« Reply #240 on: October 25, 2015, 01:28:01 PM » |
Why does the command prompt show up in the background whenever this program is open but it didn't show up whenever ExportLoopVB was open? I think I did it that way because some of the programs used by Looping Audio Converter show their progress there. I suppose it's not strictly necessary to have that window open. If I make any more updates I might take another look at that. Why does Looping Audio Converter close automatically as soon as the export is finished? I don't think that ExportLoopVB did this either. After all, sometimes I need to export multiple sets of files with different settings. I think ExportLoopVB did that. But I suppose it would be possible to have the main window come back up at the end in case you want to change settings - that's a good idea. Also, I noticed that you submitted some Chibi Robo (Plug Into Adventure) music on Brawl Custom Music. I'm just wondering; how did you obtain that music? I don't know how music worked back on the Game Cube.
Back when my Wii disk drive worked, Chibi-Robo was one of the games I copied onto my computer. I don't remember what audio format it used, but vgmstream was able to read it, so I used the old BRSTM Converter program to re-encode then into BRSTM while maintaining the loop points.
« Reply #241 on: October 26, 2015, 02:35:05 PM » |
Nice! Thanks for the responses. I have continued using Looping Audio Converter for several different BRSTMs and BCSTMs with no issues so far. Also, I just tested it; the most recent version of ExportLoopVB did not show the command prompt nor did the program quit after exporting.
Also, when you say that you "copied that game onto [your] computer," would that be the same thing as looking at the files in a ROM? For example, I could easily find gamecube ROMs on the internet and try to extract files out of those, but I have no idea how I could "copy" a game I already have to my computer (in your case, from the Wii disc drive).
« Reply #242 on: October 26, 2015, 02:44:37 PM » |
Can you fix the shading in the brawl managers?
« Reply #243 on: November 14, 2015, 03:46:43 PM » |
Nice! Thanks for the responses. I have continued using Looping Audio Converter for several different BRSTMs and BCSTMs with no issues so far. Also, I just tested it; the most recent version of ExportLoopVB did not show the command prompt nor did the program quit after exporting.
Also, when you say that you "copied that game onto [your] computer," would that be the same thing as looking at the files in a ROM? For example, I could easily find gamecube ROMs on the internet and try to extract files out of those, but I have no idea how I could "copy" a game I already have to my computer (in your case, from the Wii disc drive).
There's a Wii homebrew app that can dump the contents of the disc onto your computer over wi-fi, acting as a web server. (I don't remember the name, and I think I had to install some sort of special IOS to do it.) It's the same thing you'd get if you downloaded the ROM - at the time, it was easier for me to do it that way. Then I used GC-Tool to extract the files. Can you fix the shading in the brawl managers?
If you mean the shading in the 3D models, then I doubt I can. Does it look OK in BrawlBox? Maybe I could compare.
« Reply #244 on: December 17, 2015, 10:37:01 AM » |
I updated Looping Audio Converter to version 1.2. The Github releases page has a list of changes. I just used it a couple of days ago to convert a bunch of iTunes .m4a files to lower-bitrate .ogg files for an old MP3 player I found so they'd fit. (There's no bitrate option in Looping Audio Converter, but if someone was interested maybe I could add it at least for .ogg.)
« Reply #245 on: December 18, 2015, 05:59:50 PM » |
I just downloaded version 1.2, and although I haven't had the time to test it, as soon as I open it, I get an error message: http://i.imgur.com/dt5f9XH.pngVersion 1.2 then opens up afterward and it looks like the program will function normally (I haven't had time to test it). I'm not sure what program is missing. I kept version 1.1 and it does not give me that message whenever I open it. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I think it might have something to do with one of the new features you added. I am on Windows 8.1 Pro and I have NetFramework v4. Edit: I have tried to convert various .brstm files using LoopingAudioConverter v1.2 and no matter what settings I choose, I always get his error: http://i.imgur.com/15Hk540.pngI'm not sure what the problem is, but this newer version is completely unusable for me. If you need me to give you more information, just ask, because I can always do so.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2015, 01:47:32 PM by JohnTravolski »
« Reply #246 on: December 20, 2015, 06:47:10 PM » |
I just downloaded version 1.2, and although I haven't had the time to test it, as soon as I open it, I get an error message: http://i.imgur.com/dt5f9XH.pngVersion 1.2 then opens up afterward and it looks like the program will function normally (I haven't had time to test it). I'm not sure what program is missing. I kept version 1.1 and it does not give me that message whenever I open it. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I think it might have something to do with one of the new features you added. I am on Windows 8.1 Pro and I have NetFramework v4. The LoopingAudioConverter.exe.config is wrong. It should be: (you can edit it with notepad) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Profile=Client"/> </startup> <appSettings> <add key="sox_path" value="tools\sox\sox.exe" /> <add key="madplay_path" value="tools\madplay\madplay.exe" /> <add key="faad_path" value="tools\faad\faad.exe" /> <add key="lame_path" value="tools\lame\lame.exe" /> <add key="vgm2wav_path" value="tools\vgm2wav\vgm2wav.exe" /> <add key="vgmstream_path" value="tools\vgmstream\test.exe" /> </appSettings> </configuration> This is probably the cause of both problems. I'll re-upload it tomorrow with the right .config file. (The Linux version is OK.)
« Reply #247 on: December 21, 2015, 01:56:03 PM » |
I just changed it and that appears to have fixed everything; not only do I not get the error anymore, but I can convert files and I have had no problems yet. Thanks! I also like how the program stays open afterward, that's a very beneficial enhancement to my workflow. Also, I think that the bitrate option would indeed be helpful.
« Reply #248 on: February 11, 2016, 07:10:13 AM » |
I uploaded some new versions (Manager apps and GCT Editor) - should probably bump the thread.
« Reply #249 on: March 18, 2016, 04:19:20 PM » |
Thanks for the Looping Audio Converter, LibertyErnie; it has served me well over the months that I have been using it now. It works flawlessly and I'm very glad that you made it; it has helped me with so many of my videos.
In case you ever get bored and feel like improving it, I do have some possible suggestions in the future (these are all minor things):
It would be really nice if you could set defaults for this program. For example, I almost always export these files in .FLAC format, but the default when I open the program is set on .BRSTM. Similarly, I have a specific output directory that I commonly use, so being able to set that as a default that remains there every time I open up the program would also be very helpful. Basically, being able to set defaults for all of the options in this program would greatly help me.
Also, I'm curious, how does the "convert to mono" option work? Does it average the two channels for a stereo audio file or does it just pick one of them?
« Reply #251 on: March 25, 2016, 04:45:18 PM » |
Sorry for the late reply. Anyway, that helps a lot! It definitely saves me a lot of clicking. I was thinking more along the lines of having the program automatically load those settings every time you open it, but the method you incorporated here still helps a lot.
Also, what does this newly-added "Convert directly between BRSTM, BCSTM, BFSTM box do? I'm also glad that you added export support for the BCSTM and BFSTM as well (instead of just BRSTM).
« Reply #252 on: March 28, 2016, 06:40:36 PM » |
The way I implemented BCSTM and BFSTM encoding is by encoding BRSTM and then converting it to those formats. It can also convert in reverse (BCSTM or BFSTM to BRSTM) without having to decode to WAV and re-encode, so it's a lot faster.
There are some versions of BCSTM and BFSTM it won't understand, though, so for those you would still need to decode (with vgmstream) and re-encode.
EDIT: forgot to mention - if you save the ini file as LoopingAudioConverter.ini in the same folder as LoopingAudioConverter.exe, it'll load automatically.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 07:00:12 PM by libertyernie »
« Reply #253 on: March 28, 2016, 08:41:44 PM » |
Oh, thanks! I'll try that out soon and let you know how it goes.
Edit: I tried that and it works wonderfully! Thanks.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 11:03:10 AM by JohnTravolski »
« Reply #254 on: June 22, 2016, 07:28:59 PM » |
I posted Brawl Managers 3.8, with Project M 3.6 character mappings and a few other things. Soon I think I'll release a new Looping Audio Converter - someone found a slight error in the BrawlLib RSTM encoder that meant audio samples could be a bit off.