« Reply #480 on: March 22, 2011, 04:29:33 AM » |
I hope that, when this is finished, someone can rig the Naruto import model with Ike's boneset.
« Reply #481 on: March 22, 2011, 06:05:54 AM » |
I hope that, when this is finished, someone can rig the Naruto import model with Ike's boneset. about that (bones and rigging)
can you take a short break to work on a bone adder / placement editor that would kinda be more useful than a dae importer right now :/ (kinda doing what TSG's BTE was supposed to do)
and there should be less code involved (brbx already has everything you need)
I'm asking because my bone structure for pachi is beginning to become urgently needed... I can't wait too much longer for it :/
this is what I need to do: TopN -TransN --XRotN ---YRotN ----HipN -----origin (for scaling him to 4.2, and moving him to the proper position) ------waist -------LThigh --------LFoot -------RThigh --------RFoot -------Spine --------Head ---------LEar ---------REar ---------HaveN --------LArm ---------LHand --------RArm ---------RHand -------Tail1 --------Tail2 ---------Tail3 ----------Tai4 ----ThrowN
the bones in yellow are what I need to add note: I'm not changing any of pachi's original bones I'm putting Pachi over Pika and I want to be able to use both chars.
« Reply #482 on: March 22, 2011, 05:21:25 PM » |
I hope that, when this is finished, someone can rig the Naruto import model with Ike's boneset. about that (bones and rigging)
can you take a short break to work on a bone adder / placement editor that would kinda be more useful than a dae importer right now :/ (kinda doing what TSG's BTE was supposed to do)
@ds22: You can start rigging the model now, so you can import it asap. (I've already started ripping and rigging models I'll be importing) @tcll: I'll work on it, like I said.
« Reply #483 on: March 22, 2011, 05:26:33 PM » |
Yeah. I want a bone adder that links all of the bones correctly. It's basically the only thing keeping me from releasing the updated movesets Lyn and Gray Fox.
Until then, they are going to stay in semi-closed development.
I haven't looked at the Mdl0 I modded since relinking the original 29 bones. I should go do that. I also see you updated your XML.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 08:29:46 PM by EternalYoshi »
« Reply #484 on: March 22, 2011, 05:34:47 PM » |
I hope that, when this is finished, someone can rig the Naruto import model with Ike's boneset. about that (bones and rigging)
can you take a short break to work on a bone adder / placement editor that would kinda be more useful than a dae importer right now :/ (kinda doing what TSG's BTE was supposed to do)
@ds22: You can start rigging the model now, so you can import it asap. (I've already started ripping and rigging models I'll be importing) @tcll: I'll work on it, like I said. Sadly, I don't really know how to rig a model.
« Reply #485 on: March 22, 2011, 05:37:15 PM » |
I hope that, when this is finished, someone can rig the Naruto import model with Ike's boneset. about that (bones and rigging)
can you take a short break to work on a bone adder / placement editor that would kinda be more useful than a dae importer right now :/ (kinda doing what TSG's BTE was supposed to do)
@ds22: You can start rigging the model now, so you can import it asap. (I've already started ripping and rigging models I'll be importing) @tcll: I'll work on it, like I said. Sadly, I don't really know how to rig a model. Me neither!  I'm teaching myself as I go lol
« Reply #486 on: March 22, 2011, 05:42:49 PM » |
I my help riging a model
« Reply #487 on: March 22, 2011, 05:48:19 PM » |
rigging is prbly the easiest thing to do (not grouping)
here's a nice tut:
but still, we're just talking about editing a bone tree and adding dummy bones to it
« Reply #488 on: March 22, 2011, 05:51:41 PM » |
That tut is realy long
« Reply #489 on: March 22, 2011, 05:54:35 PM » |
That tut is realy long
yea, I know, but it's the best one I've seen
it teaches you alot 
« Reply #490 on: March 22, 2011, 05:57:57 PM » |
Ok thats good to know
« Reply #491 on: March 22, 2011, 06:51:51 PM » |
Is that tut for 3DS? :l
« Reply #492 on: March 22, 2011, 06:53:47 PM » |
 FC: 2191-7379-6272
« Reply #494 on: March 23, 2011, 04:31:56 AM » |
I think I'll just request the rigged Naruto after BlackJax96 releases his Brawl Box mod.