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Author Topic: How to add a damage multiplier for the added counter defensive collision  (Read 786 times)
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    « on: December 31, 2024, 10:46:39 AM »

    This is an extension for the added counter defensive collision tutorial: https://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=44101.405

    UPDATE (2/16/2025 at 3:18AM): I figured out how to module edit on my own, so I'm going to post a current video about that in the bottom of the tutorial.

    There are two variables (RA-Float[4] and RA-Float[5]), but one is more important.  RA-Float[5] is where the character is facing. lol. By the way, RA variables at low numbers are the true RA variables since they do different things depending on an action. Anyway, let's get started.

    1. What I like to do is set up a variable for RA-Float[4] on the ending of an Action (usually Action 115). Like this: (Any variable will do as long as it's a float)

    1A. RA-Float[4] can be a bit wonky, so it's a good thing to secure it by finding your character's RA-Float[0] with this address "8128B2C4" (Damage defense for P1). Use the debugger to find it:

    (Copy the address marked on yellow)

    1B. Simply use a programmer's calculator to find your variable like this: (8128B2C4 - [RA-Float[0] addr])/4
          Mine is this: (8128B2C4 - 812614D0)/4 = A77D which is 42877 (Dec) (Yours is more likely going be different)
    1C: Multiply the variable you set with the damage defense variable to prevent complications.

    2: Now the rest will be really easy. Just multiply it to whatever number you want. (I'm doing 1.125) Also, having the upper and lower bound damage is no challenge either. (Optional, but highly recommended)

    3.Lastly, just add the variable you set into an offensive collision in the counter hit subaction (ground/air), and you are done.

    This is how it should turn out: https://youtu.be/PRutU6Mm8B4
    « Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 01:34:09 AM by Mathematic_Fanatic » Logged

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