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Author Topic: The Smash 3 Project - Get Your DLC Early  (Read 640086 times)
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    « Reply #15 on: October 01, 2013, 01:10:42 PM »

    I loooooooooooove where this is going. Are these RIM textured?

    Super Smash Brothers: All Stars is currently looking for new recruits!
    SSB:AS is a project dedicated to filling Project M with as much canon material as possible. The aim is to cram the game with movesets, textures, stages, and easter-eggs which accurately reflect each character's abilities from their respective franchises. If you are a relatively skilled hacker with an interest in helping achieve this concept, please visit the official thread by clicking on the banner, or contact me via private message. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    We need:
    Skilled animators, Advanced PSA specialists, Coders for Special Attacks, Proficient Modelers/Importers, Adept Stage Makers, Graphic Artists for Menus/Portraits, Play-Testers and Glitch-Finders!

    *All applicants must come equipped with their own pair of nostalgia goggles

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    « Reply #16 on: October 01, 2013, 01:35:36 PM »

    Freakin' awesome. Though for Link, I think you should of used GBC's Wii U Link since that has shine on the shield and sheath.

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    « Reply #17 on: October 01, 2013, 02:09:03 PM »

    I loooooooooooove where this is going. Are these RIM textured?
    Yes, they all have Rim Lighting. The effect has been subdued some from Mewtwo2000's original ones.

    Freakin' awesome. Though for Link, I think you should of used GBC's Wii U Link since that has shine on the shield and sheath.
    I had thought about it, but we were pretty far along into development. I'll probably PM him about using it for the project anyway.

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    « Reply #18 on: October 01, 2013, 03:48:39 PM »

    shouldnt they have a black line out on their body to look more like that version?

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    « Reply #19 on: October 01, 2013, 04:35:14 PM »

    They all look like delicious candy.

    Also, thanks for crediting me and all that good stuff =D

    Look at my CSPs. While you're at it, come and help fix some broken hacks.. Don't stop! Check out LSTeam's cBliss recolor project.

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    « Reply #20 on: October 01, 2013, 08:38:50 PM »

    Astounding project you got here. So far these are amazing. Though, Peaches white looks kinda solid Im gonna assume its the stage lighting doing that.
    But im in awe looking at these. Truly something Nintendo would wish they had done.

    Really anticipating Bowser, Ness and Ganondorf.


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    « Reply #21 on: October 01, 2013, 08:42:11 PM »

    AMAZING!  Happy Face

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    « Reply #22 on: October 01, 2013, 08:57:24 PM »

    This is nice (especially peach). I hope you guys plan on making ssbu's battlefield and do the characters that probably not gonna make it.

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    « Reply #23 on: October 02, 2013, 07:46:00 AM »

    Looking great so far! I'm really hype to see the recolors!

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    « Reply #24 on: October 02, 2013, 08:38:58 AM »

    Taiko and Shun_One present...
    With Credit to LST...
    Special Thanks to SJS...

    What's Smash 3?
    Smash 3 is a complete revamp of Brawl's character textures with the goal of giving each character a more "Nintendo-esque" feel, as opposed to the more realistic approach Brawl took. The project is not trying to make Brawl into Smash 4, but rather taking the approach that, following Melee, Brawl went with a more simplified art direction to better capture the feel of Nintendo's characters. To that end, our team redraws the textures of each character from scratch to fit in with our new art direction.

    The Name
    "Smash 3" is a reference to how Brawl is the third title in the series. As we're esentially putting our own spin on it, we thought it right to name our project "Smash 3" instead of a Brawl name spin off. It represents a follow up to Melee with a different art approach as opposed to a different styled Brawl. We aren't looking to "make Brawl vibrant" or "make Brawl uniform", we're essentially starting over and we thought it good to reflect that in our name.

    How did this come about?
    Taiko, after seeing Smash Wii U/3DS Mario, wanted to attempt to create him in Brawl, but by making the textures from scratch. As he was working, someone else beat him to the punch with a "Smash 4 Mario" making him reconsider. Instead of dropping the idea, he decided to continue with his own brand of characters labelled "New Smash" and released two characters under said label. As he was preparing to continue, Shun sent him a message that he wanted to assist...

    Shun, nearing wrap up of his "Vibrant Brawl" project was looking for the next texture project to tackle. He knew he couldn't just do another "recolour" project, as that wouldn't be a "step up" from what he had accomplished previously. Then, he saw Taiko's New Smash Mario and was intrigued. Sending Taiko a message, the two began to talk and ideas started to snow ball for New Smash. However, as the two worked, they realized this project had a specific goal, and thus the name "Smash 3" was coined.

    Legendary Smash Team
    The awesome members of the team have agreed to allow us the usage of their cBliss designs where we see fit to include them. The team has inspired us greatly with their work and we wanted to make sure that proper credit is given to them. We are following the file naming scheme of The Legendary cBliss Recolor Project and will be featuring several of their designs in this project. Why? Because we feel that their designs are a natural fit for Brawl's color pallettes and simply add more flavor.

    To SJS, a special thank you for providing your CSPs to our project, and for being such an inspiration!

    - Downloads -

    The Pack:
    The main download pack. Includes everything currently finished with menu assets pre-installed.

    Click "Download" in the top right, and choose "Download .zip"

    00 - Default -
    Mario got some new overalls once he heard there was going to be a Brawl. Inspired by Smash 4!
    01 - Smash 3 Red - (Mario Bros. 3 Mario)
    After stomping through 8 islands, 7 Koopalings, and one Bowser, Mario put these overalls away. He's brought them back!
    02 - Brawl Green - (Mario Bros. Luigi)
    Mario took some fashion advice from Luigi! Little did he know, that advice was from 1983.
    03 - Brawl Blue - (Oldschool)
    Mario decided to dust off his old clothes. Mmm, that fresh retro smell!
    04 - Brawl Yellow - (Wario)
    Mario, those aren't your clothes! Don't get too greedy now!
    05 - Smash 3 Pink -
    Mario over-heard Peach say she liked men in pink. She tried not to laugh when she saw him. She failed.
    06 - Smash 3 Black - (Flying Mario)
    Floating through the clouds, Mario often falls asleep.
    07 - Brawl White - (Fire Mario)
    Prepare for a Mario Finale!
    08 - Brawl Brown - (Wrecking Crew)
    After being shown how to wreck stuff by Foreman Spike, Mario thought he could do the same.
    09 - Smash 3 Flex - (Mario Bros. 3 Fire Mario)
    Nothing like classic hot sauce from 1988!

    00 - Default -
    The Hero's Shade lamented the fading of his old tunic, so he gave Link the quest of restoring it in exchange for the Hidden Skill, Triforce Slash.
    01 - Brawl Red - (Goron Tunic)
    Link was sure he was immune to fire after getting up from Norfair's lava. Then he realized he was missing a heart.
    02 - Smash 3 Green - (NES Zelda Link)
    This Link's hair is brown...is he a different person? He sort of resembles the Link from the Legend of Zelda time line doesn't he?
    03 - Brawl Blue - (Zora Tunic)
    Usually with blue, you think of Zora's and swimming. Unfortunately, this won't make Link swim better. It will make him blue though.
    04 - Brawl Yellow -
    This tunic was first in Brawl, but doesn't it look like Pipit's? I think this Link graduated a year early.
    05 - Brawl Purple - (Blue Ring Link)
    The Blue Ring has been equpiied! Unfortunately, it doesn't help protect him at all.
    06 - Brawl Black -  (Demise Dark Link)
    Dark Link has teamed up with Ghirahim. This can only spell trouble for Link!
    07 - cBliss White - (SJS Fierce Deity Link)
    The power of the Fierce Deity has receded, but it has left it's mark. Designed by SJS
    08 - cBliss Flex - (SJS Twilight Wolf Link)
    Midna's voice echoes through Link's mind, and he finds his tunic a bit different. Is this is funny to you Midna? Designed by SJS
    09 - Smash 3 Flex - (Gerudo Link)
    In another Hyrule, Link was born the only male Gerudo. However, that didn't change his destiny as a hero.

    00 - Default -
    Peach has many dresses in her closet This one is inspired by Smash 4.
    01 - Brawl Red - (Pauline)
    Peach's red dress was a gift from her old friend Pauline.
    02 - Brawl Green - (Mario Sports Club Mix Peach)
    First worn in 1991, this dress has been remade for her royal use instead of more sporty outings.
    03 - Brawl Blue - (Mario Sports Club Mix Daisy)
    Princess Daisy gifted this dress to Peach from the old days of sports.
    04 - Brawl Yellow - (Daisy)
    "Hi I'm Daisy!" Peach always wanted to say that.
    05 - cBliss Pink - (SJS)
    Pink and Black always get along. Designed by SJS.
    06 - cBliss Black - (SJS)
    Sometimes, Peach just wants to be dark and mysterious. Designed by SJS.
    07 - Brawl White -
    Nurse Peach returns! Sharp eyed folks will notice something else that's different.
    08 - cBliss Flex - (Fire Peach)
    From her latest adventure, this dress is freshly baked out of Nintendo's ovens.
    09 - cBliss Flex - (SJS - Royal Blue Peach)
    Royalty is a natural thing, so it's natural to have a royal dress. Designed by SJS.

    00 - Default -
    Sonic is essentially a compilation of his many designs. He's sporting a new look for Smash 3!
    01 - Smash 3 Red - (Eggman)
    Sonic took some cues from a certain Egg-shaped man...
    02 - Smash 3 Green - (Green Hill Zone)
    Running around green hills like it's 1991!
    03 - Smash 3 Blue - (Apotos)
    Blue skies! Blue sea! A Greek-flair!
    04 - Smash 3 Yellow (Super Sonic)
    With the power of the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic transforms into Super Sonic! Except he forgot gel, so he didn't power up.
    05 - Smash 3 Purple - (Zazz)
    "I'm gonna mess you up!" The Deadly Six sure had an impression on Sonic!
    06 - Smash 3 Black - (Shadow)
    "I am the ultimate life form!" You're not fooling anyone, Sonic.
    07 - Smash 3 White - (Silver)
    Using the power of his mind, Sonic made himself silver!
    08 - Smash 3 Brown - (Oldschool Comic)
    Back when Sonic was young, he was just a regular brown hedgehog.
    09 - Smash 3 Teal
    Sonic's repping you teal-lovers! A Smash 3 original.
    Cool you should do one for Kirby, Pikachu, Pit, Samus, Luigi, Toon Link, Fox, Donkey Kong, & Bowser.

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    « Reply #25 on: October 02, 2013, 10:02:22 AM »

    something doesnt seem right about sonic. not sure what. love how this is going though

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    « Reply #26 on: October 02, 2013, 10:41:24 AM »

    Cool you should do one for Kirby, Pikachu, Pit, Samus, Luigi, Toon Link, Fox, Donkey Kong, & Bowser.
    Easy on the requests there buddy, the project only just started recently, though the method to getting the textures like this was being refined for a while already. Give it time and we'll have the entire cast done before you know it.
    « Last Edit: October 02, 2013, 10:50:55 AM by Xenozoa425 » Logged

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    « Reply #27 on: October 02, 2013, 11:04:43 AM »

    Easy on the requests there buddy, the project only just started recently, though the method to getting the textures like this was being refined for a while already. Give it time and we'll have the entire cast done before you know it.
    OK I'll go easy with the requests.

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    « Reply #28 on: October 02, 2013, 01:04:37 PM »

    This looks rather interesting. Maybe when around 10 textures have been made I'll make a review of this.

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    « Reply #29 on: October 02, 2013, 01:57:46 PM »

    They all look like delicious candy.

    Also, thanks for crediting me and all that good stuff =D
    We will make more candy! More I say! More!

    And you are more than welcome! You play a pretty big part in this too, you know!

    « Last Edit: October 02, 2013, 02:11:16 PM by Shun_One » Logged

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