A.a single Slash to the side. (2-3% damage, Little Knockback.)
A.A a follow up to the slash with a punch with her left hand. (3 % damage no Knockback)
A.A.A Does an upward slash with her sword (4% damage no knock back)
A (Constantly pressed) Performs WindCutter Technique all in front of her (2% damage per hit)
Side A. Under Hand Swing (Standard 8% Half Charged 11% full charge 13%) (Knock Back Medium)
Up A. Marth's Up A (Standard 7% Half Charged 9% Full charge 11%) (Knock Back Medium)
Down A. Downward Sweep with the sword (standard 4% Half charged 7% Fully Charged 9%) (Meteors)
Aerial A. Same as Marth's
Aerial Down A. Same as Link's (like most sworded character PSA'S)
Aerial Side A Kick's the air like link.
Aerial Up A. thrusts the sword in the air.
B attack:If you simply press it, she'll stab the sword forward. Damage = 8% Knock Back =medium to high
B (Constantly Pressed.) She does Quick sword, awakening her arm, doing 60 sword wings in a second! if you do this move for too long. you'll start taking damage. if you get that far into the attack, and let go, she'll do a swing to the side (like Side smash) and do decent knock back. after the initial swing, she'll hold her arm as if trying to not allow it to awaken. (when making this move, i gave it 12 frames, and it is it's own name. SpecialN100 but before this move is enacted, you have to do your regular attack (which is marth's poke) and then constantly tap B to perfrom it. if you go over your limit and start taking damage, you'll do a slash that does decent knock back. so you can "recover" your arm.
Side B. she does a fading Dash, where she dashes so fast, she seems to be a little haze, if you press Side B again after the move, she does a Dash Attack (which is just the same as a dash attack, but it's slightly stronger). (recovery/travel)
Down B Expends some Yoki energy, and damages all people around her. (
Around 1:00 is how it would look and work.) Now this move is a little complex. at initial small damage, you'll just expend it and you can do damage to near by enemies. but if your over 100% damage and do this, you do MORE damage, and heal a little bit. but over 200% damage, you heal 150% damage and do a MASSIVE blast of Yoki energy. (i highly doubt that move will happen due to her light nature, but this will happen if she is on a HUMONGOUS stage.)
Aerial B. Performs a Windcutter technique, but all enemies take damage below her.
Aerial Down B. she pulls her self to the ground immediatly. (like dark link's)
Up Grab: Throws her opponent in the air violently.
Down Grab. Slams them into the ground
Side Grab. Cuts the opponent twice, and then throws them to the side.
She releases 20% of her Yoki energy, making her eyes yellow.
all her attacks do extra damage, and the Quick sword has more range, and does no damage to you. when you side dash, you do damage nontheless. has infinite jumps.
Up Taunt: does a Falconish Taunt, but if you have 110% damage, you will release 10% of your yoki power, and do a little extra Damage.
Side Taunt: Sheaths the sword and does a windcutter, and just like Naruto, a circle pattern of wind happen below her feet (yes it can do damage, but its to show off
Down Taunt: Does a comehere like taunt.