It's a shame there's no big update, but at least we have a stable 2.0. Keep up the amazing work, you wizard.
Though how likely do you think custom soundbanks and/or ef_char entries would be for a future update?
It's a toss up between this, the fixes to the BX CSS Expansion, and the development of the new BX Stage Roster Expansion. So around 33%?
Hey PhantomWings, how would I go about cloning ZSS, Samus, Sheik, and Zelda? I haven't been in this threa for a while, so if it's been explained, just point me in the direction of it. Thank you!
I'm glad you asked as I've been meaning to explain a bit more on this.
If you just want the alone variant of the character, then you can clone them exactly the same way you'd clone any other character. For cloning both characters, you'll need to do a little bit more with the config files.
Start by cloning both of the characters as you would normally. For this example, I'll say I'm going to clone Zelda and Sheik as ZeldaEx and SheikEx into slots 3F and 40. The one main thing that's different is that there's only 1 ExModule to work with: ft_zelda-sheik.rel. This module can be configured similarly to the regular ExModules, except that there are two spaces in section[8] for both Zelda and Sheik's ids. In this case, I'm going to be changing those ids to 3F and 40. After configuring the ExModule, you can name it to something like ft_zeldaex-sheikex.rel and place it in your modules folder. From here, you can configure your Fighter Config files to point to the FitZeldaEx and FitSheikEx resources. After configuring the Fighter Config files, open them back up with a hex editor and change the both of the module reference strings to "
ft_zeldaex-sheikex.rel". Finally, open up the Slot Config files for both characters and change the Edit Flags (@0x0C) to 0x00000001, and change the Slot Characters (@0x10) to 0x0000003F and 0x00000040 for Zelda's Slot Config and 0x00000040 and 0x0000003F for Sheik's Slot Config. After that, you should be ready to go.
To Summarize:
- Acquire fighter resources, config files, and the 1 ExModule file.
- Configure both character ids and the module id of the ExModule.
- Configure the Fighter Config files to point to the fighter resources.
- Manually change the 2 Fighter Config files to reference the 1 ExModule file.
- Manually change the Slot Config files to point to both of the new fighters in either order of your choice.
One final thing to note: If you're going to clone Bowser and GigaBowser together, you'll need to make one additional change: When you're configuring the fighter config files, be sure to check the "Merge Motion/Etc" check box. Additionally, you'll need to use the merged Bowser and GigaBowser MotionEtc.pac files from the downloads section on the main page.
Also, if you want to use Giga Bowser alone, he will work with his normal files, but he won't have his attack effects as they are loaded from Bowser's moveset file. The same download link I just mentioned also has a modified GigaBowser moveset file that has Bowser's effect file added into it. Use this moveset file instead if you want the attack effects to show up.