nice Smash Ultimate Link is cool
just a little update, I'm not ded and have quite a few things going on. don't feel like gathering pics so it'll be just words unfortunately. My current WIPs and their progress are as follows:
Brawl Mario 2 - (Upgraded brawl Mario model) Not too much i could do since his design is the same in all games minus detailing. Has his high poly odyssey hair and mustache. I just need to optimize it and he is done.
Brawl Sonic 2 - (Upgraded brawl Sonic model) He is a mix of Generation Sonic and Brawl Sonic. Everything is Brawl with the exception of the shoes, i'm using the gen shoes but with the brawl textues applied. He also has side mouth expressions instead of centered, new fur texturing, and his Generation cloth detailing for his gloves and socks. he's done just need to finish importing.
Brawl Link 2 - (Upgraded brawl Link model) Everything is base Brawl with the exception of his hair and chainmail, Both have been replaced with the Sm4sh model and brawlified. Atm that's all that i have done, may or may not make more changes. he's done just need to finish importing.
Brawl ZSS 2 - (Upgraded brawl ZSS model) Everything is base Brawl. I've modified her proportions to be more muscular like in Ultimate, new textures will follow. I replaced the most dislike thing about her(sock boob) had no plans on changing it but a lot of people wanted it gone lol. I'm also working on a different suit design/colors scheme and will slightly modify the front portion of her hair. Just have to finish the hair edits, the suit design, and her alt(s).
Ultimate Samus - Just about done, just have to finish baking the textures and import
Ultimate ZSS - needs a lot of optimization(mainly to the expressions), need to start her alt, rigging, and texture baking.
Ultimate Link - needs just a little more optimization for both his default and alternate costume, rigging, expressions, and texture baking.
Ultimate Sheik - needs rigging, expressions, and texture baking.
Ultimate Dark Samus - needs minor optimizing, rigging, and texture baking.
I believe that's it for now, if not i'll post again later.