Sorry to bother, there's something I don't understand.
In addition of the file patch code I heard about but that was pretty tricky to use, I found something called Generic File Replacement: v2.1a by Phantom Wings. See'm currently using it to replace custom models but unless I made a mistake, it seems to not work for other components like those in the folder menu2.
Is it possible to implement in your post a little guide to help noobs like me to understand how to use codes and in which situation?
For instance, following the link I shared previously, there's some value to modify with the File Patch Code for the game to look at SPECIFIC folders containing SPECIFIC stuff like textures, music... that is pretty different than the "place your modded stuff in X:\private\wii\app\rsbe\pf" process. And I don't get why to do that and if it's even true.
It would be nice if you could do that, thanks ^^