Finally, it's here.

Before starting this tut, please follow these guides in this order
1. you already have, continue reading
How to make rigged imports with 3DS max for smash 4 wii u
1. 3DS Max 2010 - 2017 (no 2014 tho, dunno why

2. Knowing how to rig (there are many tutorials on this here)
3. Python 2.7
First off, download the fighterCreator script here: Extract it wherever you like in a folder.
Now its time to find our model. To find other models from other games, go ahead and search on for video game models, or search on the internet elsewhere for a model, or even make your own
After you find a model, download it and extract it somewhere. Now, open up 3DS max. Drag the fbx/dae/obj/whatever it is over the current 3DS Max scene.
For example purposes, I will be using spongebob as a rig test. Drag it into max, now your object/s will be in the scene.
Drag the textures over each model and make sure they are applied right and show up properly.

If you see bones that the model already has, (for example, attempting to port a brawl mod) you want to remove those bones so you can re-rig onto the smash 4 skeleton.
Now, in the sm4shexplorer tool, goto data > fighter > fighter you are importing over > model > body > c00
(or any costume, doesnt matter unless the other costumes have different bonesets.)
Then right click on the costume folder (c00) and hit Extract.
Now, in the fighterCreator folder you downloaded, this should show up in the folder

Drag this also over the 3DS max scene.

Hit the import model button and locate to your sm4shexplorer folder > extract > data > fighter > fighter you want to import over > c00 >
Open the model.nud file (this is the object.)
Delete all the models that were just imported into the scene except for your model that you will be rigging over the skeleton of the fighter.

Eventually it should end up with your custom models with textures applied and the bones in the scene. You cannot touch or modify these bonesets (yet.)
Now, move your custom model around and rotate it and scale and move it up to match with the skeleton of your fighter.
Rig it as you would rig for brawl or any other game, add a skin modifier, mess with weights, etc, etc. If you don't know how, as I stated above, many tutorials for skinning and weighting exists.
Make sure your models all have a skin modifier applied and are rigged properly before exporting and testing. Errors you may get may happen due to improper weighting, dead vertices, too high quality of a model, etc.
Onwards to the next step. In the fighterCreator folder, drag this script file over the 3DS max interface.

It will ask you to save as dope.csv. Save in the fighterCreator folder.
After that, go to your smash explorer folder, then extract, then data, then fighter, then the name of the fighter you want to import over, then model, body, c00. Copy the model.vbn inside of the folder over there into the fighterCreator folder.
Now, open up the textures for your import in or your preferred photo editing program, and save them as DTX5 and DDS with generated mipmaps. Make sure to rescale all of your textures to be at least 128 x 128 if they aren't already. If for example, one of them is 128 x 64, you want to rescale it by the power of two to make it 256 x 128.
Place them all in the fighterCreator folder.
Now, hold shift in the fighterCreator folder and hit open command window here.

Now type dope.csv
and hit enter.
If there seems to be nothing unusual, you did it! Grab the model.nud and the model.nut and test it by installing it in sm4shexplorer.
"It won't create my model.nut! I have several textures, what is the problem?"
Edit the dope.csv with a program such as Notepad, and near the texture list, remove spaces between the texture names. If it says
mytexturename, myothertexture, texture3
You have to remove spaces after the comma to be like this:
Save and try again, it should create your model.nut just fine.
"My textures don't show up in the right places in the game, its all weird and screwy!"
If ingame the textures seem to bug, you have to export the model to a .DAE in 3DS max (there are many guides on this) and put it in this program here. it with it and select the directory where your .DAE is. Open the model in the viewer, and then tick the "Flip UVs" option and set export to the FBX format. A new file should be created (you have to re-rig with this model, sorry. I havent gotten bones noesis exports to not break, but if you find a way, please tell me.)
Have fun, and please comment if you need further help.
If you are planning on releasing a rigged import use this tool to fix texture id's. it in the sm4shexplorer folder and run it from there, when its done fixing check the workspace folder for the fixed model.nud and model.nut)
Thank you!
A tutorial for making texture hacks and CSPs and UI will come very soon, I promise.
Post Merge: September 30, 2016, 10:49:33 PM
Material editing? I'll link the tool and a page of what what materials do.
As for now, have fun making the main rig.