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Author Topic: How to use SFX with Gecko  (Read 8703 times)
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Hyper Kitten
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    « on: January 17, 2014, 04:13:25 PM »

    This tutorial are for people who still doesn't understand how to use SFX on Gecko.  It's also for newcomers to the world of Brawl Hacking Smiley

                                               LET'S GET STARTED IN THIS TUTORIAL

    1.  First you want to have the files that you need for inserting SFX into Brawl with Gecko (Also make the SFX folder in the pf folder in your SD card) .


    - smashbros_sound.brsar: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4vhNdf69qaSMHRHV1l3eEdoa3M&tid=0B4vhNdf69qaSZ0N0MnBjOXFYMU0

    - Super Sawndz: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0m5ow8gobp0luo9/HOrLO4AAvM

    - sndconv.exe (put in your super sawndz folder) https://www.dropbox.com/s/zq6swjjx33pb78w/sndconv.exe

    - Gecko OS: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Gecko_OS

    - Homebrew Channel (Follow instructions IF you don't know how to get it): http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_Channel#Installation

    - File Patch Code By Phantom Wings
    File Patch Code v3.5.1 (NTSC-U)
    E0000000 80008000
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    040223E0 48585BC0
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    065A7B10 0000000F
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    065A7A00 00000028
    9421FF80 BC410008
    3C60805A 60637B1F
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    38210080 4BE52995
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    80210000 807F0000
    4BC25854 00000000
    E0000000 80008000

    - Replacement SoundBank Engine By InternetExplorer and Dantarion
    Replacement SoundBank Engine v1.20
    80000000 80406920
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    38A00000 38C00000
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    38840004 81240000
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    80E50000 38A50008
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    4181FFD0 3C60805A
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    3B200000 41820014
    4E800421 3A400001
    9250FFF0 60000000
    60000000 00000000

    - The sfx (wav) files that you want in your brawl.

    You have them all!!!

    2.  Open smashbros_sound.brsar with Super Sawndz

    3.  On the list located on the left side, look for your character and expand his/her sound pack. (press the + button on the side of his/her name)

    4.  Look for the sound that you wanna replace in your character's sound pack.  (MAKE SURE IT'S SELECTED/HIGHLIGHTED WITH BLUE)

    5.  Click the "..." button and it will tell you to look for the wav file you want to replace the selected sound with.

    6.  After finding the wav file, click insert.  A lot of things are going to show up on the black window.  Wait until it says DONE.  (If you have multiple wav files that you want to replace the original character sounds with, go ahead and replace them with your wav files.

    7.  Go back and click your character's name.  (MAKE SURE IT'S SELECTED/HIGHTLIGHTED WITH BLUE)

    8.  Memorize the Group ID of the character.  

     9.  Click Create Sawnd.

    10.  In your SD card go to private>wii>app>RSBE>pf>sfx (AGAIN!  IF YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR sfx FOLDER IN THE pf FOLDER, MAKE IT!)

    11.  Name the file the group id of your character and export it in the sfx folder.

    12.  Congratulate yourself for using SFX in Gecko Happy Face

    Please feel free to post any problems that you have.

    « Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 08:54:02 PM by SharpHackz200 » Logged

    Expert Kitten
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    « Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 05:10:00 AM »

    would you like to give already the list of the Group ID's?

    Holy Kitten
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    « Reply #2 on: January 23, 2014, 09:28:32 PM »

    Sadly, this code will mess with other NOT HACKED sounds.

    Before someone attacks me:
    No, I won't say/accept the term "American" to refer exclusively to people or things from the United States.
    America is a continent and deal with it.
    I'm an American, but not necessarily from the U.S.

    Hyper Kitten
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    « Reply #3 on: January 25, 2014, 03:49:36 AM »

    Sadly, this code will mess with other NOT HACKED sounds.

    What do you mean???  Are you saying that it messes with the other original sounds of brawl?

    Holy Kitten
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    « Reply #4 on: January 25, 2014, 02:28:45 PM »

    What do you mean???  Are you saying that it messes with the other original sounds of brawl?

    Mostly with the Announcer SFX.

    Before someone attacks me:
    No, I won't say/accept the term "American" to refer exclusively to people or things from the United States.
    America is a continent and deal with it.
    I'm an American, but not necessarily from the U.S.

    Extreme Kitten
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    « Reply #5 on: January 25, 2014, 03:16:43 PM »

    Hey I admire the RSBE code but it is a shame that it does not work with Custom Sound Engine code  Embarrassed

    Hyper Kitten
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    « Reply #6 on: January 25, 2014, 09:54:15 PM »

    Mostly with the Announcer SFX.
    Hey I admire the RSBE code but it is a shame that it does not work with Custom Sound Engine code  Embarrassed

    Well, I never really had that problem.  Since I didn't really made this code, I'm not sure what the problem is Im srs here

    Nasca Corp
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    « Reply #7 on: June 15, 2015, 06:17:10 PM »

    wich other custom sounds code? like that one named " custom songs on custom stages? that names stgcustom01++++??

    and can you give me an example of the files on the sfx folder?? just the name for this example
    Thanks i wanna make this work becouse using wii scrubber is anyoing...

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