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Author Topic: New Character Ideas  (Read 6466 times)
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Mareeo 64
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    « on: April 01, 2012, 06:04:42 PM »

    Hey efurrybody! i got some great ideas for new characters, with most of them being the ones i mentioned in my introduction that no one read! so, here ya go:

    First! Credits:

    Nintendo: for following pics and videos of characters.

    To SephirothDB on deviant art for his Mecha Sonic (shown below)

    just mak'n sure i don't plagerize.

    1) Mecha murrio

    character to replace: whoever i want to get rid of! lol!

    So we all have probably seen the storyline of the famouse series: SMBZ, but as Alvin-Earthworm is not quite finished with episode 9, we have no recorded movement/action from Mecha murrio. Not to mention that we've only laid eyes on him once. But i think if we put our heads together, we could make one awesome PSA! Think about it! Imagine having an epic brawl between murrio and his robotic, future nemesis, and how great it would be to finally see Mecha murrio in 3D form! EPIC!!!

    2) A new Mecha Sonic

    I'm not criticizing the one single Mecha Sonic here on the vault, but i think we know that it needs to be revamped. I know of on,y one 3D model of him that would satisfy my visions, but it'll be challenging to re-create.

    here's what it looks like:


    See what I mean!? if we could somehow re-create THAT, then we got one damn good Mecha Sonic! I think he'd be best over ROB, and that animating his moveset will require a top-notch PSA maker, such as SiLeNt DoOm. Also, SDoOm, if your reading this, it's not a request. But it would be a good idea to keep in mind. The reason for needing an above-average PSA maker is that Mecha Sonic Needs a moveset to match his lethal purrsona. And what better purrson to do this than SDoOm, or Segtendo, or murrioDK!

    (once again, this isn't a request, but this would be a great next-project)

    Anyway, Mecha Sonic seems like a purrfect candidate to revamp.

    Now on to my next idea:

    3) Basilisx (SMBZ....again...)

    We've seen enough of his moves, i think, to be able to make a moveset. I don't see that as a huge problem. But, what will be a challenge is the model. I don't think there's one koopatrol on the vault, let alone Basilisx. However, I think it's a good pawssibility that he can be made. First would be the model, which could be based off Hammurr Bro, if one chose to do so. Except a slight re-size should be used to make him bigger. (about the size of fox, i think) Then by simply re-coloring the model, we can achieve the look that'll set him aside from other koopatrols. One problem with this is the claws. If a modeler/animator chose to take on this challenge, he/she would have to make the claws sleak and sharp, rather than big and blocky. I have seen a wolverine hack on the vault, so that may be of good use, considering that he has claws we could work off. Anyway, I think Basilisx should be placed over.........maybe fox.......oooorrrr......pawssibly meta knight......hmmm. Well, that's a decision for a future date, but now here's my next idea:

    4) A PSA for Dry bones

    As far as I know, there are two Dry Bones on the murrket. One over Luigi, and one over yoshi. purrsonally, i have the Luigi one. The model and recolors look great but there is the absence of a moveset. Now, I have some ideas for purrts of the moveset, but the rest is still kinda fuzzy. But that's why u guys are here to contribute!

    Up-B: I was thinking that he could throw his head upwards or to the side if need be, and as the animation progresses, his body will catch up with the head, giving Dry Bones great reach, as far as recofurry. The reason for this is that I see him being on the lighter side, so he'd get hit purrtty far. So in dangerous situations, he could recover back to the stage with ease.

    Neutral B: I think he should charge up for as long as you hold B, until fully charged, of course. But this won't take quite as long as Goku's Kamehameha in the earliest versions of him. And once charged, or whenever you release B, he'll explode into pieces, like when you step on him in the New supurr murrio Bros. series, but with murre impact and effect. This could be used for defense and offense too. If foes are crowded around you, and other moves don't hit them away, a short charge of this could get them off of you. I see this move as one of Dry Bones' main killing moves, and upon exploding, he should have some supurr armurr, like Ike's and DK's neutral B. Also, after exploding, he'll need to re-assemble himself. I think the best approach for this is to simply re-create his New SMB re-assembly sequence. The sound clips from NSMB could also be used upon exploding, along with an explosion sound effect, and the same sound clip for re-assembly.  pawer: 8/10  Range: 1 or two character lengths from him. (character length=size of dry bones, or luigi)

    Up-Taunt: i was thinking he'd basically do the same animation he does in murrio Supurrstar Baseball for GC. he'll extend his arms outward a little, then slowly rotate his head 360º while chomping his jaw.

    L+R-taunt: Again, this'll be like in murrio Supurrstar Baseball (GC). He'll look up slightly, reach his arms up and make a laughing motion. This'll be similar to the Waluigi PSA's taunt up-taunt.

    5) The "Guys"

    Allow me to explain. I'm sure you guys know of Shy Guy. But then there's Fly Guy, and Pyro Guy. (I thought about spear guy, and that clown-ish shy guy from Papurr murrio (N64), but chose these two along with the original Shy Guy):

    Shy Guy:


    Fly Guy:


    Pyro Guy:


    So, I thought about leaving them as sepurrate characters, but they're so similar, that i decided that they should replace Pokémon Trainer. (Charizard, Ivysaur, and Squirtle) This made a lot murre sense to me. So, their Down-B move would stay the same, but with the new characters.

    Final Smash(Shy Guy)- This would be based on Shy Guy's offensive pawer shot from murrio: pawer Tennis. He'll transform into his tribal-wear, dance around while his pawer Tennis sound clip plays, and then a huge lightning storm will strike down from the sky, electricuting all foes above, or near-by him, sending them far away after some hit-lag.


    murrio pawer Tennis - Introducing character: Shy Guy

    just watch when he uses his offensive pawer shot. he'll do the tribal thing, then spin his raquet on his arm.....hand......thing....as electricity surrounds the raquet, then he hits the ball high up and stuns the reciever a little. It'll be sorta like that, but w/o the raquet.

    Final Smash(Fly Guy):


    He'll spin reeeeeaally fast, and massive tornados will damage any one nearby.   Damage: up to 150% if in the heart of the attack, 30% at the least (if at outskirts of the attack)

    Final Smash(Pyro Guy): I think he should scream out in his shy guy-esque language, and a huge fiery supurr-storm will surround an area about the diametar of Final Destination. Maybe a little less, i don't know. OR!!!!:

    Final Smash(All): When you recieve over 100% damage, you'll glow, and pawssibly have enhanced abilities. And when you get the smash ball, the other two Guys will pop out, as the three Guys will unleash a massive death laser.......of death!!! lol
    it'll be compawsed of fire, electricity, and strong tornado-force winds, dealing a maximum of 250% damage. It'll act like Samus' final smash, but less movable, and it'll be a thicker blast (if pawssible).

    So these are my latest hacking ideas! Be sure to give feedback, as this took me like 4 1/2 hours to type on my Wii browser, along with using my DSI browser to find the pics and videos to add as refurence. THEN re-typing the url's onto the pawst.... T_T

    ANYWAY!!!! comment ur ideas too!


    « Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 06:34:17 PM by Mareeo 64 » Logged

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    « Reply #1 on: April 09, 2012, 05:33:22 PM »

    I'm thinking about making basilisx model.
    metal sonic psa is being made already.

    Mareeo 64
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    « Reply #2 on: April 09, 2012, 06:30:30 PM »

    I'm thinking about making basilisx model.
    metal sonic psa is being made already.

    No no no, not METAL sonic. I'm talking about MECHA sonic. I'm aware that SDoOm is working on a METAL sonic PSA, and it's awesome for METAL sonic. But MECHA sonic needs a more lethal PSA.

    just to clear things up:



    Two totally different robots.↑↑↑

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    « Reply #3 on: April 10, 2012, 03:03:48 PM »

    first, try to track that model down as much as you can.
    Then I'll think about making it.

    Mareeo 64
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    « Reply #4 on: April 11, 2012, 11:48:43 AM »

    Well, I found a way to contact the original creator, but i've not heard from him yet. He has a version 2.0 too (shown in my first post) but he won't release it. Also, I believe He made these years ago, so i'm not sure he's still active.

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    « Reply #5 on: April 11, 2012, 12:01:53 PM »

    Well, I found a way to contact the original creator, but i've not heard from him yet. He has a version 2.0 too (shown in my first post) but he won't release it. Also, I believe He made these years ago, so i'm not sure he's still active.

    Actually, I contacted him some time ago about his mecha sonic. He said that that model had some imperfections that he wanted to fix and when he did (if ever) he'll let me know.

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    « Reply #6 on: April 11, 2012, 03:16:38 PM »

    and the one in the brawl is pretty good, so I'll use that one as a base if I can.

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    « Reply #7 on: April 11, 2012, 04:03:51 PM »

    Not to mention that Mecha is too high-poly for Brawl?

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    « Reply #8 on: April 11, 2012, 07:14:08 PM »

     not impressed
    I can fix that, you know.
    and I'm using another model for a base, just this has some key parts (may even use this model with no changes beside low-poly or tristripper)
    I did the same thing when I was a n00b, but your criticizing some of the beast work on here M64.
    « Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 07:18:24 PM by KnightMario » Logged

    Mareeo 64
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    « Reply #9 on: April 12, 2012, 04:56:51 PM »

    not impressed
    I can fix that, you know.
    and I'm using another model for a base, just this has some key parts (may even use this model with no changes beside low-poly or tristripper)
    I did the same thing when I was a n00b, but your criticizing some of the beast work on here M64

    Wait, what'd i criticize? i'm totally confused. if it's the Mecha Sonic that's on the vault already, then i'm not criticizing. I said it was good. I just think it's time for a new one. SephirothDB's Mecha Sonic model is just so much better.
    « Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 05:03:39 PM by Mareeo 64 » Logged

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