Recently I have seen people asking about how to vertex with DAE importing... after a failed video tutorial I have decided to write up a written tutorial.
What you will need
-3ds Max
-any BrawlBox that supports DAE importing
-Basic 3ds Max, BrawlBox, and importing knowledge
Export your desired model from BrawlBox as a DAE.
Before you import it into 3ds Max, Reset the scene.

Click any polygon and go to the Skin modifier.
Scroll down, click Add Bones, and add all the bones that weren't in the modifier already.
IF THE POLYGON DOES NOT HAVE A SKIN MODIFIER you will need to add one. Add all the bones to the modifier and RIG IT TO THE SAME BONE THAT POLYGON WAS SINGLE BINDED TO. Single binded means the entire polygon was rigged to one bone. You will have to rig it to that same bone or it will be screwed up. Some guessing/trial and error is needed if you don't want to check the original model.

You can now begin to vertex! Go to the polygon you want to vertex, right click the Skin modifier and click Retain SubAnim Custom Attributes. Then right click again and Cut the Skin modifier.
Now you can move around the vertices however you want. When you are finished, right click, PASTE INSTANCED to restore the polygon's rigging.

Since this is DAE importing, you have a lot more freedom than normal vertexing!
You can apply other modifiers, like UV Unwrap if you want to do UV editing, and Edit Normals if you want to edit the normals.
Just be sure to drag that modifier under the Skin modifier when you are done.
You can also add things to the model, like Link's hat or something. You'll just have to rig it.

Export that sucker (as a DAE, obviously)!
Import into BrawlBox. Check all the boxes in the import settings except for Force CCW Primitive Cull(unless you are using v.65 or v.65b, then don't check Remap Materials).

Don't celebrate yet, you still have some things to do.
You will have to assign all the polygons to their respective visiblity bones (check the original file) and you will have to restore moving eyes to your model.
Hint: Visibility bones usually end in M
THERE ARE TUTORIALS IN THE MODEL TUTORIAL THREAD FOR ADDING EYES. You can also find tuts for transparency and other effects if you want those.
You will also need to add metal, luckily BB has an automatic metal adder, and you might have to change the Cull on some things.
Optionally, you can use the original model's materials and shaders.

I think that's it, if there's anything that's missing or if you have any questions, tell me.