I'm beginning to see why everyone seems to agree that you are the least lucky guy around here. Maybe one of these days I can help with that; I'm not known to have the best of luck with such things, either, but only time will tell, right?
I'm not versed in Riivolution myself, but my suggestion is cheap and easy to try, and utterly harmless if it doesn't work; See, I often have a problem with the stack smash loading method, and the randomness in this problem cries out to me of something similar - My boot.elf frequently corrupts itself for no apparent reason, recently having led to me replacing it every single time I modify anything on my SD card. So, perhaps try a fresh install, deleting the program components first so as not to simply overwrite, might fix the problem.(This is from experience as well; Delete-and-replace has worked for me, overwriting has not)
As I said, it's not a specific solution per-se, but it might help, and it couldn't hurt.
Good luck either way, Spec.
boot.elf...? Are you sure? That's only used to start Riivolution up from the Wii main menu. My issues were occurring in the CSS and SSS.