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Question: Goku v2  Beta DL Link here do you like the Moveset so far?
Yes This was Worth Waiting for even if it took 9001 years - 8 (36.4%)
GIVE ME "insert my other WIPs" NOW! - 6 (27.3%)
Goku v2 Sucks(remember its still a beta before voting on this - 1 (4.5%)
Wishing Smash 4 has been modded now to put this there - 7 (31.8%)
Total Voters: 22

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Author Topic: Mariodk Projects: First WIP released: Goku v2 its on page 703 post #10544  (Read 2468783 times)
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    « Reply #10530 on: January 20, 2015, 06:26:15 PM »

    wat happened to the game you were working on?

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    « Reply #10531 on: January 20, 2015, 11:21:36 PM »

    wat happened to the game you were working on?
    this^ i was looking forward to that game
    also its a shame that many great hackers are leaving these days.. i'd take one of those projects but i've got my hands full, so maybe in a near future.

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    « Reply #10532 on: January 21, 2015, 11:30:10 AM »

    glad to hear goku v2 is still in the works, frankly i can't wait until people get into modding smash4 wii u, though i imagine its gonna be a few years, anyway good luck on whatever you wish to do next after this.

    did ya miss me?

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    « Reply #10533 on: January 21, 2015, 11:34:42 AM »

    i wondered why i never received the buu models for the psa i wanted to do. lol. now i know. its cuz you didnt really finish the psa you were making.

    Not all people have the luxury of being able to buy things whenever they want.

    Some people are barely scraping by in the economy.
    Modding has made you guys so spoiled.

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    « Reply #10534 on: January 21, 2015, 02:09:28 PM »

    wat happened to the game you were working on?
    this^ i was looking forward to that game
    also its a shame that many great hackers are leaving these days.. i'd take one of those projects but i've got my hands full, so maybe in a near future.
    the game kinda got canceled and kinda not
    becuase first i planed that smash ripoff but then i was thinking on a other game idea that i could make out of my Smash like game and now im working on that idea instead: A Time Travel Simulator basically(hard to expain the gameplay but it has alot with travel in Time&Space(mainly just Earth for now)

    glad to hear goku v2 is still in the works, frankly i can't wait until people get into modding smash4 wii u, though i imagine its gonna be a few years, anyway good luck on whatever you wish to do next after this.
    i dont think Smash wii U will have modding
    i mean first the wii U needs to be hacked and thats is not even close to be done yet
    and Emulator for wii U i dont think will be possible/be made until what we call High-End PC today and what specs a high-end PC having
    will be inside a cheap laptop in the future before a wii U emulator that can play wii u games is possible

    so no hopes for Smash wii U modding here
    and almost the same for 3ds but thats other reasons:
    basically becuase brawl modding is dead and i dont think brawl modding will be turned to 3ds modding and the old ppl from brawl modding returns to mod 3ds version and most of the new comers on kc-mm is ppl who request stuff but never try to make self/make lazy model imports bad rig and so on/Sonic fan charaters recolours of sonic or shadow and thats it rarely a moveset uploaded or a super awesome looking model import/stege anymore
    so whats is the hopes for 3ds gets the same kind of mods as Brawl get if brawl modding is dead and if we get Wii U hacked and mod support for Smash wii U its still same problem as on 3ds/brawl

    and after Goku v2/my UnFinished Stuff pack i might do alittle Minecraft modding
    mainly to train myself in Java/Javascript for learn afew more Coding language got ideas for 3 simple mods for MC nothing big stuff

    i wondered why i never received the buu models for the psa i wanted to do. lol. now i know. its cuz you didnt really finish the psa you were making.
    yes right now Buu only has "A" attacks coded(i think) and Animations made but still some left
    im sorry about that also i kinda forgot why i did not continue on him

    « Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 02:17:20 PM by Mariodk » Logged

    I Dont Take Requests & Dont Do Brawl Mods anymore Maybe Sm4sh modz later

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    « Reply #10535 on: February 01, 2015, 07:24:44 AM »

    anyone want a early Beta of This?(will not release that on BV until its finished):
    im Releasing This so you have something from me while working on it or on others
    i have planed to Not Release Goku Right after its Done
    but planed to Release Goku/Vegeta/Gotenks updates
    becuase Vegeta/Gotenks updates is kinda already like 90% done becuase not so much do to with them

    how to use Down-B since its complete new/revamped:
    Press Down-B and Hold "B": The Homing like attack and if press up or to the SIdes or Down Goku will do the UP/Back/Front or NAir attack(not down since it not worked well) or if SSJ mode: Kamehameha wave that direction you pressing

    Press Fast Down-B and not Hold "B": Almost the same as if pressing Fast Down-B but
    this time it will not work like as a Homing attack this time it works as a Counter attack
    also If you Failed to not Press Fast the First Frames of: Press Down-B and Hold "B" will still works as a Counter attack but not many frames

    will use the same Coding for my Shadow´s up to date Moveset as that was basically needing this & FS to be finished and since i have Shadow´s FS coding on SMBZ mario(almost) and Side-B/up_B coding on Goku so i can say that moveset is also kinda close to be done so Goku/vegeta/Gotenks/SHadow is them i possible will finish up becuase they are the closest(i think) rest will be uploaded to a .zip on BV with sorted out files and TODO list on each Mod for whats is left
    aswell as some of my future moveset ideas i had like the minecraft one

    here is what needing But Goku is fully playable(Not Freezing the Game atleast) but he needing some stuff still in this version:
    -a Real SSJ/Kaioken mode: Right now Down-taunt just replaces Down_B/Side-B with SSJ version and nothing else

    -model fixes, mouth rig & make the alts for Ingame so right now there is only 1 model

    -Right now there is no Down-throw becuase i was needing to finish the model´s face rig before it was possible to animate that so dont use that down throw is going to be: Solar flare(like SSBF2)

    -Side-smash´s animations is still needing to be done
    right now its a placeholder was planing to make SSBF2´s side-smash(or kinda its also the Mii Figher Brawler´s aswell since they are close to each other) (i will be really glad if somebody made this animation for me so it looks good)

    -balacing & animate face onces the moveset&model is like 99% done

    -make more startlag on Side-B(longer start animation) again i was making it to work little like Mii Figher Brawlers Side-B named: Onslaught (has planed Goku´s side-B Before Miis got comfirmed same with side-Smash)

    -do so "B" attack cant be used unlimited times in air
    and Fix N-B Loading if looking up/Down

    -maybe change the Dashattack to something else but kinda wont do it since SSBF2´s Goku dashattack is on Gotenks and Vegeta also having that attack as  F-air attack and trying not to give goku/vegeta/Gotenks/Buu not the same kind of attacks

    -Finish Taunts(dont use up/side taunt: t-pose)&Wins&afew grap animations

    -Port to Project:M 3.5 aswell maybe even over Roy via brawlEX (becuase Roy is a Fire Marth Clone anyway)

    -port to Smash 4: sadly this is not possible so we have to wait

    ps. i have abit more up to date version of Goku v2 but its not playable yet so i released the version i had on my dropbox
    « Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 07:33:38 AM by Mariodk » Logged

    I Dont Take Requests & Dont Do Brawl Mods anymore Maybe Sm4sh modz later

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