anyone want a early Beta of This?(will not release that on BV until its finished):
THIS IS NOT KAKAROT V2 BETA!!! im Releasing This so you have something from me while working on it or on others
i have planed to Not Release Goku Right after its Done
but planed to Release Goku/Vegeta/Gotenks updates
becuase Vegeta/Gotenks updates is kinda already like 90% done becuase not so much do to with them
how to use Down-B since its complete new/revamped:
Press Down-B and Hold "B": The Homing like attack and if press up or to the SIdes or Down Goku will do the UP/Back/Front or NAir attack(not down since it not worked well) or if SSJ mode: Kamehameha wave that direction you pressing
Press Fast Down-B and not Hold "B": Almost the same as if pressing Fast Down-B but
this time it will not work like as a Homing attack this time it works as a Counter attack
also If you Failed to not Press Fast the First Frames of: Press Down-B and Hold "B" will still works as a Counter attack but not many frames
will use the same Coding for my Shadow´s up to date Moveset as that was basically needing this & FS to be finished and since i have Shadow´s FS coding on SMBZ mario(almost) and Side-B/up_B coding on Goku so i can say that moveset is also kinda close to be done so Goku/vegeta/Gotenks/SHadow is them i possible will finish up becuase they are the closest(i think) rest will be uploaded to a .zip on BV with sorted out files and TODO list on each Mod for whats is left
aswell as some of my future moveset ideas i had like the minecraft one
here is what needing But Goku is fully playable(Not Freezing the Game atleast) but he needing some stuff still in this version:
-a Real SSJ/Kaioken mode: Right now Down-taunt just replaces Down_B/Side-B with SSJ version and nothing else
-model fixes, mouth rig & make the alts for Ingame so right now there is only 1 model
-Right now there is no Down-throw becuase i was needing to finish the model´s face rig before it was possible to animate that so dont use that down throw is going to be: Solar flare(like SSBF2)
-Side-smash´s animations is still needing to be done
right now its a placeholder was planing to make SSBF2´s side-smash(or kinda its also the Mii Figher Brawler´s aswell since they are close to each other) (i will be really glad if somebody made this animation for me so it looks good)
-balacing & animate face onces the moveset&model is like 99% done
-make more startlag on Side-B(longer start animation) again i was making it to work little like Mii Figher Brawlers Side-B named: Onslaught (has planed Goku´s side-B Before Miis got comfirmed same with side-Smash)
-do so "B" attack cant be used unlimited times in air
and Fix N-B Loading if looking up/Down
-maybe change the Dashattack to something else but kinda wont do it since SSBF2´s Goku dashattack is on Gotenks and Vegeta also having that attack as F-air attack and trying not to give goku/vegeta/Gotenks/Buu not the same kind of attacks
-Finish Taunts(dont use up/side taunt: t-pose)&Wins&afew grap animations
-Port to Project:M 3.5 aswell maybe even over Roy via brawlEX (becuase Roy is a Fire Marth Clone anyway)
-port to Smash 4: sadly this is not possible so we have to wait
ps. i have abit more up to date version of Goku v2 but its not playable yet so i released the version i had on my dropbox