file in the cBliss pack into your menu2? DON'T do that. Delete it to be able to use PM select stage.  BUT you do need to replace these files. They're in the common5 file in the system folder.
    -MiscData[40] [StockIcons]
    -PAT= MenSelmapPlayer1_TopN [On MiscData[20]] [Pattern File for StockIcons]
    -PAT= MenSelmapPlayer2_TopN [On MiscData[20]] [Pattern File for StockIcons]
    -PAT= MenSelmapPlayer3_TopN [On MiscData[20]] [Pattern File for StockIcons]
    -PAT= MenSelmapPlayer4_TopN [On MiscData[20]] [Pattern File for StockIcons]

    First, though. You must export those files from the common5 you got for cBliss.
    The MiscData[40] is visible after opening the sc_selmap_en in the common5. Right click it and use "Export". The other four files are in the MiscData[20]. Then you have to go down and expand AnmTexPat(NW4R) and Export them individually. Then go into the common5 file you'll be using for Project M and, instead of Exporting them, Replace them.

     Are your .pcs and .pac files the same size? If so then open them in BrawlBox and save them as a .pair. That'll properly compress one of them and they'll be different sizes.
    If they are different sizes then I don't know what to suggest.

    I really hope I got my stuff right here. I'm not exactly an expert with this stuff.. But this is what I did so it should work.
    « Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 08:55:29 PM by Lockablefaceman » Logged

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    « Reply #561 on: July 04, 2013, 05:45:15 AM »

    ok new problem, somehow it doesn't replace the CSS anymore, so get freezes if i choose a new color D:

    Is it the file patch code or am i missing something?
    this is my directory:

    pf/fighter/All fighter files
    pf/info/portrite/All portrait files
    pf/menu/common/char_bust_tex/All files are there
    pf/menu2/sc-selcharacter_de.pac, sc_selcharacter2_de.pac and sc_selmap_de.pac (because common5 isn't the same in PAL)

    are all files correct or is something wrong?
    Because Gecko doesn't replace the CSS anymore and i didn't change the .gct file for weeks!
    Please help! Dx

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    « Reply #562 on: July 04, 2013, 07:52:17 AM »

    Okay, I've got a modification that's only for the truly adventurous types of people, as this will use the addresses of Wario's new offset, keeping Wario's at its original place. Like the original author already stated, if these addresses are going to be overwritten at some point by another code, it could make cBliss not work at all, so be very sure none of the addresses are going to be overwritten, or just use the original, since if these addresses are going to be used, at least it would only be Wario who would be getting the boot.

    Costume Color offset FIX [ASF1nk]
    07200D34 00000060
    00000501 03020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 0C000000
    03000001 05020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 0C000000
    01000001 03020503
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 0C000000
    05000001 03020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 0C000000
    This will store four sets of costume data.

    All Roster has Costume Offset FIX. v2 [ASF1nk]
    04455460 81200D34
    04455470 81200D7C
    04455480 81200D4C
    04455490 81200D7C
    044554A0 81200D7C
    044554B0 81200D4C
    044554C0 81200D7C
    044554D0 81200D7C
    044554E0 81200D7C
    044554F0 81200D4C
    04455500 81200D7C
    04455510 81200D34
    04455520 81200D4C
    04455530 81200D7C
    04455540 81200D7C
    04455550 81200D7C
    04455560 81200D7C
    04455570 81200D7C
    04455580 81200D7C
    04455590 81200D7C
    044555A0 81200D7C
    044555B0 80455334
    044555C0 81200D7C
    044555D0 81200D7C
    044555E0 81200D7C
    044555F0 81200D7C
    04455600 81200D34
    04455610 81200D7C
    04455620 81200D7C
    04455630 81200D7C
    04455640 81200D7C
    04455650 81200D34
    04455660 81200D64
    04455670 81200D7C
    04455680 81200D34
    04455690 81200D7C
    044556A0 81200D4C
    044556B0 81200D7C
    044556C0 81200D7C
    044556D0 81200D64
    This will write the new offsets to the costume data.

    What it does is simple. It uses the original set of data described in the original code, meaning, FitChar01 is red, FitChar02 is green and FitChar03 is blue.

    However, in the cases where the main color, as in, FitChar00, is any of the team colors, it would pick that instead, in Mario's case, his primary costume would be the red team costume.

    Again, it's not advisable to use this code if you're not sure any of the codes will write to this location.

    Also, I'm going to do some more tests, to see if I can extend this any further.

    Anyway, I tested it, and it does work with at least Mario.

    EDIT: If you're going to use Alternative Stage Loader, don't use this.

    Read this quote:

    About that stability, the only difference (unless I'm mistaken) between cBliss 1.1 and 1.5 is just that Wario has his own place in memory to enable his 12 costumes. I've been told that the memory used is used at some point by other things in the game, so it's not a safe location.

    I could post a memory-safe version of the codes, both the original and modded teams versions in case it gets better. I'll do it later.

    So, unless I'm mistaken, you've made the code to keep wario in his original spot, while using what was the place in memory for wario before as the new costume values for the rest of characters, only that in 4 different sets so they can keep their standard costume as the red/green/blue team. This will be unstable, probably less unstable than what I posted some weeks ago to accomplish the same thing, but still will be.

    You mentioned the possibility of re-using the junk that is the original placement of the costumes, so I'm wondering why have you used that unstable part of the memory instead of that junk. The idea is fine, but you've used the wrong memory just like asf1nk or myself, with some of my modded versions.

    In fact, I got a new mod I'm using for like 2 weeks with a safer place in the memory. Instead of having 4 different sets and using them in each character, depending on what each one needs, I've just written a big bunch of memory and every character just points to their own place, even if the contents are exactly the same. I did that because I originally made a mod in which the original Brawl order was kept, and that needed every character to use their own costume info, not only 4 sets like in the cBliss order. So I just converted my long code into the special case in which all the characters use a different place in memory with the cBliss order for everybody.

    I've never shared those codes with the new offset, so I'm doing it now. I'll also re-post the codes with the original Brawl order, just in case. That way, people may test and select what's more stable for them.

    cBliss with cBliss css order, but original team colors:

    Characters have 10 Costumes [All Chars +] [Mewtwo2000, ASF1nk]

    06AD817C 00000070
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    33FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF1FFF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF

    Custom CSS expansion slots (cBliss + original teams) v2 [Mewtwo2000]

    06582D34 000003C8
    00000001 03020103
    02040805 09060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    07000001 03020103
    08040905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    03000001 03020103
    08040905 02060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    04040805 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000001 03020103
    04040805 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    03000001 03020103
    02040605 05060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    06000001 03020103
    02040905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    07000001 03020103
    08040905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    05040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    03000001 03020103
    0B040A05 04060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000001 03020103
    08040605 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    00000001 03020103
    02040905 08060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    03000001 03020103
    08040905 07060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    06000001 03020103
    09040A05 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    09000001 03020103
    08040405 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    09000001 03020103
    08040405 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    04000001 03020103
    08040905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000001 03020103
    08040905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    08000001 03020103
    02040505 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    09000001 03020103
    08040A05 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    04000001 03020103
    08040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000001 03020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 070A090B
    0C000000 00000000
    04000001 03020103
    09040605 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    09000001 03020103
    02040805 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    09040805 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    07040405 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    00000001 03020103
    06040205 04060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    07040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    07040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    07040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    07040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    00000001 03020103
    07040405 06060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    01000001 03020103
    05040905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000001 03020103
    07040205 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    00000001 03020103
    06040205 09060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    06000001 03020103
    09040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    03000001 03020103
    04040705 08060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    0B000001 03020103
    08040905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000001 03020103
    09040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    01000001 03020103
    02040805 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000

    All roster use their own expanded slots v2 [Mewtwo2000]

    04455460 80582D34
    04455470 80582D4C
    04455480 80582D64
    04455490 80582D7C
    044554A0 80582D94
    044554B0 80582DAC
    044554C0 80582DC4
    044554D0 80582DDC
    044554E0 80582DF4
    044554F0 80582E0C
    04455500 80582E24
    04455510 80582E3C
    04455520 804552A4
    04455530 80582E6C
    04455540 80582E84
    04455550 80582E9C
    04455560 80582EB4
    04455570 80582ECC
    04455580 80582EE4
    04455590 80582EFC
    044555A0 80582F14
    044555B0 80455334
    044555C0 80582F4C
    044555D0 80582F64
    044555E0 80582F7C
    044555F0 80582F94
    04455600 80582FAC
    04455610 80582FC4
    04455620 80582FDC
    04455630 80582FF4
    04455640 8058300C
    04455650 80583024
    04455660 8058303C
    04455670 80583054
    04455680 8058306C
    04455690 80583084
    044556A0 8058309C
    044556B0 805830B4
    044556C0 805830CC
    044556D0 805830E4

    cBliss with original (Brawl) css order and teams (needs files with the original css order):

    Characters have 10 Costumes [All Chars +] [Mewtwo2000, ASF1nk]

    06AD817C 00000070
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    33FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF1FFF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF

    Custom CSS expansion slots v2 [Mewtwo2000]
    06582D34 000003C8
    00000906 01030204
    08050302 00010507
    0B080409 0C000000
    07000804 00010103
    03020905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    03000001 01030905
    02060804 03020507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000103 00010805
    04040302 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000103 00010805
    04040302 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    03000001 01030204
    06050506 03020507
    0B080409 0C000000
    06000204 01030001
    03020905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    07000804 00010302
    01030905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    05040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    03000A05 00010103
    0B040406 03020507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000804 00010302
    01030605 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    00000905 02040302
    01030806 00010507
    0B080409 0C000000
    03000804 00010103
    09050706 03020507
    0B080409 0C000000
    06000A05 00010103
    03020904 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    09000001 01030405
    03020804 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    09000001 01030405
    03020804 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    04000001 01030804
    03020905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000001 03020804
    09050103 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    08000001 02040103
    03020505 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    09000A05 01030001
    03020804 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    04000804 01030302
    00010705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000001 02050302
    08040103 02060007
    01090308 070A090B
    0C000000 00000000
    04000904 00010302
    01030605 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    09000204 00010302
    01030805 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000904 00010805
    03020103 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000704 00010103
    03020405 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    00000205 06040406
    03020103 00010507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    07040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    07040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    07040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    02000001 03020103
    07040705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    00000606 03020405
    01030704 00010507
    0B080409 0C000000
    01000001 05040905
    03020103 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000205 00010103
    03020704 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    00000906 02050604
    01030302 00010507
    0B080409 0C000000
    06000001 09040103
    03020705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    03000001 01030404
    07050806 03020507
    0B080409 0C000000
    0B000001 08040302
    01030905 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    05000001 01030904
    03020705 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000
    01000805 02040302
    00010103 0A060507
    0B080409 0C000000

    All roster use their own expanded slots v2 [Mewtwo2000]

    04455460 80582D34
    04455470 80582D4C
    04455480 80582D64
    04455490 80582D7C
    044554A0 80582D94
    044554B0 80582DAC
    044554C0 80582DC4
    044554D0 80582DDC
    044554E0 80582DF4
    044554F0 80582E0C
    04455500 80582E24
    04455510 80582E3C
    04455520 804552A4
    04455530 80582E6C
    04455540 80582E84
    04455550 80582E9C
    04455560 80582EB4
    04455570 80582ECC
    04455580 80582EE4
    04455590 80582EFC
    044555A0 80582F14
    044555B0 80455334
    044555C0 80582F4C
    044555D0 80582F64
    044555E0 80582F7C
    044555F0 80582F94
    04455600 80582FAC
    04455610 80582FC4
    04455620 80582FDC
    04455630 80582FF4
    04455640 8058300C
    04455650 80583024
    04455660 8058303C
    04455670 80583054
    04455680 8058306C
    04455690 80583084
    044556A0 8058309C
    044556B0 805830B4
    044556C0 805830CC
    044556D0 805830E4

    The gct files and the Project M versions can be found here:

    « Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 08:50:17 AM by Mewtwo2000 » Logged

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    « Reply #563 on: July 05, 2013, 09:24:15 AM »

    Well, that mostly was because something made my Wii and Dolphin crash, so I wasn't sure if it had to do with overwriting junk code or not. Tried it again later when trying to give each character their own costume data and junk, and no problems there.

    Anyway, here's a question. What would happen if we were to give Toon Link more than ten costumes?

    I know, I know, it would overwrite some portrait images of Wol-

    Oh, wait, never mind, it's totally possible.

    So that means that both Toon Link and Wolf are able to carry more than ten costumes, most likely even Dark and Fake skins potentially. I didn't try it on Sonic though.

    Also, I think it's possible to give Wario one extra costume, or actually two extra costumes, but since I don't like to overwrite his dark costume, it could be potentially possible to give him a thirteenth costume that would overwrite a potential Fake costume. I also haven't yet tried that, though.

    Heck, it *might* even be possible to give him an additional two, but from what I heard it might not be possible to go beyond the fourteen costumes in existence (twelve original with his existing Dark costume and his non-existing Fake costume).

    By the way, Fake just means the shadow bug versions that Peach, Zelda, Samus and Diddy had.

    EDIT: By the way, remember seeing that in the "Characters have 10 Costumes" code, most had 13FF, some had 33FF and one had 1FFF? I finally got it. I mean, it's not hard to get this code, but the one that stood out for me was the 33FF part. I just figured out that the 3 just had that one extra bit, it being the 14th bit, that represented whether the character had a Fake costume or not.

    (For those who don't get this mumbo jumbo, when turning each of the previous hexadecimal values into binary values, each one represents a "this costume is enabled on this character, yo")
    « Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 09:31:23 AM by GaryCXJk » Logged

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    « Reply #564 on: July 05, 2013, 12:31:53 PM »

    ok new problem, somehow it doesn't replace the CSS anymore, so get freezes if i choose a new color D:

    Is it the file patch code or am i missing something?
    this is my directory:

    pf/fighter/All fighter files
    pf/info/portrite/All portrait files
    pf/menu/common/char_bust_tex/All files are there
    pf/menu2/sc-selcharacter_de.pac, sc_selcharacter2_de.pac and sc_selmap_de.pac (because common5 isn't the same in PAL)

    are all files correct or is something wrong?
    Because Gecko doesn't replace the CSS anymore and i didn't change the .gct file for weeks!
    Please help! Dx
    shouldnt it be sc_selcharacter.pac instead of sc_selcharacter_de.pac?
    i think it should

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    « Reply #565 on: July 05, 2013, 04:51:11 PM »

    shouldnt it be sc_selcharacter.pac instead of sc_selcharacter_de.pac?
    i think it should
    i'm a PAL user so there are 5 different pacs
    sc_selcharacter_de.pac (German)
    sc_selcharacter_en.pac (English)
    sc_selcharacter_es.pac (Spanish)
    sc_selcharacter_fr.pac (French)
    sc_selcharacter_it.pac (Italian)

    so i'm german so i need the sc_selcharacter_de.pac

    or does the pal file patch code only replace sc_selcharacter.pac over all 5?
    i'm cunfused Tongue

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    « Reply #566 on: July 05, 2013, 04:54:34 PM »

    Well, that mostly was because something made my Wii and Dolphin crash, so I wasn't sure if it had to do with overwriting junk code or not. Tried it again later when trying to give each character their own costume data and junk, and no problems there.

    Anyway, here's a question. What would happen if we were to give Toon Link more than ten costumes?

    I know, I know, it would overwrite some portrait images of Wol-

    Oh, wait, never mind, it's totally possible.

    So that means that both Toon Link and Wolf are able to carry more than ten costumes, most likely even Dark and Fake skins potentially. I didn't try it on Sonic though.

    Also, I think it's possible to give Wario one extra costume, or actually two extra costumes, but since I don't like to overwrite his dark costume, it could be potentially possible to give him a thirteenth costume that would overwrite a potential Fake costume. I also haven't yet tried that, though.

    Heck, it *might* even be possible to give him an additional two, but from what I heard it might not be possible to go beyond the fourteen costumes in existence (twelve original with his existing Dark costume and his non-existing Fake costume).

    By the way, Fake just means the shadow bug versions that Peach, Zelda, Samus and Diddy had.

    EDIT: By the way, remember seeing that in the "Characters have 10 Costumes" code, most had 13FF, some had 33FF and one had 1FFF? I finally got it. I mean, it's not hard to get this code, but the one that stood out for me was the 33FF part. I just figured out that the 3 just had that one extra bit, it being the 14th bit, that represented whether the character had a Fake costume or not.

    (For those who don't get this mumbo jumbo, when turning each of the previous hexadecimal values into binary values, each one represents a "this costume is enabled on this character, yo")

    This is pretty much common sense.
    Wolf cosmetic slot is not even after ToonLink's; Ghost Z/S' is.
    Matter of fact Ganon, ROB, TL, Wolf and Sonic can be given more than 10 costumes without having to worry about other cosmetics interfering.
    Heck if you don't mind interference you can just give all characters more than 10.
    Only difference you'll see is in the BPs and stock icons.
    For example Mario's 11 costume would load DK's 00 BP in-game, but other wise no problems at all.

    About costume flags you're right. They are read from right to left.
    First 4-bit being costumes 00 - 03, second being 04-07, and third being 05-09.
    last one handles whether spy, dark, and fake are loaded.
    Also credit to BlackJax for helping me with figure out the costume flags way back then. Tongue

    So yeah that last bit is the key for loading more than 12 costumes, though you may notice that only adds up to 15 costumes. the 16th one is another story.

    Also using the Dark/Spy/Fake costume's can make Game&Watch have more than one .pac/.pcs.

    Regarding more than 10 costumes, I'm leaning towards not doing them.
    Because to properly do them without overlapping cosmetics I would  need to relocate half the roster's cosmetics.
    That means I have to re-do ALL of that half a roster's cosmetics in the WHOLE game.
    Not to mention although doable the filesize of those extra ~240 CSPs might be too much, and I want to leave room for potential extra slots.


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    « Reply #567 on: July 05, 2013, 05:31:18 PM »

    I think I get where you're going at. It would definitely be too much work for possibly nothing.

    Thanks for the pointers by the way, now I can do this all by myself Tongue

    By the way, care to tell us what's up with bit number 16? I assume it isn't because Brawl reads the values as signed or something.

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    « Reply #568 on: July 05, 2013, 06:08:28 PM »

    alright, i'm new to anything other than basic hacks, what is dolphin? is it a launcher like Gecko?  i use Gecko, where should i start?

    Edit: I just did some research, is there a way to do this without dolphin? direct on a wii console.  or am i just stupid?
    « Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 06:51:51 PM by thegeekguy » Logged

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    « Reply #569 on: July 05, 2013, 07:15:12 PM »

    Of course you can do it on a Wii console. I bet that's what most people are doing.
    You need the Homebrew channel and the Gecko code app (minimum).

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