When marketing bots start taking over, you know the end is near.
Time for my next message in a bottle..
About Wesker
I didn't hide the animation problems he has. The reason I didn't fix them yet was because I was... lazy. And I got complains because I didn't follow Marvel VS Capcom's moveset, and that makes me think I won't please anyone by fixing animations since the moveset is "wrong" anyway, so I'm not feeling motivated to do that lately.
But I still have to honor Calypso's review and at the very least change the up-B for something else.
About Chris
Chris wasn't touched during those 7 months. I don't know how long ago I worked on him lastly. Considering what happened to Wesker, I have no reasons to believe it would be different with Chris. Basically nothing has changed concerning him.
If someone still doesn't know, I made a script to help remapping a character's soundbank id to another one, specially useful for brawlEx characters who use Snake' soundbank as a base. Credits for catscatscats for refactoring my code. It's not intuitive to use, don't feel bad if you don't understand a thing.
http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=218211About psas... article and pointer wizardry have been two huge things that popped up and opened a lot of new possibilities. So far I didn't have a good opportunity to learn how to use the pointer one, despite being eager to do so. It has great use for special attacks, which are among the last things I do in psas, it would take a long time until I started messing with it.
Then... I thought about backporting. Animations take way longer than coding. If I could have the animations done quickly, I could get started quickly. After a month thinking, I chose greninja to be my guinea pig for those experiments. Not a character I'm THAT fond of, but the moveset is simple to replicate, won't be give much trouble to code. And I don't see many people talking about him, which is good for me.. less people to piss off with I'm gonna do. This all means it's not a 1:1 port. I'm porting the animations, not the moveset. I'll do whatever I feel like needed to learn wizardry. And to not waste the work, put those tests to some use, pretty much the same reason I did my infamous final smashes.
Depending on what I learn, I can maybe try someone more complicated. So I started porting the animations, which is great because I painfully learned how to port anything from blender/3ds/maya into brawl (and then figured out there was a tutorial for that already...).
I noticed that if I could spend like 15 hours a day working, I probably could fully backport an ultimate character under a week. Took me a while to master an animation optimization technique, but at the end most of the animations are between 9-14kb, I'm quite satisfied.
Then, I also chose to work on a draconic guy I felt could have a savage style, I never did anything towards a brutal approach. And started thinking about ideas for a demonic rat man I found, which has a very similar style to baphomet, but this time, I don't want to be limited by Dedede's quirks. Didn't really want to think on movesets before learning wizardry properly.
Reason I got more than one psa this time is because porting is not really "making" a new psa... the time to port is not comparable to make something new.
That's it, pretty much. Guess I've done more than last time.