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Question: What do you think about this Koopa psa? Should I release it?
Yeah, sure.   - 18 (81.8%)
I would give a try. - 3 (13.6%)
The psa seems decent, but the character is not that interesting. - 0 (0%)
I like the character, but the psa is not what I expected. - 1 (4.5%)
No, I definitely don't care about this character neither any psa related to it. - 0 (0%)
Total Voters: 22

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Author Topic: Mortimer's Thread - Wandering  (Read 167043 times)
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    « Reply #300 on: April 22, 2018, 03:14:39 PM »

    Chris' only problem is that I managed to change Snake's grenades to give him several types of grenades you can choose to throw. You know... to mimic RE5 and RE6's grenade types. And randomly one of those grenades get stuck on the ground and the game crashes if you pick another.
    One of those bugs I can fix in 5 mins or 2 months, depending on how lucky I am. Not very lucky, lately.

    I used Ike as a base for Wesker, since his fighting style is not based on projectiles. Plus, Ike has a pretty small motion I can use to boost a little the texture quality.

    I downloaded those voices from youtube, don't worry. Smiley But if you for some obscure reason have his combat voices (punches and kicks) from RE5, that would be awesome. I managed to extract Chris' voices from RE6 using a now forbidden tool from their modding community. Unfortunately, there's no Wesker in RE6.

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    « Reply #301 on: January 25, 2019, 09:18:59 PM »

    It's 2019, so here I am.  Still like this place better than discord.

    Here's what I got so far.:

    Now.. I found this psa lacking, maybe because I did a lot more for Chris and Yoshi or I I don't know, I've lost creativity over time for some reason. I won't copy/paste the description, read if you want.

    My brother finally finished Chris' video as well, but I didn't announce it here due to some unfortunate events that happened, including my father accidentally erasing my C:\ unit. While I didn't lost my finished work, I lost old files, scenes, old model files etc.. stuff that will make changes hellish when it shouldn't be.
    I means Chris' on hold for who knows how long. If you want to see it, check the videos in my channel. At least, it will help you understand why I think this psa is lacking something.

    Everything I want to say is on the video.

    Heroic Kitten
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    « Reply #302 on: January 25, 2019, 09:44:02 PM »

    A wild Wesker appreas!
    'Tis rather nice to see you're still doing stuff here. even if i've uh... never actually posted in your topic... i dunno i'm lazy.

    I still talk to myself! If anyone wants to use anything I've done, feel free to! But do tell me where you use it, I want to see the finished product!

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    « Reply #303 on: January 27, 2019, 02:15:28 PM »

    A wild Wesker appreas!
    'Tis rather nice to see you're still doing stuff here. even if i've uh... never actually posted in your topic... i dunno i'm lazy.

    Oh, don't just say that. Lol

    Before someone attacks me:
    No, I won't say/accept the term "American" to refer exclusively to people or things from the United States.
    America is a continent and deal with it.
    I'm an American, but not necessarily from the U.S.

    Heroic Kitten
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    « Reply #304 on: January 27, 2019, 03:03:56 PM »

    but laaaaaazy.
    And I've never been one for big posts, that too.

    I still talk to myself! If anyone wants to use anything I've done, feel free to! But do tell me where you use it, I want to see the finished product!

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    « Reply #305 on: April 01, 2019, 09:34:18 PM »

    anybody has this one? http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=208531

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    « Reply #306 on: April 04, 2019, 09:07:46 PM »

    You don't want that.   Im srs here
    That's an order.

    Holy Kitten
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    « Reply #307 on: April 06, 2019, 11:50:36 AM »

    You don't want that.   Im srs here
    That's an order.
    But if he asked, he clearly wants it.

    Before someone attacks me:
    No, I won't say/accept the term "American" to refer exclusively to people or things from the United States.
    America is a continent and deal with it.
    I'm an American, but not necessarily from the U.S.

    Heroic Kitten
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    « Reply #308 on: April 09, 2019, 11:47:41 AM »

    You don't want that.   Im srs here
    That's an order.
    I understand you probably got some complaints about it by a few random people, but thats how making something on the internet public works, not everyone likes what you do but just like stan lee once said "you wont let a few idiots ruin your dream just because they didnt like it"

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    « Reply #309 on: April 09, 2019, 04:28:40 PM »

    Huh... no, that's not what I meant. That happened to my final smashes, but it was a few hundreds of idiots, not a few Grin

    I mean this:
    As for the others, I'm cancelling the release of this psa. Maybe not forever, but who knows. The beta's attention was worse than terrible. When I have my next work, I'll mention it here.

    Worse than terrible meant it had like 12 downloads after a week or so after the release, a low number even for today' standards. And as usual, no feedback of any kind. If it's bad you can say, specially in a beta, I welcome it.
    But staying quiet is the worse. And I really won't blame anyone for not wanting a random unknown character while everyone was striving for more shadows and sephiroth psas.
    I like finishing my works before starting new ones, not keep going back to re-learn what I did to fix bugs/problems once every 3 months because people didn't give me feedback when I asked for it. I hate redoing things. So you guys can't blame me for not wanting to release it either.

    That's why I cancelled it. I said you won't want it because of this:

    But if you really want the beta, I can upload it again.

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    « Reply #310 on: December 09, 2019, 08:00:04 PM »

    When marketing bots start taking over, you know the end is near.
    Time for my next message in a bottle..

    About Wesker
    I didn't hide the animation problems he has. The reason I didn't fix them yet was because I was... lazy. And I got complains because I didn't follow Marvel VS Capcom's moveset, and that makes me think I won't please anyone by fixing animations since the moveset is "wrong" anyway, so I'm not feeling motivated to do that lately.
    But I still have to honor Calypso's review and at the very least change the up-B for something else.

    About Chris
    Chris wasn't touched during those 7 months. I don't know how long ago I worked on him lastly. Considering what happened to Wesker, I have no reasons to believe it would be different with Chris. Basically nothing has changed concerning him.

    If someone still doesn't know, I made a script to help remapping a character's soundbank id to another one, specially useful for brawlEx characters who use Snake' soundbank as a base. Credits for catscatscats for refactoring my code. It's not intuitive to use, don't feel bad if you don't understand a thing.

    About psas... article and pointer wizardry have been two huge things that popped up and opened a lot of new possibilities. So far I didn't have a good opportunity to learn how to use the pointer one, despite being eager to do so. It has great use for special attacks, which are among the last things I do in psas, it would take a long time until I started messing with it.
    Then... I thought about backporting. Animations take way longer than coding. If I could have the animations done quickly, I could get started quickly. After a month thinking, I chose greninja to be my guinea pig for those experiments. Not a character I'm THAT fond of, but the moveset is simple to replicate, won't be give much trouble to code. And I don't see many people talking about him, which is good for me.. less people to piss off with I'm gonna do. This all means it's not a 1:1 port. I'm porting the animations, not the moveset. I'll do whatever I feel like needed to learn wizardry. And to not waste the work, put those tests to some use, pretty much the same reason I did my infamous final smashes.

    Depending on what I learn, I can maybe try someone more complicated. So I started porting the animations, which is great because I painfully learned how to port anything from blender/3ds/maya into brawl (and then figured out there was a tutorial for that already...).
    I noticed that if I could spend like 15 hours a day working, I probably could fully backport an ultimate character under a week. Took me a while to master an animation optimization technique, but at the end most of the animations are between 9-14kb, I'm quite satisfied.

    Then, I also chose to work on a draconic guy I felt could have a savage style, I never did anything towards a brutal approach. And started thinking about ideas for a demonic rat man I found, which has a very similar style to baphomet, but this time, I don't want to be limited by Dedede's quirks. Didn't really want to think on movesets before learning wizardry properly.
    Reason I got more than one psa this time is because porting is not really "making" a new psa... the time to port is not comparable to make something new.

    That's it, pretty much. Guess I've done more than last time.  Kirby Dance

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    « Reply #311 on: December 14, 2019, 03:06:31 PM »

    I'd say to just ignore anyone who complains about it without having
    anything helpful/resonable to say.

    Remember that there are some people
    who will hate the PSA no matter do and a lot of these people won't like
    Capcom vs Marvel 4 because its too different or to similar to the previous

    Not everyone acts this way of course, but the voices of the ones that do often
    speak more loudly than the one's that do like how the PSA is going.

    Post Merge: December 14, 2019, 03:07:12 PM
    Now on a more positive side of things. The two games play very differently.
    The Resident Evil games play very slowly and are good place to think of slower
    more heavy hitting attacks.

    While Capcom Vs Marvel 3 is a much faster game, being a good source for attacks
    in the air, and quicker attacks on the ground.

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    « Reply #312 on: December 15, 2019, 06:13:08 PM »

    In this case, I don't mind if they complain or not, I'm not satisfied with the way he is either.  Lips Sealed  But I've been wanting to mess with articles, that also does not motivate me to work on Wesker right now. Besides... I think I played with him 2 or 3 times since I released the psa... that's how much free time I had.  Cool  I'd like to test him more and tweak whatever that's needed.
    And I said that basically. I don't have Marvel vs Capcom, never played and it's hard to check the moves in youtube. If I had followed, it wouldn't feel like it... because I don't know what I'd be aiming for. They would complain anyway, so it's easier to do what I'm more comfortable with lol...

    And also....

    Damn... not ever thought this would happen again here...  Laugh

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