A while ago, I was requested to make a tutorial on how to import stages, so I figured I should get to doing it.
So to do a basic .obj import, first gather all your materials. You'll need:
-A computer
-Brawlbox v0.67b or higher
-3ds Max(2010 recommended)
-.obj file and textures of the stage you want to import(optional)
To acquire a .obj file of a stage, you can either rip it from the game, or get it from a model resource site, such as
http://www.models-resource.com/Example of how you can find a .objAssuming you've gathered all tools needed, now you must find a .obj. In my example, I will be using
www.models-resource.com to get my .obj.
Keep in mind that you can use anything shown here. I merely chose Sweet Mountain because I remember somebody wanted to do it, but they didn't exactly know how.
Alright, now that you got all your [censored] downloaded, open it and extract the files somewhere.
(and by extract, I mean I don't give a [censored], just put the folder somewhere memorable)
Open that folder, and you'll see all your [censored] in there.
Exporting as .daeNow, open 3ds max.
When doing things in 3ds max, I like to maximize the bottom-right viewport. To do this, just click the + in the top-left corner of that viewport.
Now, to import the files. Go to File>Import, then go to the folder you extracted earlier and import a .obj file from it. You'll find numerous .obj files in the folder, so choose any one of them. You may choose to import all of them separately and make a large stage. However, there are many problems with that procedure, so I wouldn't exactly recommend it.
Now, when importing, you should be greeted with this pop-up. The only thing I would recommend changing is the model units to inches. I encountered a problem importing during this tutorial because I was a dumbass and had it set to miles...
So the model should now show on your screen.
Under certain conditions, the model may only have 1 material ID. This means it will only read a single texture when being imported to Brawlbox. To prevent this, you'll need to download this script:
http://www.mediafire.com/?ezedyi2uvo33duoNow, just drag that script over the model, then click DETACH(You do not need to do this, as it will not work on this model, but this is to provide a solution in the event that you do encounter this problem in the future).
Next, go to File>Export. In the file type, click the arrow and select Autodesk collada (.DAE). Save the file anywhere(I'd prefer to save to my desktop). You will be prompted with another screen. Just click OK.
Open up Brawlbox v0.67b, then right-click a .brres file and click import>model(I am creating a new brres file here). Locate the .dae file you exported and open it. Set the type to Stage/Item, uncheck Remap Materials, and click Okay. The model is now a mdl0 model.
SUCCESS, MUTHA[censored]A.Getting the stage import to workNow to import the textures. Return to your folder with all the stuff in it. Select all .png(or .jpeg) images and copy them to a separate folder. The name does not matter, but I chose to name it "textures".
Right-click the .brres, then click Import>Folder. Select the folder with the textures, then click OK. Set the format of each texture as CMPR or RGB5A3, whichever one makes the texture look better(though I'd recommend CMPR, as it reduces filesize), and click Okay(some of these you may need to change later on). This may take awhile.
*Keep in mind that the stage import I am demonstrating contains 183 textures. It was quite a pain in the ass to get all these imported separately. The mere .brres came out to 6.79 MB. Obviously, that's not going to work. Just delete the textures that the model does not read.
Right-click the model and click preview.
You'll see your model in the model viewer, rotated incorrectly. Often times, I find myself needing to reduce the scale of the object to ridiculously low values just to view it, so if you do not see the model, reduce the scale values like I said.
Set the rotation-x value to -90 so it's rotated correctly.
Exit the model viewer. Right-click the .brres file with the newly-imported mdl0, and go to new>model animation.
There is now a new chr0 data named NewCHR. You can keep that name, or you can rename it. Doesn't matter. However...
I would suggest renaming the TopN bone of the new model. Rename it to something unique. I am renaming it to "sweetmtn".
Next, preview the new model. Select the renamed bone, then copy all of its values, then select the new model animation data, and paste the values into it.
Finally, run the stage in-game, fix it up and make it look decent, and enjoy your stage import.
Feedback and questions are recommended. I'd better see some good stage imports from you all.