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Author Topic: Super Smash Bros. All Stars (Teaser: Lucas, Popo & Nana)  (Read 367406 times)
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    « on: July 26, 2013, 05:22:43 PM »

    What's your favorite part about Smash? Is it the vast selection of characters? The hectic gameplay? Or is it the competitive aspect?

    To me, it's always been the callbacks to Nintendo's repertoire. Every since I was a little kid, I've been captivated by Nintendo games... From the NES to the Wii U, there's hardly a Nintendo game out there I don't absolutely love. So at the age of 9 when I first found out there was a game where I could play as whatever Nintendo character I wanted? It quickly, easily became my favorite.

    I absolutely adored Melee, and I thought Brawl was... a good game. A pretty great game, sure; but we're talking Nintendo standards, here. Somewhere down the line, I started to think Sakurai and Nintendo could have done a much, much better job with the game. I started to think that Sakurai was losing his creative touch, due to both age and stress. I started to ask,
    "Why isn't Link's Down-Smash his Spin Attack? The Hookshot would be a perfect Up-B replacement."
    "Why don't Samus and Yoshi have multiple jumps? Canonically, They have multiple jumps."
    "Why does the majority of the original cast still have that dumb, generic 'Sex-Kick'?"
    "Why does Ike do Eruption? What about his sword-wave projectile from Fire Emblem?"
    Aaaaand so the "True" PSA series was born.

    And not only that, but the textures started to bug me. Brawl was so de-saturated compared to Melee, and it simply didn't accurately represent the Nintendo style. I found most of the re-colors pretty bland and unnecessary, finding that my favorite ones were callbacks to the character's games. Like Zelda's OoT recolor, Toon Link's NES styled recolor, etc. So... instead of that, I thought, why not fill every slot with every in-game appearance each character ever had? I figured that would be much cooler than a bunch of random recolors.
    Aaaaand so the "Nostalgia" Texture series was born.

    Super Smash Bros. All Stars is the long-awaited merge of both of these projects. The entire game will be revamped, with every nearly every texture replaced, and every character's moveset changed; for some characters a few things, for others an entirely new moveset. The point is to cram as much Nintendo easter-eggs and callbacks into the game as possible. Later versions will even include stage hacks, and a completely revamped selection of music!

    Current Releases
    « Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 12:11:41 PM by Amarythe » Logged

    Super Smash Brothers: All Stars is currently looking for new recruits!
    SSB:AS is a project dedicated to filling Project M with as much canon material as possible. The aim is to cram the game with movesets, textures, stages, and easter-eggs which accurately reflect each character's abilities from their respective franchises. If you are a relatively skilled hacker with an interest in helping achieve this concept, please visit the official thread by clicking on the banner, or contact me via private message. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    We need:
    Skilled animators, Advanced PSA specialists, Coders for Special Attacks, Proficient Modelers/Importers, Adept Stage Makers, Graphic Artists for Menus/Portraits, Play-Testers and Glitch-Finders!

    *All applicants must come equipped with their own pair of nostalgia goggles

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    « Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 08:04:06 PM »

    The "True" PSA hack series is designed to provide each and every character with a moveset that is 100% faithful to their in-game abilities, while maintaining a sense balance.

    Let's be fair; Smash Bros. is arguably the GREATEST gaming experience available. However, there's no denying that there are simply some things Sakurai got wrong. But through the magic of PSA hacking, we can make Brawl the game it should have been!

    Currently this hack pack is PROJECT M compatible ONLY. I won&#039;t be making standard Brawl version until the FINAL version of a character is released. http://projectmgame.com/en/ < There&#039;s Project M. Seriously; download it. Instead of making me do all the work of coding/releasing alternate versions, do YOURSELF a FAVOR and download Project M. See? Everybody wins.

    Current Releases

    Version 1 is now in the Vault!
    Bonuses in this hack include:
    (coming soon)

    Link&#039;s run animation has been changed to reflect what he does in Skyward Sword.

    Changed to resemble the back flip.

    Forward midjump has been replaced with a simple front flip.

    Changed to Link&#039;s neutral B-B-B combo from Ocarina of Time

    Changed to Link&#039;s stab attack from the original Legend of Zelda.

    Changed to Link&#039;s jump attack.

    Changed to Link&#039;s roll.

    Changed to Link&#039;s shield stab from Ocarina of Time.

    Changed to Link&#039;s spin attack. (Yet to be included)

    Changed to Link&#039;s main attack from Zelda II: Adventure of Link. (Yet to be included)

    Changed to Link&#039;s Helm Splitter from Twilight Princess

    Changed to Link&#039;s jump attack.

    Changed to Back Slice from Twilight Princess. (Yet to be included)

    - Change animation (Yet to be included)
    - Eliminate charge (Yet to be included)
    - Increase Range (Yet to be included)
    - Decrease Power (Yet to be included)
    - Make Link able to walk with Bow in hand (Yet to be included)

    - Add stun effect to Boomerang (Yet to be included)

    - Animation change (Yet to be included)
    - Bomb size mod (Yet to be included)
    - Increase knockback (Yet to be included)
    - Alter trajectory (Yet to be included)

    Changed to Link&#039;s Hookshot. (Yet to be included)

    - List of known bugs -
    Back dodge and Smash attack currently don&#039;t lift off the ground like they&#039;re supposed to.
    Dash attack makes a sword slice sound and it&#039;s not supposed to

    Version 2.5 is now in the Vault!
    Bonuses in this hack include:
    Ranger Ike (credit to Shinja, hair fixed by me)
    Lord Ike (credit FEFar, hair fixed/recolored by me)
    Hero Ike (Not yet included) (credit to Vert092, Shun_One and Albafika)
    Vanguard Ike (Not yet included) (credit to Vert092, Shun_One and Albafika)

    ENTRANCE (Not yet included)
    Only one thing will be changed; Ike&#039;s "Prepare yourself!" will be moved from his taunt to this animation.

    Ike&#039;s stance now reflects what he does in-game, after promoting to his Lord class! I was really disappointed that Sakurai gave him the stance he has in Brawl; it&#039;s like he couldn&#039;t decide whether to make it the Ranger stance, the Lord stance, or both. So he went with a kind of wonky mix of both... In the future, I&#039;m going to make a version of this hack-pack which includes Ike&#039;s Ranger stance, so you can choose which one you want!

    NEUTRAL DODGE (Not yet included)
    The MISS! Graphic from Fire Emblem will be added to this.

    This is now more faithful to something he did in game; during one of his critical animations, Ike is seen doing a sort of backflip-handstand. Well now, he does this in Brawl! I can&#039;t believe they didn&#039;t add this in originally... Now, the animation is pretty fast so it&#039;s a little tough to appreciate, but I intend on making the animation more prominent in the future. Also, the MISS! Graphic from Fire Emblem will be added to this (Not yet included).

    This attack is now Ike&#039;s main Critical Hit sequence from Radiant Down. The attack where he rushes the opponent and strikes them three times. Pretty sweet, huh? The first two attacks give you a slight boost of forward momentum. You&#039;ll be dancing circles around your opponent with this one!

    This move is now his first attack as a Ranger! This animation is stolen from his Jab... but his Jab will change soon, so don&#039;t complain! The move makes much more sense as a Forward Tilt; once I&#039;ve finished edited his Jab in the next version, you&#039;ll see why!

    In Fire Emblem, Ike has an attack where he spins around once and slashes the opponent. Has multi-hits and some limited momentum.

    This attack is now the first hit of his Down Smash. Don&#039;t worry, he&#039;ll get a new Down Smash. Why did I do this? Three reasons: 1) I&#039;m replacing his Down Smash with something more fitting, 2) The first attack in Ike&#039;s Down Smash looks cool and most importantly 3) Ike&#039;s Down Tilt in Brawl is just a stupid, stupid move. It&#039;s hardly even usable. But good news! Simply by changing the animation, this attack now has the range to be ACTUALLY usable!

    In Fire Emblem, Ike has an attack where he slashes the opponent horizontally. Due to the huge range of the attack, I though it would be fitting as a Down Smash. This was his old Forward Tilt; but now it&#039;s much more useful!

    This move is now his second attack as a Ranger. In Path of Radiance, if you had enough speed to combo the enemy, this is the move he would use. In translates really well in Brawl! Sure, I stole this from Marth&#039;s Up Tilt; but in my True Marth PSA, I plan on changing HIS Up Tilt so you can forgive me eventually! This move belongs on Ike.

    When Ike performs "Aether" and the settings of the game are set to "Map Only" mode, the attack animation comes out as a sort of uppercut attack that looks totally different from the real Aether. This attack will be his new Up Smash. It&#039;s a really intimidating attack! Try using it to edge guard the opponent. With strategic timing, you might just like the results.

    This attack is now his second critical hit animation (the vertical spin). What&#039;s that you say? "This is stupid, it&#039;s just part of his Aether animation!!" Well BOO HOO, you WON&#039;T be complaining after you feel just how incredibly AWESOME this move is to use. This is, in my opinion, HANDS DOWN the funnest feature of the PSA.

    SPECIAL (Not yet included!)
    Eruption is a stupid move. It doesn&#039;t happen in any of Ike&#039;s games, and Sakurai could have given him a MUCH more fitting, MUCH more useful, MUCH more fun move: And this is his ranged attack with Ragnel. You know, the sword wave he uses when he&#039;s two spaces from the opponent? Yes! I&#039;m determined to hack this into the game!! Unfortunately, you probably won&#039;t see this move until the final version of the hack.

    FORWARD SPECIAL (Not yet changed!)
    I&#039;m going to alter this move so that it no longer charges; similar to Fox&#039;s Forward B. Why? Because he doesn&#039;t charge it in his game, silly! I plan on making this a kill move (it is, after all, based on his Critical Hit animation), so as a result, the start-up for the will be much longer (to make it predictable, like all kill moves). What&#039;s that you say? All of this makes it sound like this move will be awful for recovering back onto the stage? Oh don&#039;t worry... I have a solution to that.

    DOWN SPECIAL (Not yet changed!)
    The NO DAMAGE! Graphic from Fire Emblem will be displayed when you use this move.

    Three changes will be made to this move; First, in Ike&#039;s games, when he initiates this move he points his sword at the opponent. The grounded version of this attack will reflect this. Second, the move will be given healing properties, a nod to it&#039;s function in Fire Emblem (don&#039;t get too excited, the move will heal VERY little of your damage; otherwise it&#039;d be INSANELY cheap. Even a 5% heal is pushing it) (Not yet changed!). And finally... Luna will be added to this move (Not yet changed!)! Aw yeah!

    This is now based on Ike&#039;s battle entrance animation from Radiant Dawn.

    UP TAUNT (Not yet included!)
    This will be changed to Ike&#039;s victory animation from Radiant Dawn.

    - List of known bugs -
    Ike&#039;s cape occasionally glitches in Idle stance; it&#039;s barely noticeable.
    Ike&#039;s Up Smash doesn&#039;t register the fact that he&#039;s in the air, and so he travels through platforms.
    Aerial version of Aether has way less horizontal movement and I have no idea why...
    Ike doesn&#039;t say "Prepare Yourself!" when taunting if your facing left.

    Disappointed because I forgot to add something Fire Emblem-esgue? Think something in the hack is stupid? Thinkin&#039; there&#039;s something unbalanced about the moveset? Found a bug or glitch? Please leave a comment! If you suggest an idea and I end up using it, you&#039;ll be credited in the hack!

    Version 1 is now in the Vault!
    Bonuses in this hack include:
    (coming soon)

    In the Kirby universe, Kirby is said to be about 8 inches tall. Meta Knight and Kirby are both apart of the same species. In other words, he&#039;d be the same height as Kirby; in any case, he looks too large in Brawl.
    Meta Knight now has lyk 7 jumps, but the trick is his jump height is much worse. What I wanted to do was give him lyk 20 quick-jumps with even less jump height, but PSA won&#039;t let me do that for some reason... I&#039;ll figure it out soon. His mid air jump animation has been changed too; now he looks upwards as he flies.

    Run animation has been changed. The idea of gliding as a dash sounds cool and all, but A) it&#039;s not what Meta Knight does in his games and B) this new animation looks really, really cool.

    Meta Knight&#039;s jab is just stupid in Brawl. I&#039;ve changed it to reflect a move he had in Kirby Super Star but now that I&#039;ve seen what Meta Knight does in Return to Dream Land I&#039;m probably gonna change this...

    This move now has forward momentum like in the games.

    The animation has been changed. It&#039;s not actually something Meta Knight does in any game... it&#039;s based off of a Galactic Knight animation.

    The startup lag has increased, and the speed has decreased. I&#039;m trying to make the move stop in the air upon startup.

    - List of known bugs -
    Run animation slightly buggy. Slightly.
    Jab GFX not connect to sword... no big deal.
    Jab hitbox is a little wonky right now.

    Disappointed because I forgot to add something Kirby-esgue? Think something in the hack is stupid? Thinkin&#039; there&#039;s something unbalanced about the moveset? Found a bug or glitch? Please leave a comment! If you suggest an idea and I end up using it, you&#039;ll be credited in the hack!

    Funny your project kinda sounds like Fusion almost. But without the multiple incarnations. But let me introduce my self, I'm OmegaS3 project leader of Super Smash Bros Fusion. You project interest me, I want to see how far you can go with your skills. I am a texture master and a intermidiate PSAer.  Need a little help just send me a PM.

    As for Fusion what I meant being almost like it is because, Fusion is making characters that is also 100% faithful to there ingame abilites. But if there character isn't original it will be a fusion which is making multiple incarnations of a bunch of the same character into one. If your interested, come to my thread. (Your Ike Aether looks almost like ours)

    Supreme Kitten
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    « Reply #2 on: July 28, 2013, 09:01:21 PM »

    Minor update: If you watch Ike's Aether GIF for long enough it starts to look like he's spanking himself.

    Funny your project kinda sounds like Fusion almost. But without the multiple incarnations. But let me introduce my self, I'm OmegaS3 project leader of Super Smash Bros Fusion. You project interest me, I want to see how far you can go with your skills. I am a texture master and a intermidiate PSAer.  Need a little help just send me a PM.

    As for Fusion what I meant being almost like it is because, Fusion is making characters that is also 100% faithful to there ingame abilites. But if there character isn't original it will be a fusion which is making multiple incarnations of a bunch of the same character into one. If your interested, come to my thread. (Your Ike Aether looks almost like ours)

    Yeah, earlier somebody mentioned Fusion to me; I'm really interested in seeing what you guys pull off, considering the ideas are so similar. I'd love to do multiple incarnations... but the trouble is, I don't see what the use is without one-slot PSAs, something I assume we'll NEVER see. I like that you guys are doing it regardless though. I suppose that's the main difference between my project and yours: You guys are going all around with individual incarnations, but my idea is to merge all of those game properties into one moveset.

    Do you cats have any work released yet?

    Super Smash Brothers: All Stars is currently looking for new recruits!
    SSB:AS is a project dedicated to filling Project M with as much canon material as possible. The aim is to cram the game with movesets, textures, stages, and easter-eggs which accurately reflect each character's abilities from their respective franchises. If you are a relatively skilled hacker with an interest in helping achieve this concept, please visit the official thread by clicking on the banner, or contact me via private message. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    We need:
    Skilled animators, Advanced PSA specialists, Coders for Special Attacks, Proficient Modelers/Importers, Adept Stage Makers, Graphic Artists for Menus/Portraits, Play-Testers and Glitch-Finders!

    *All applicants must come equipped with their own pair of nostalgia goggles

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    « Reply #3 on: July 28, 2013, 10:50:21 PM »

    Minor update: If you watch Ike&#039;s Aether GIF for long enough it starts to look like he&#039;s spanking himself.

    Yeah, earlier somebody mentioned Fusion to me; I&#039;m really interested in seeing what you guys pull off, considering the ideas are so similar. I&#039;d love to do multiple incarnations... but the trouble is, I don&#039;t see what the use is without one-slot PSAs, something I assume we&#039;ll NEVER see. I like that you guys are doing it regardless though. I suppose that&#039;s the main difference between my project and yours: You guys are going all around with individual incarnations, but my idea is to merge all of those game properties into one moveset.

    Do you cats have any work released yet?
    Your statement about merging all of the game properties in 1 character we also plan to do. We have a Character called Twilight Princess Swordsmen, which is Link from Twilight Princess with all of his hidden skills you learn. So were going very in depth with the characters. AS for a fusion, like Zero who I am working on. He will have a moveset that is based off Megaman X4, X5, X6, X7, X8 and command mission. So he will be a fusion character.

    Also about the one-slot PSAs, ya your right, but that isn't what are goal was intended to be, each character in Fusion either has thier 100% home filled game inside them or not. How we make these characters shine in battle is another. But Fusion also focuses on trying to make everyone S-tier without making it a broken game like Minus, a unbalanced game like Project M, or like Brawl Plus extreme combo control. So instead we decided to fuse all these ideas into one, making all the characters balanced to each other but strong and OP in their own individual way. Example being in Vbrawl Mario is a anti-link counter. Well even if Mario had his same moves, Link will be the same way. Each character is developed to beat every other character. What makes Fusion so much different from the others is the new Super Smash and Ultra Smash. Which are like Pre-special moves. So its not all that crazy. So far what we got so far is fun.

    For any released work, no, we are working on our first demo but we do have a lot of work started though. We have a few semi-completed characters but not many.

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    « Reply #4 on: July 29, 2013, 07:19:54 AM »

    I see you're revamping Ganondorf. I'm really excited to see how that turns out.

    But I have to ask, since when is PRoject M unbalanced? Off the top of my head... I actually can't think of a single bad character...

    Super Smash Brothers: All Stars is currently looking for new recruits!
    SSB:AS is a project dedicated to filling Project M with as much canon material as possible. The aim is to cram the game with movesets, textures, stages, and easter-eggs which accurately reflect each character's abilities from their respective franchises. If you are a relatively skilled hacker with an interest in helping achieve this concept, please visit the official thread by clicking on the banner, or contact me via private message. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    We need:
    Skilled animators, Advanced PSA specialists, Coders for Special Attacks, Proficient Modelers/Importers, Adept Stage Makers, Graphic Artists for Menus/Portraits, Play-Testers and Glitch-Finders!

    *All applicants must come equipped with their own pair of nostalgia goggles

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    « Reply #5 on: July 29, 2013, 08:50:19 AM »

    I just saw your Link Running Animation

    I can fix it if you want.

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    In other news, birds fly, sun shines, fishes swim, and the sky is [censored]ing BLUE.
    Quote from: Miacis
    3. ... You seriously don't know who Clinton is?
    Quote from: Haseyo
    If only hacking Brawl paid bills.
    Quote from: Nanobuds
    O snap
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    But you are in a Smash Bros. thread.
    You can't have an opinion here.

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    « Reply #6 on: July 29, 2013, 09:12:09 AM »

    I just saw your Link Running Animation

    I can fix it if you want.
    Oooooh, interesting. What do you plan on changing? I agree, it does need some work; It would probably resemble the Skyward Sword dash more if his torso was angled downward a bit. That, and the amount of frames needs to be cut... Frame Speed Modifier hasn't been doing the move much justice for some confusing reason. o_o Yeah, go right ahead and fix it up if you like! You'll get a Collab spot in the hack if you do.

    And for some reason his sword and shield still show up in his initial Dash animation, which is annoying because the Model Changers don't appear to be doing anything.

    Although I feel what needs the most work right now is the Back Flip animation... it's... Okay for a release, but... it's certainly unpolished. :|
    « Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 09:14:21 AM by Amarythe » Logged

    Super Smash Brothers: All Stars is currently looking for new recruits!
    SSB:AS is a project dedicated to filling Project M with as much canon material as possible. The aim is to cram the game with movesets, textures, stages, and easter-eggs which accurately reflect each character's abilities from their respective franchises. If you are a relatively skilled hacker with an interest in helping achieve this concept, please visit the official thread by clicking on the banner, or contact me via private message. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    We need:
    Skilled animators, Advanced PSA specialists, Coders for Special Attacks, Proficient Modelers/Importers, Adept Stage Makers, Graphic Artists for Menus/Portraits, Play-Testers and Glitch-Finders!

    *All applicants must come equipped with their own pair of nostalgia goggles

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    « Reply #7 on: July 29, 2013, 09:18:04 AM »

    I'll be fixing the proportions. It's no surprise to anyone that you're using Captain Falcon's run animations.

    I could check the sword and shield not disappearing in the initial dash animation.

    And the backflip could use work, for sure.

    Quote from: Miacis
    In other words, LURK MORE.
    Quote from: LC-DDM
    In other news, birds fly, sun shines, fishes swim, and the sky is [censored]ing BLUE.
    Quote from: Miacis
    3. ... You seriously don't know who Clinton is?
    Quote from: Haseyo
    If only hacking Brawl paid bills.
    Quote from: Nanobuds
    O snap
    Quote from: DrPanda
    But you are in a Smash Bros. thread.
    You can't have an opinion here.

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    « Reply #8 on: July 29, 2013, 09:45:43 AM »

    I'll be fixing the proportions. It's no surprise to anyone that you're using Captain Falcon's run animations.
    Yeah, that was a major problem in how weird it looked... I tried editing the size, but everyhting I've done so far looks unnatural. The Run animation for your Skyward Sword Link rocks! Although, the animation is too slow (like I said, I'll be cutting the frames provide you don't).

    Oooooh, I'm really digging your idea of the Skyward Strike as a taunt! If you don't mind, I'd LOVE to see the code you used to work that in.
    « Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 09:50:34 AM by Amarythe » Logged

    Super Smash Brothers: All Stars is currently looking for new recruits!
    SSB:AS is a project dedicated to filling Project M with as much canon material as possible. The aim is to cram the game with movesets, textures, stages, and easter-eggs which accurately reflect each character's abilities from their respective franchises. If you are a relatively skilled hacker with an interest in helping achieve this concept, please visit the official thread by clicking on the banner, or contact me via private message. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    We need:
    Skilled animators, Advanced PSA specialists, Coders for Special Attacks, Proficient Modelers/Importers, Adept Stage Makers, Graphic Artists for Menus/Portraits, Play-Testers and Glitch-Finders!

    *All applicants must come equipped with their own pair of nostalgia goggles

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    « Reply #9 on: July 29, 2013, 02:14:36 PM »

    I see you&#039;re revamping Ganondorf. I&#039;m really excited to see how that turns out.

    But I have to ask, since when is PRoject M unbalanced? Off the top of my head... I actually can&#039;t think of a single bad character...
    Ya Ganondorf is coming out great, his speed and power need to be adjusted and we have part of his moveset set in stone, we just need to animate them.

     PM has always been unbalanced. You have Ike who used to be only a powerhouse is now a speed powerhouse. I'm not saying PM is bad because I do play it, but if they are to balance it, each character needs to have speed and power. When you have character like Ganondorf who can dangerously demolish the field and have high defense, that is pressing it. I love PM but it can use a little fixing. I'm all about competitive play so that's why I like your thread for the True PSA. (On a side note, I was playing my friend as Lucario and he was Ganondorf. He hit me with a up smash uncharged when I was at 0%. Take that I said UNCHARGED and it did 41%. That is unbalanced, when not a single full charged attack from Lucario does 30%. I'm also taking into consideration Ganon is a power character but imagine if that was full charged.)

    On another thing, do you intended to make Ike his RD version or POR version?

    You should also consider Drogoth doing your run for Link, he made the run for my Skyward Sword Link and it came out perfect.

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    « Reply #10 on: July 29, 2013, 02:26:56 PM »

    omega, i gave up on my project x_x i tried but with my super slow-ass computer, there's no way i can even use brawlbox... the most i can change to make my OoT link is change his taunt to do the "break assist trophy case" animation... and maybe find a model of the fire/ice/light arrows to rip from Zelda (which i have no idea how to do), and make them appear in that hand when you do the taunt... ...but since i have no way to open up brawl box, i'll inevitably hit a dead-end, so i'm giving up x_x ...sorry to dissappoint XP


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    « Reply #11 on: July 29, 2013, 02:35:30 PM »

    omega, i gave up on my project x_x i tried but with my super slow-ass computer, there&#039;s no way i can even use brawlbox... the most i can change to make my OoT link is change his taunt to do the "break assist trophy case" animation... and maybe find a model of the fire/ice/light arrows to rip from Zelda (which i have no idea how to do), and make them appear in that hand when you do the taunt... ...but since i have no way to open up brawl box, i&#039;ll inevitably hit a dead-end, so i&#039;m giving up x_x ...sorry to dissappoint XP
    It might be better if you had a better working cpu, Brawlbox was working on my grandpa 2003 cpu fine until the tower burnt up. But hacking through brawlbox is basically almost the life of a brawl hacker. You do everything in brawlbox even PSA unless your like me and still use SA and PSA. But you shouldn't give up on hacking all together.

    Mega Kitten
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    « Reply #12 on: July 29, 2013, 02:54:32 PM »

    yeah, but i'm definitely giving up on this project... ...at least for now x,x


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    « Reply #13 on: July 29, 2013, 03:34:07 PM »

    and make them appear in that hand when you do the taunt.

    Aside from the fact that this isn't the place to talk about this stuff...

    That isn't possible.

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    3. ... You seriously don't know who Clinton is?
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    If only hacking Brawl paid bills.
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    But you are in a Smash Bros. thread.
    You can't have an opinion here.

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    « Reply #14 on: July 29, 2013, 04:04:03 PM »

    PM has always been unbalanced. You have Ike who used to be only a powerhouse is now a speed powerhouse. I'm not saying PM is bad because I do play it, but if they are to balance it, each character needs to have speed and power. When you have character like Ganondorf who can dangerously demolish the field and have high defense, that is pressing it. I love PM but it can use a little fixing. I'm all about competitive play so that's why I like your thread for the True PSA. (On a side note, I was playing my friend as Lucario and he was Ganondorf. He hit me with a up smash uncharged when I was at 0%. Take that I said UNCHARGED and it did 41%. That is unbalanced, when not a single full charged attack from Lucario does 30%. I'm also taking into consideration Ganon is a power character but imagine if that was full charged.)
    Hm... yeah, your point is more moving now, but I'm still not totally convinced. You're right, Ike IS too fast in PM for now. But, he IS probably one of the best characters in PM right now. But I should remind you; his new speed is somewhat justified by the fact that PM plays waaaaay faster. For my next release I should tone down his speed a bit...

    But your point about Ganondorf holds little water. You know why the move does 41%, right? It's because there's basically a 3% chance that BOTH hits will connect. It almost never happens. And anyone who runs into a fully charged Ganondorf Up Smash really has it coming...

    On another thing, do you intended to make Ike his RD version or POR version?
    Both. The qualities of both incarnations are merged into one moveset. Ike's new Forward and Up Tilts are both exclusively from PoR, while his Jab is exclusively from RD. The rest of his new moves actually appear in both games. You see, I'd MUCH prefer having one moveset that's almost ENTIRELY edited as opposed to having two movesets that are only partially edited.
    And if you're talking about costumes included in the pack, again, both. Right now I only have PoR costumes included; but a really, really awesome team of model importers are working on both of Ike's RD classes. They look flippin' sweet.

    You see, just like the (implied) intentions of the original Smash Bros., the idea is to make ONE character moveset/costume-set that encompasses all the features from as many games as possible (and also, de-cloning will be stressed in this hack pack). Essentially, the project's mission statement is this: to make the ideal Super Smash Bros. game. Real ambitious, but also real rewarding.

    You should also consider Drogoth doing your run for Link, he made the run for my Skyward Sword Link and it came out perfect.
    I already gave him the go ahead. I love his SS run.

    Super Smash Brothers: All Stars is currently looking for new recruits!
    SSB:AS is a project dedicated to filling Project M with as much canon material as possible. The aim is to cram the game with movesets, textures, stages, and easter-eggs which accurately reflect each character's abilities from their respective franchises. If you are a relatively skilled hacker with an interest in helping achieve this concept, please visit the official thread by clicking on the banner, or contact me via private message. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    We need:
    Skilled animators, Advanced PSA specialists, Coders for Special Attacks, Proficient Modelers/Importers, Adept Stage Makers, Graphic Artists for Menus/Portraits, Play-Testers and Glitch-Finders!

    *All applicants must come equipped with their own pair of nostalgia goggles

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