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Author Topic: SDHC Extension 1.1[Reinsertion support]  (Read 84443 times)
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Expert Kitten
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    « on: January 11, 2014, 09:17:59 AM »

    Now Project M 3.01 is out, so I release this:
    SDHC Extension 1.1[Bero]
    * C23CB3D8 00000004
    * 546302D7 41820014
    * 38600001 3C808058
    * 60840300 90640000
    * 2C1D0000 00000000
    * C23EEE18 00000007
    * 80610014 54630253
    * 41820028 38000009
    * 8061000C 5463C43E
    * 38630001 1CC30400
    * 3C60803E 6063EE58
    * 7C6903A6 4E800420
    * 80A1000C 00000000
    * C23CB620 00000008
    * 3D60805A 616B9350
    * 816B0000 2C0B0000
    * 41820024 2C040040
    * 4182001C 39600001
    * 91610008 3D60803C
    * 616BB410 7D6903A6
    * 4E800420 9421FFC0
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C23CB4AC 00000003
    * 38C00000 2C160000
    * 41820008 38C00001
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C23CB5D4 00000009
    * 807C001C 2C030001
    * 806DCE1C 41820034
    * 80030000 90190000
    * 80030004 90190004
    * 80030008 90190008
    * 8003000C 9019000C
    * 3C60803C 6063B5E0
    * 7C6903A6 4E800420
    * 60000000 00000000
    * 043EEA20 48191905
    * 043EEC1C 48191709
    * 06580324 00000028
    * 3F008058 63180300
    * 83180000 2C180000
    * 4182000C 7CB92B78
    * 48000008 7F2531D6
    * 548006FF 4E800020
    * 043EEB6C 481917E1
    * 043EED68 481915E5
    * 0658034C 00000028
    * 3C608058 60630300
    * 80630000 2C030000
    * 4182000C 3B390001
    * 48000008 7F39BA14
    * 4E800020 00000000
    * 043CBA24 481B48E1
    * 043CBD60 481B45A5
    * 06580304 00000020
    * 3EC08058 62D60300
    * 82D60000 2C160000
    * 41820008 7C802378
    * 7C040040 4E800020
    * C23EE0BC 00000003
    * 38000000 3C60805A
    * 60639350 90030000
    * 3C60805A 00000000

    This code allows you to use SDHC cards with FPC 3.5.1.
    Gecko speed+Riivolution SDHC support=SDHC extension

    *SD or SDHC cards(SDXC cards don't work)
    *System menu above 4.1(if you have IOS58 installed, it's OK)
    *Project M Launcher

    1. Make GCT with FPC3.5.1 and this code
    2. Run Project M Launcher
    3. Enjoy!

    If you experience freeze when you try to reinsert SDHC, please try to return to main menu before you reinsert SDHC, and then enter CSS.

    Mmm... It works while the game is loaded with a proper IOS, no need to use the Project M launcher specifically...

    I mean, Bero, you've said this doesn't support USB devices, but I'm using it on a USB device since the day you created it. Both "USB Loader CFG" and "USB Loader GX" work for me, with either the hermes cIOS based in IOS 57 (on IOS 222/223) or the d2x cIOS (on IOS 249/250).

    Just in case somebody cares, Project M includes this code since version 3.0. That's why some people were able to run Project M from USB loaders with a SDHC. It'd had been impossible without this code.

    The new Project M laucher is the easiest way to use the SDHC card with an actual Brawl disc though.
    « Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 03:28:43 AM by Bero » Logged

    Heroic Kitten
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    « Reply #1 on: January 11, 2014, 09:41:08 AM »

    so you can now run a SDHC card that has more memory than 2GB? thats sweet!

    Stupid Tinypic :C

    Expert Kitten
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    « Reply #2 on: January 11, 2014, 09:45:19 AM »

    Yeah, you can.
    So FPC3.5.1+RSBE+SDHC extension+Project M Launcher will replace both Gecko and Riivolution.
    Though this doesn't support USB devices.

    Magical Girl
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    « Reply #3 on: January 11, 2014, 09:50:10 AM »

    oh wow. very nice

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    « Reply #4 on: January 11, 2014, 11:05:06 AM »

    So does this work only with Project M, or does it just use the Project M launcher? Also, does this work with a hackless Wii?
    « Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 11:13:51 AM by ToadKart » Logged

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    « Reply #5 on: January 11, 2014, 12:09:47 PM »

    Lol this is NOT with ISO/WBFS BACKUPS....
    and maybe project M itself wont work with them anymore (havent tested)
    « Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 12:11:08 PM by shadowXtreme » Logged

    Don Jon Bravo
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    « Reply #6 on: January 11, 2014, 12:10:11 PM »

    Yeah, you can.
    So FPC3.5.1+RSBE+SDHC extension+Project M Launcher will replace both Gecko and Riivolution.
    Though this doesn't support USB devices.
    does project m launcher support axnextframe hook up?
    and by not usb
    u mean codes and hacks in usb
    i can still run my iso via usb?

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    « Reply #7 on: January 11, 2014, 01:01:38 PM »

    So I'm clear, this requires the Project M launcher to function, yes?

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    Hyper Kitten
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    « Reply #8 on: January 11, 2014, 01:10:22 PM »

    Can I use sdhc cards in vbrawl if I use gecko with this code?

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    « Reply #9 on: January 11, 2014, 03:11:14 PM »


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    « Reply #10 on: January 11, 2014, 03:15:21 PM »

    Mmm... It works while the game is loaded with a proper IOS, no need to use the Project M launcher specifically...

    I mean, Bero, you've said this doesn't support USB devices, but I'm using it on a USB device since the day you created it. Both "USB Loader CFG" and "USB Loader GX" work for me, with either the hermes cIOS based in IOS 57 (on IOS 222/223) or the d2x cIOS (on IOS 249/250).

    Just in case somebody cares, Project M includes this code since version 3.0. That's why some people were able to run Project M from USB loaders with a SDHC. It'd had been impossible without this code.

    The new Project M laucher is the easiest way to use the SDHC card with an actual Brawl disc though.

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    « Reply #11 on: January 11, 2014, 03:18:16 PM »

    This works with any code set. Brawl-, or whatever you want to run.
    This works with hackless wii, but you have to find out some way to run the launcher.
    smashstack with normal SD->switch to SDHC, or letterbomb with SDHC

    See what Mewtwo2000 says.

    @Don Jon Bravo
    Yes, you're right. As for AXNextFrame, iirc you can though I'm not sure.

    Yeah, this needs Project M Launcher but you don't have to launch Project M.
    You can even launch Brawl- with it.

    No, because Gecko switches IOS to 38, which doesn't support SDHC.
    Project M Launcher does the almost same thing as Gecko except for IOS switching.

    I meant you couldn't use contents in USB. i.e., you cannot read pf folder in USB.

    Hyper Kitten
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    « Reply #12 on: January 11, 2014, 03:44:23 PM »

    When I clicked play it took me to the wii menu...Does my pf need to be in project m or private/wii/app/rsbe?

    Expert Kitten
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    « Reply #13 on: January 11, 2014, 03:51:11 PM »

    That's strange...
    You have to put files into private/wii/app/RSBE/pf if you are using normal FPC.

    Hyper Kitten
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    « Reply #14 on: January 11, 2014, 04:58:41 PM »

    Thats where they are...idk whatever  since if I have no custom music 1gb is enough.

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